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Highlights for June 8-14, 2020: Dreamtime


Dates and times are given for U.S. Pacific Time zone. Click them to see the date and time where you are.


As the Sun in airy Gemini aspects Neptune in watery Pisces (June 11, 2020, 2:37 am PDT), we might experience a crisis of confidence about whether we have all the answers, or even know the right questions. At work beneath the surface is an invitation to leave the ego aside and plunge into the ocean of self-invention. Letting go of our preconceived ideas of who we are is an opportunity to better understand what it’s possible for us to become.

Lots of people tell me they’ve been sleeping a lot more during quarantine. I know I have. The willful, prideful world hit a wall last March; it will take awhile to recover from the shock. I like to think that in between the Netflix binges and junk food, the hand-washing and naps, we’ve been dreaming a new reality. One, perhaps, that’s a little slower and less stressful, and hopefully a little kinder, a little more communal.


As the Sun in Gemini enters its final decanate, the world is slowly coming back to life. After months in quarantine, we’re beginning to repopulate the freeways and stores, the beaches and parks. The rational Mercury mind has done its equations and deems it time for us to rub our eyes, give up our wanton afternoon naps, and resume our normal affairs.

At the Last Quarter Moon in Pisces (June 12, 2020, 11:23 pm PDT), which lies in close conjunction to Mars and Neptune, that rationale is at odds with instinct, fear, superstition, and sadness. As the world gradually emerges from its coma, the Pisces Last Quarter Moon prompts the question, “Is normal possible?” And because the Last Quarter likes to ask the bigger questions: “Is it even desirable?”

I hasten to assure you that of course, I want people resume their work and livelihoods. I want to eat a restaurant again, to visit the elephants at the zoo, and shop for groceries without a mask. While some feel that it’s too soon to resume regular routines because they fear becoming ill, my hesitation to embrace normal is because I appreciated the rest. From my very, very privileged perspective, there has been a lovely, dreamlike quality to this time. The dazzling clarity of the air, the neighborhood dogs quietly happy with their home bound owners, families taking walks in the neighborhood in the middle of a weekday afternoon, the general lack of FOMO. For this introvert, not feeling pressured to engage with the world outside my cozy little home has been a blissful respite.

I guess what I’m saying is that I want the world to wake up, but that I’ll miss the dreamtime, too.


Children play make-believe. It’s a wonderful way to try out what it’s like to be something, or someone, else. Even if the games are warlike, as they sometimes are, they provide a way of developing imagination and empathy.

As grownups, many of us can’t or don’t make time for imaginative play. Special dispensation is given to those who produce especially fine fiction, music, or film for the rest of us. But consuming the entertainment created by others doesn’t serve the same function as playing ourselves. And at least in the modern world, we’re often kept too busy earning a living to give ourselves over to leisure.

As Mars comes together with Neptune in Pisces (June 13, 2020, 7:13 am PDT) for a new 2-year cycle, it’s on the brink of Mars’ extended Rx journey through Aries, its home sign. Aries is a bold, brash, uncomplicated sign. It says, “I see it, I want it, I take it.”

Mars in Pisces, though, especially in combination with Neptune, is the Balsamic Mars placement. Before it enters its home sign, Mars in Pisces examines our anger, our desires, our warlike tendencies, to evaluate what will be helpful moving forward and what must be left by the road. It’s like a long soak in the tub before bed, before we sleep like sweet children, waking refreshed, happy, and ready for play.

Writing and collages © 2020 April Elliott Kent

Jen and I dig deep into all the week’s highlights
in our latest podcast episode,
29 | Neptune Washing Over All, and the US Pluto Return

Helpful things…

6 comments to " Highlights for June 8-14, 2020: Dreamtime "

  • In the last few days, I was questioning my ability to accomplish goals and meet my deadlines. I have been dreaming of a new reality with a new job in a different country. Thank you for this article. This is exactly what I needed right now.

  • Leah Shaver

    Happy Twentieth Anniversary, April. Dream On. <3 Leah

  • Jana Moreno

    Hello April,
    Every week I look forward to your forecast for the coming days ahead.
    This was one of my favorites! I’m going to share it with my closest friends and family members.
    Thank you for your time and dedication! You are very special and I appreciate you very much!
    Congratulations on 10 years of being successful with this website! You are a gift to all of us!
    With gratitude always,

  • RonjaThePigeon

    Happy birthday Big Sky!

  • Sammy Merrick

    Thank you as always, for sharing your insights and thoughts. I also look forward to seeing what imagery you are going to use!
    You have a clear and concise way of imparting your information, in such away as it is gentle and a pleasure to read 😊

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