It’s just been… so hot. So very, very, horribly, witheringly hot. We spent the weekend in Long Beach (merely uncomfortable) and South Pasadena (life-threateningly, Godawfully hot) and came home last night to a stifling house (despite every window being open and every fan running) and two annoyed cats.
This is the fourth straight week of the nastiest summer weather I can remember in all our years in San Diego, and we’re just worn out. The worst part is the constant fatigue. Despite drinking gallons of water, eating light, and generally taking it easy, we’re having a hard time getting anything done. It’s like one of those dreams where you’re running and running and never getting anywhere.
“I’m sorry… did you want to talk about the weather?” [/Bill Murray]
I didn’t think so. Sorry. I’ve spent days using every available brain cell to convince myself I’m not dying of heat stroke, and it’s kind of hard to make the transition to other topics.
Topic: Transiting Saturn conjuncts my natal Sun later this week. Yes, yes, it’s also ramping up to its opposition with Neptune at the end of next month, and that’s a shame, certainly, and a worry of far more global consequence. But I’m sorry, it’s like those airplane warnings about how, in the case of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, you should slap that oxygen mask on yourself first before tending to others: I’ve got to dig out from under this huge boulder I’m pinned under before I can give too much energy to The World.
I keep trying to think of the heartening words of cheer I give my clients, whenever they’re grappling with Saturn transits. “Strengthen your body,” I tell them. “Refuse to give up! When life pushes you around, push back!” Heh. Can you hear my natal Mars/Saturn trine in there? But … maybe it’s transiting Neptune exerting its influence in this situation, because all I want is some sleep and some central air conditioning. Work? Push? What great advice; shame about the 90 degree heat, or I’d take it.