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Astrology Highlights for Sep. 18-24, 2023: Laying Down the Burden

Tea Party Under a Harvest Moon

As the Sun opposes Neptune (Sep. 19, 2023, 4:17 am PDT), it’s on the Sabian symbol 27 Virgo, Grande dames at tea. We’re watching some Miss Marple mysteries at the moment, and this symbol makes me think of numerous scenes with Marple and a few other neatly attired women gossiping over tea in some grand manor home. It’s a scene of propriety, leisure, and the delicious pastime of commenting on others – and not always kindly.

When unchecked, the Sun in Virgo can symbolize an inclination toward critical gossip. But the Sun is opposed Neptune on the lovely Sabian symbol 27 Pisces, A harvest moon. It’s such a vibrant full moon image, evoking uninhibited mischief, playfulness, and magic under the moon’s light. When we let ourselves relax and play, there’s much less of a need to criticize others.

This opposition finds its balance and wisdom in knowing how to observe rules of etiquette, such as dressing and sipping our tea properly, without demanding that others do the same – and without losing touch of our joyous, wildish side.

Real Power

If you’d asked me when I was young whether I’d rather be rich or famous, fame would have won handily. Today, I’d lean the other way.

But actually, an extreme amount of either wealth or fame seems to come with its share of problems. It seems that our happiest, lightest, most joyful characteristics risk being dimmed or obliterated in either situation.

This week, as the Sun – symbol of the happy, full-hearted child within – trines formidable Pluto (Sep. 20, 2023, 10:21 pm PDT), true power comes from neither wealth nor fame, both of which make us vulnerable to the whims and avarice of others. Rather, the Sun trine Pluto illuminates the power that comes from joyfully embracing our true selves.

This kind of power can’t be given to us. We can become obscenely wealthy and still lose a partner. We can be elected to office or crowned a monarch, yet lack the love and respect of our constituents. Pluto reminds that real power can only come from within, and it can’t be taken away.

Sticking the Landing

The First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius (Sep. 22, 2023, 12:32 pm PDT) at 29º31′ Sagittarius bookmarks last month’s 1º Sagittarius First Quarter (Aug. 24). Apparently, the forces of the great beyond decided we needed a double dose of enthusiastic, get-‘er-done Sagittarius First Quarter Moon to get things moving.

Two First Quarter phases in a row in the same sign is a bit like watching a cat prepare to leap up on a bookcase, jump, and juuuuust miss the mark; he’ll need a few minutes to recover before trying again. This is our second recent try with a Sagittarius First Quarter to make its prescribed leap of faith. Let’s hope that this time, the cat sticks the landing.

Around here, that Virgo New Moon opposite Neptune (Sep. 14) shifted a lot of energy, and Mercury’s direct station the next day added to the unsteadiness. Suddenly, there were many demands on our attention. But as suggested by the Sun’s Sabian symbol at this First Quarter, Totally intent upon completing an immediate task, a man is deaf to any allurement, we need to focus on what’s most urgent and not let ourselves get sidetracked.

That won’t be easy, with the Sun and Moon both in mutable signs and in aspect to notoriously distracting Neptune. Luckily, if we dial into Neptune’s higher frequency, it will direct us toward the path of healing, helping, and compassion. Steer your vehicle onto that road and refuse to let yourself be distracted.

Laying Down the Burden

This week brings one of the year’s seasonal turning points as the Sun enters Libra (Sep. 22, 2023, 11:49 pm PDT). Traditionally, the Sun is considered weak – in its “fall” – in Libra. This only means that the Sun’s work, the realization of one’s individual genius and soul power, can be difficult to manage in a sign that’s specifically designed for partnership.

On the other hand, we learn things about ourselves in relationships that can’t be learned any other way. Whether it’s a romantic partner, a creative collaborator, or a dear friend, we’ll feel most alive sharing the shortening days with a companion. If we’re alone – and many are just now –it’s a time to make a conscious effort to reach out to others in whatever way we can. In Libra’s season, our personal Sun shines brightest in the company of others.

There is a soothing, romantic quality to Libra’s season; it’s a relief to lay down the burden of the Sun’s zealous self-discovery. Even the world itself seems lovelier. When the Sun is in this sign in Northern Hemisphere’s autumn, its light rests warmly, gently, on the fall trees changing color, the straw bales in the field, the newly-picked apples in bushel baskets. It’s a time of magic, when the softness of the light makes strangers more attractive, and the crispness of the air makes us long for the warmth of another’s arms.

Writing and images © 2017-23 by April Elliott Kent

For more on this week’s planetary news, listen to my podcast!

Helpful things…

3 comments to " Astrology Highlights for Sep. 18-24, 2023: Laying Down the Burden "

  • GabrielleB

    Great to see you in my inbox on a Wednesday – aha – nice one. Many demands on the attention, as you say, for sure !

  • OHMYGOSH I woke up this morning (Tuesday) convinced it was Monday. So you are not the only one.

  • isa

    lovely and accurate as always, april <3. can't help thinking of neil young's 'harvest moon', one of my faves by him… it always trasports me somewhere I've never been: open fields in the US at sunset at the end of summer, with someone I love <3… maybe next lifetime :). lots of love, isa

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