Board Meeting
Back in the days when I served on the board of my local astrology group, monthly meetings were a necessary (if not the most thrilling) administrative ritual. There, we brought together our reports, facts, and figures, and undertook critical decision-making as well.
Mercury is good at gathering information, and as it trines Saturn (June 26, 2024, 1:09 pm PDT), it presents that information to the board – or, since it’s in Cancer, perhaps a meeting of the household – to be used in long-range planning. Like a board meeting, this meeting of Mercury and Saturn is a fleeting and fairly routine aspect; but especially if you have important planets in the Mercury-ruled signs of Gemini or Virgo, it offers a couple of days of productive brainstorming. Mercury in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces are both empathetic placements, too; and with Saturn on the Sabian symbol A table set for an evening meal, this is an ideal moment to sit together with those you care about to set personal goals of long-ranging importance.
Facing East
This week’s Last Quarter Moon is in Aries (June 28, 2024, 2:53 pm PDT, 7º40 Aries). Aries’ superpower is taking action – dwelling neither in the past nor the distant future, but responding to the most urgent considerations in the here and now.
But the Last Quarter Moon is a serious, reflective phase. Why did we do what we did, say what we said? Do we need to make amends, or just be more conscious moving forward? Throw in the Moon’s square to sensitive Sun and Venus in Cancer, and Aries is working in an inhospitable environment for its fast-moving nature.
Then again, Aries was built for a challenge. At the Gemini New Moon, it may have been difficult to choose from many interests in order to formulate a singular goal or vision. But Aries does not have that problem; it is the acme of choosing one direction and flying boldly in its direction.
The Last Quarter Moon’s Sabian symbol is A large hat with streamers flying, facing east. East, the sunrise point, is the Aries direction, and those streamers are flying because Aries is running fast as it can, into the heart of the new day.
Care Package
It’s a rough world, and some days, you might feel like a tin can that’s been tied to the bumper of a car and dragged along for a few miles. You know what you need? You need a little Venus. And this week, Venus in Cancer arrives in a sweet, relaxed sextile to sensual Mars in Taurus (June 28, 2024, 9:49 pm PDT).
Sextiles show up as invitations, meetings, correspondence, visitors – all of which offer opportunities. And when it’s magnetic Venus issuing the invitations, they’re all but impossible to refuse.
Venus in Cancer woos us with fresh baked cookies, a beautiful home, a warm pat on the hand and a comforting “there, there.” Just what a dented tin can of a person might need just now.
Sometimes – like at the Aries Last Quarter Moon earlier the same day – life gives us a good shake just to get us moving forward. Venus’ sextile to Mars fortifies us for the journey with loving comfort, like Mom sending us off on a road trip with a care package filled with our favorite treats.
The Tasks Meant for Us
Saturn turns retrograde this week (June 29, 2024, 12:06 pm PDT) at 19º25′ Pisces. Whenever Saturn’s in the process of turning retrograde or direct, it’s best to avoid taking on new responsibilities. Instead, focus on commitments that you’ve already taken on – especially the ones you assumed reluctantly – and renegotiate them. This retrograde station calls back to Saturn’s journey since it turned direct on November 4, 2023; maybe you’ve taken on more than you bargained for, or your personal circumstances have changed since you signed up for duty, making it necessary to back away.
That’s not to say you should use this as an excuse to give up on something simply because you’ve lost interest. Persistence is a Saturnian virtue. But some challenges simply aren’t ours to undertake, and as Saturn turns retrograde, we are better able to recognize them. And then, once Saturn turns direct again (Nov. 15, 2024), we’ll be in a better position to take on the tasks that were meant for us.
All in how you look at things
Mercury sextiles Uranus (June 29, 2024, 7:20 pm Pacific Time) at 25º40’ Cancer and Taurus. Mercury is on the symbol 26 Cancer, Contentment and happiness in luxury, people reading on davenports and Uranus is on 26 Taurus, A Spaniard serenading his senorita. On these gracious degrees of contentment and romance, it seems right to dedicate our mental energy to things that are enjoyable, not just the things that are essential.
Uranus’ musical symbol frames this transit as an opportunity to use our ideas and words to move forward toward the change that Uranus represents – even though Cancer and Taurus as signs are generally not big fans of change, and even though Uranus’ changes are often disruptive and unpleasant. But Mercury in harmony with Uranus suggests that maybe it’s all in how you look at things. Change can also mean an end to unpleasant circumstances. Sometimes, change is the only way to achieve harmony.
Writing and images © 2017-24 by April Elliott Kent
For more on this week’s planetary news, listen to my podcast!