Come on. You know what’s coming next. We opened the box, which had obviously been opened before, because vital pieces of the installation kit were missing. And so, to avoid comical reenactments of Kramer’s faulty “installation” of Jerry’s a/c on Seinfeld (it ended up falling out of a third-story window and onto a dog), Jonny retrograded to Sears and fetched a replacement. Which was perfect, and has now been installed, and has transformed my office into a climate controlled Xanadu. I tell you, it is heaven on earth!
See? A Mercury retrograde happy ending! (Except for Jonny, who did all the heavy lifting….)
Oh, and because I apparently didn’t have enough on my hands with two or three websites and a blog, I’ve carved out a little spot on MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/aekent. I have no idea what I’ll end up doing over there, but let me know if you’d like to be added to my “friends” list.