Mr. Grenier, to the uninitiated, is the handsome young star of HBO’s series “Entourage” (in which he convincingly portrays… a handsome young star) and guest star of “The Devil Wears Prada.” Last night he made a surprise cameo in a dream in which I was hosting a rather miserable party. It seems my brother (who in real life never comes to any of my parties, but then neither does Adrian Grenier – the bastard) had invited a bunch of his buddies to my bash, and they not only showed up well in advance of him but also polished off all the beer. Just as the last brewskie was popped open, my buddy Adrian arrives. Apparently he and I have such a warm, affectionate relationship that not only do I feel perfectly comfortable sending him out for beer, HE CHEERFULLY AGREES to the errand. Dreams rule!
Now if I were 15 years younger and Adrian Grenier had a walk-on part in one of my dreams, I hope I’d be putting him to work doing something a little racier than running to 7-11 for beer. But even in dreamland, when you’re an overwhelmed, tired, middle-aged woman with too many guests and too little grog, the likes of Adrian Grenier are little more than a pair of (presumably gorgeous) helping hands and a willing set of car keys.
Isn’t it fun to imagine our dreams are cast with celebrities who perfectly embody the transits and progressions moving through our charts? I’m not (much) given to magical thinking, but I like to believe something in my unconscious perceives the astrological matrix of a celebrity even when my waking mind has not given them a second thought. For instance, I’ve watched nearly every episode of “Entourage”, big old HBO whore that I am, and I enjoy the Grenier vibe – he seems like a guy who honestly likes women. Sure enough, a quick glance at Mr. Grenier’s natal planets reveals the Sun (conjunct Venus) at 18+ degrees of woman-loving Cancer – just a tad off an opposition to today’s New Moon in Capricorn at 17.33 Capricorn.
Thank you, Mr. Grenier, for your deft portrayal of the antidote to this New Moon (which happens to fall within shouting distance of my natal second-house Saturn in the 2nd house – can you say “scarcity complex”?). Trying to provide for the entertainment needs of scores of people but running short on the necessaries, like booze? Just ask for assistance from a young, sweet, straight-but-honestly-likes-women sensitive guy. And make it domestic beer, Adrian. Unless you’re buying.