How are you holding up?
My own little corner of the world has been extraordinarily busy, though not nearly as dramatically and unpleasantly so as in other parts of the world. I spent the first part of last week in a whirlwind of preparation for an event we hosted at our house, and by Thursday I was out of gas, laid out on the couch feeling really ill. Friday and Saturday were a near-total wash. Today, I’m back to work but really struggling to move forward.
Part of the problem is that I seem to have lost the knack for sleeping. My mind is filled with too many video images of boats on top of buildings, with too many breathless newscasters debating whether or not Japan’s nuclear plants are on the brink of a complete meltdown, too many internet headlines screaming about Gaddafi and Wisconsin. Usually I have no problem falling asleep, just trouble staying that way. But last night, my body felt as though it were plugged into a wall socket, like it wanted to get up and run around the block but at the same time, was absurdly exhausted.
Falling asleep was out of the question.
Uranus, newly in Aries, is making a lot of aspects to my birth chart, and it’s sitting together with my progressed Moon, opposed my progressed Sun. I’ve got too many psychic appliances plugged in to my nervous system, too many irons in the fire, too many claims on my time, attention, and heart; my circuits are overloading and my battery has melted down. Far away from the epic events that are shaking up our world, I nevertheless feel drained by them, worried and heartsick and tired.
Who would have guessed that I – so insular, the stereotypical American isolationist – was connected by some mysterious, invisible apparatus to …. Libya? That somewhere inside of me, emotional tentacles are apparently attached to Japan, a country I’ve never had the least interest in even visiting? That I cared so passionately about labor unions?
All along, I figured Uranus moving into Aries would shock us, shake us, and waken us. I just didn’t know that the Great Awakener would literally deprive me of the rest I need to sort it all out.
How about you: Is Uranus in Aries keeping you up nights?