I guess it’s the Sun approaching that conjunction with Jupiter – picture a sort of Henry VIII figure sitting at a banquet table that’s groaning with food and drink, waving a turkey leg and hollering “Fetch me more mead!” Well, Sun/Jupiter or whatever, we’ve got a busy weekend coming up. Friday night my buddy Natori is lecturing at SDAS about Mars retrograde, so we’ll be going to that. It’s weird…I’ve been a member of SDAS for something like ten years, have been a speaker (and will be speaking again in April 2006), designed their website and act as webmistress, but I don’t think I’ve been to a meeting in three or four years. What can I say; nobody believes me, since I can be a fairly … strenuous personality, but basically I’m shy.
On Saturday my brother and his wife are descending from the high desert for an overnight visit. We’ll probably haul them off with us to our friend Claudia‘s art opening on Saturday night; she’s in a four-woman show, a tribute to Frida Kahlo and celebration of the Day of the Dead. Claudia’s paintings rule; I can’t wait to see her tributes to Frida.
Then Sunday is Jonny’s birthday, so we’re having some friends over for dinner and cake and general revelry. This month’s eclipses are really pounding him hard – conjuncting, opposing, and/or squaring his Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune – and he’s pretty stressed out. The guy could use some champagne, is all I’m sayin’… so we’ll do our best to cheer him up.
Full Moon is on Monday, so look for a new article on my website this Saturday. This one’s about eclipses (surprise, surprise). Speaking of which, I’m running a special on my eclipse reports: If you order one before the 17th you get a free “Sky Within” report, with text by Steven Forrest. Rush over now and buy a bushel!