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Moving into Scorpio time

If you’ve been wondering why everything is taking about three times longer than it should these days, look to Mars in laconic Taurus, gathering static electricity as it reluctantly scoots toward a showdown with Neptune in Aquarius (July 24) and Saturn in Leo (July 31). Frustrating!

Hereabouts, I’ve been hammering away at various website projects – including a long-delayed redesign of Big Sky Astrology – for weeks now, and it’s hard to see an end in site. It’s one of those running-and-not-getting-anywhere sort of nightmare scenarios. Some days, in fact, it actually feels like I’m moonwalking backwards through time. Tedious!

Meanwhile, this morning found the normally placid Kentian household routine upended by our second annual Mars/Saturn sewer blockage. A doff of the cap to Ramon from Rescue Rooter, who appeared in record time to restore the flow through our drainpipes (unfortunately, while dramatically increasing the flow of cash from our bank account to theirs). Efficient!

The rule of thumb whenever a T-square is building in the sky – two planets in opposition, each squared by a third, and all in signs of the same modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable) – is that the resulting energy spills into the fourth sign of that modality. And so for the rest of the month, we’ll increasingly find our attention channeled toward Scorpio space – at its best, a quiet and richly creative haven for magic and imagination; on less congenial days, a backup of raw sewage. As always when Scorpio is involved, it’s an especially energetic time for ritual, for laying our tangle of Mars/Saturn/Neptune frustrations at the feet of the Rescue Rooter gods and saying, “I give up on this mess. Why don’t you take it from here?”

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Book news: As an unanticipated benefit of Venus moving through my ninth house, I received a new and (vastly) improved version of the cover art for my book, with quite a lovely illustration. Nice enough to coax me off the ledge and away from the Kleenex box, anyway. It’s anyone’s guess whether this will really be the final cover (especially with Venus about to turn retrograde), but at least there is hope that my humble tome will hit the bookstores wearing sensible clothes. Whew.

5 comments to " Moving into Scorpio time "

  • Coolio on the book cover. Sweeeet! 😀

  • Thanks, elsa – it’s a vast relief! 🙂

    This whole book experience is teaching me a lot about control and the creative process… lessons I suspect I’m not through learning quite yet. Fucking Pluto in the 9th house. 😉

  • Massive congrats, Kent! I’m buying it now! 😀

    Although, I’m not looking forward to the insane t-square I have next Tuesday: natal Neptune in Scorpio the first squared by t. Neptune in the fourth house and opposed by t. Mars in Taurus in the seventh. I wish I could just hide that day, but high ho high ho, you know. I need some extra-thick armor that day! Preferable extra thick kevlar.

  • I feel like time is speeding up….

    Congrats on the book cover.

    Hey, do you do transit readings. I need a reading, not a report. The more I look at my transits the more I want to hide….forever.

  • Thanks, Maria! – and good luck with that t-square. Um, yuck. The kevlar’s in the mail.

    Nancy, I know what you mean. What the heck happened to July? I’ve been taking a little break from doing readings but I’m just about to get back to them. Drop me an email at april(at) and we can talk about it.

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