Relationship astrologer Elizabeth Hathway recently interviewed me about wedding astrology for her blog. She’s running the interview in installments over the next few days in Dutch, and with her permission I’m offering it here for English language readers. You can read the first installment here.
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Elizabeth: Could you tell us a little bit about the work you do with couples. How involved do you get with the wedding procedure and what sort of customers come to you for this service? Are they just regular people or are they also astrologers?
April: Almost all my wedding electional clients have some knowledge of astrology, probably because those are the only people who realize that choosing a wedding date with astrology is even an option! I would say most of my clients fall in the beginning-to-intermediate range in terms of their astrological knowledge, though a number of advanced and professional clients come to me to get an objective recommendation. Both kinds of clients present unique challenges. It can be tricky to explain to people who are not terribly advanced in astrology why, for instance, a Thursday afternoon in April might be so much better astrologically than the Saturday evening in June that they had their hearts set on. But advanced clients tend to have their own astrological preferences and find it difficult to surrender to another astrologer’s way of doing things!
I ask all my clients to fill out a questionnaire that helps them tell me about the relationship, what they see as their trouble spots and what they’d like to accentuate in the marriage. If they want lots of kids, I’m not going to place a lot of hard planets in the fifth house of the wedding chart! I also ask them to define the range of dates I can choose from, days of the week when they will consider holding their ceremony, and times of day they will consider. I look at every single date that qualifies and choose the best three dates available. Then I write up a full report that describes the energy of those dates and what they accentuate/reflect in the natal/composite charts.
Elizabeth: Finally, do you have any future plans for more books? If so… what will your next topic be?
April: I’ve spent the past ten years cranking out 1,000 word essays, so writing a book was a bit like running a marathon when I’d only trained as a sprinter! I have enjoyed the process of writing and promoting the book, but it’s also incredibly time-consuming and like most working astrologers, I’m always trying to find a way to squeeze a few more minutes out of each day as it is. That said, there are a couple of books I’d love to write. One would be a book about eclipses, which are my other astrological passion. Another would be a collection of personal essays about astrology and the seasons. That’s the kind of writing that I think I do best so that’s a book I’d love to write!
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