Seeking Illumination
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Your own big picture
The Full Moon in Pisces (Sep. 1, 2020, 10:22 pm PDT) falls on the Sabian Symbol, 11 Pisces: Men seeking illumination. The Sun is on 11 Virgo: A boy moulded in his mother’s aspirations for him. Both suggest an examination of the ways in which the expectations of others, or the ones we have for ourselves, have formed us and impact our ability to see the big picture and to discover our true natures.
Like all Full Moon weeks, this one holds insights into personal awareness and relationships clarity – especially with Venus making keys aspects and changing signs. All is illuminated at the Full Moon, and with the Sun and Moon both in good aspect to Uranus, the revelations could be surprising. (See my essay for more thoughts on the Pisces Full Moon.)
The nexus
Love is easy, but relationships take work. That’s the message of this week’s Venus/Saturn opposition (Sep. 2, 2020, 5:17 am PDT). This is certainly true of relationships based on love, but those centered on shared values or money (also ruled by Venus) also require ongoing effort.
An opposition is an aspect that gives us the opportunity to stand on either side and get a clearer view of the other. We may stand in Venus and observe how Saturn enriches our relationships with stability and commitment – or that it sometimes seems like a wet blanket that says “no” to everything. And we may stand in Saturn and appreciate how Venus’ beauty, grace, and pleasure make life worth living – or dismiss its contributions as frivolous. The sweet spot lies in the middle, where Venus and Saturn meet at a nexus of committed love, well-compensated work, pleasure and discipline.
Speaking of balance, this week also features the Sun in self-sufficient Virgo trine independent Uranus (Wed. Sep. 2, 2020, 7:08 am PDT) – an excellent reminder that the most satisfying relationships are between people who honor and cultivate their individual identities, and give each other appropriate breathing room.
There’s a certain kind of person who thrives on interpersonal drama. They like to pick fights with their partner at parties. They enjoy the challenge of stealing another person’s spouse. They distrust the moment in a relationship when they have begun to feel a little bit comfortable; maybe this means the passion has gone out of it all. Such a person seems to mistake disruption for passion.
That sort of dynamic is one potential face of this week’s Venus in Cancer square Mars in Aries (Sep. 4, 2020, 2:13 am PDT). This aspect suggests a conflict, whether in a relationship or within oneself, between a craving for coziness and comfort and a desire for action and challenge. Whether you naturally gravitate toward one side or the other, the work of the square aspect is to find a way to combine them. The huge potential advantage of this aspect, which flavors the entire week, is a chance to wake up to conflict and, in resolving it, to grow closer and more passion than ever.
This week, Mercury shifts from Virgo, sign of never-quite-satisfied perfectionism, and toward Libra and encounters with the outside world. It’s no longer enough to consider what we are, have, think, want, create, or serve; now, we encounter and must negotiate with The Other and all their needs.
Mercury in Libra (Sep. 5, 2020, 12:47 pm PDT) asks us to consider how best to articulate what we think, or ask for what we want, in a way that’s best designed to make all parties happy. But the road ahead for all planets moving into Libra in the coming weeks will be complicated by the road blocks and noisy, dusty construction zone of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. We’ll talk about that as we go along. For now, it’s enough to enjoy what’s lovely and delightful in sharing our thoughts and affections with lovely and delightful others.
What are you hankering for? As Venus enters Leo (Sep. 6, 2020, 0:22 am PDT) it can probably be conveyed with a single word: passion. Love that curls your toes, music that stirs your heart and sets your toes tapping, a performance that elevates your spirit.
Venus had a tough time in Cancer, making hard aspects to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto and limping to the finish line with a few bruises. We’ve earned some fun, and Venus’ transit through Leo is a most appropriate season for celebrations and recreation.
Dress in the colors of Leo, the colors of the Sun. Add a little sparkle. Leave the house looking spectacular. Enjoy fizzy drinks. Flirt. Play. Venus will be in Virgo soon enough (Oct. 3), and the tide turns toward self-improvement. For now, appreciate what you already are.
Writing and collages © 2020 April Elliott Kent
Jen and I explore all the week’s highlights in our latest podcast episode,
41 | Pisces Full Moon and the Yin to Your Yang
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