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Episode 78 | Mars in Cancer: Crawling with Pinchers

April and Jen translate the skies for you, as Mercury and the Sun get physical in Taurus, Mars crawls into his Cancer shell, and we welcome a hot-blooded, heart-centered Leo First Quarter Moon! Also, Venus teams up with Uranus for unexpected pleasures, but argues with Saturn over baggage – and Mercury jumps in to play mediator. Plus: free lunches, an expressive garden hose, and grabby pets!

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00:30 – The Sun, Mercury, and Mars all change signs, so moods and style of behavior are all shifting, too! But remember that this translation is our interpretation – take what feels right and leave the rest (as always)!

02:22 – Mercury and the Sun both enter Taurus (April 19). Our style of communicating becomes slower and more thoughtful, and energy and inspiration come from communing with the physical world. (To hear about Venus’s entry into Taurus, review Episode 77, The Crescent Moon & Getting our Ducks in a Row.)

08:11 – This week’s Moonwatch segment is brought to you by our non-imaginary sponsor: Victoria Pendragon! Check out her personal natal chart paintings!

10:26 – **MOONWATCH ** We have a Leo First Quarter Moon (FQM) this week (April 19)! The Moon is on the Sabian symbol for 1 Leo, “A case of apoplexy.” The Sun is on 1 Taurus, “A clear mountain stream.” Perhaps this is a warning about getting upset and going over the top? But we’re also reminded to relax and pause for refreshment! Leo symbolizes creative expression, and this FQM is connected to the New Moon at 29 Cancer from July 20, 2020 (Episode 35, A Second Cancer New Moon, and Savoring the Sun in Leo). What were you wishing you had more time to do last summer? What is your path with heart?

13:00 – This FQM opposes/squares the point where Jupiter and Saturn conjoined, which was a big deal! (Episode 61, The Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn: We Feel Bloated!) Do you have anything around 0° of fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius)? This might be a moment of awareness regarding what that conjunction meant for you – as time passes, these themes are revealed. And because that meet-up was at 0°, it can take time for the unfolding story to exhibit itself in your life.

14:55 – Venus joins up with Uranus at 10.13 Taurus (April 22/23) on the symbol, “A woman sprinkling flowers.” This combination can bring unexpected pleasures, unexpected income or expenditures, or there may be new developments in relationships.

16:36 – Mercury copies Venus and also meets with Uranus at 10.18 Taurus (April 23/24). The planet of communication – together with the planet of break-ups/break-downs/breakthroughs – can bring flashes of inspiration, ideas for improving practical challenges, and radical or shocking speech.

17:32 – Mars leaves his scissors behind, and swims into Cancer (April 23)! In the sign of the crab, the planet of action tends to defend loved ones, or there may be themes of family battles. Folks may seem a little more prickly, defensive, and a slightly more frustrated. Helpful hint: When problems arise, it might be worthwhile to take a step back, and see if there is a more strategic way to work through issues.

20:40 – Venus makes a square to Saturn at 12.52 Aquarius (April 24/25) on the Sabian symbol for 13 Taurus, “A man handling baggage.” There’s no such thing as a free lunch! And perhaps this symbol is saying: If we want to have good relationships, we’ll need to “handle our baggage.” (This opening square is linked to Feb. 5, 2021. Listen to Episode 67, Venus Joins a Crowded Aquarius Party for more on that.)

22:09 – Mercury, at nearly the same degree (12.53 Taurus), squares Saturn as well and finishes the Saturn work that Venus started (April 25). Communicating is key, and this could be a good time to deal with difficult conversations, complete a written project, study for an exam, or prepare for an important meeting.

22:41 – Later that day, Mercury catches up to Venus at 13.47 Taurus (April 25) on the odd symbol, “Shellfish groping and children playing,” which of course makes us think of a certain kitty named Toby! Mercury coming together with Venus is a good moment to improve communication.

24:34 – Mercury first joined up with Saturn on Jan. 9, 2021, so go back to Episode 63, Mars Enters Taurus (And There Was Much Rejoicing!) and think about what was happening for you then. (And hey, while you’re at it, it would probably be wise to review  Episode 69, Saturn and Uranus: That Escalated Quickly!, since the ginormous Saturn/Uranus square is getting triggered this week.)

26:50 – If you’d like to support the show (at no cost to you!) please give us lots of stars, subscribe or follow, and/or leave a happy review – here’s how! This episode is made possible by donors MARTISA REGISTER, NICKY BONNER, and CELESTE BROOKS! Thank you, Martisa, Nicky, and Celeste for contributing to our Podathon! And if any other dear podpals haven’t had the chance to donate, please toss $5 or more our way and we’ll send you an invitation to our upcoming special solstice/equinox episodes! Thanks, and have a good week!

2 comments to " Episode 78 | Mars in Cancer: Crawling with Pinchers "

  • Dear April and Jen,

    Thank you for the lovely shout-out and kind words. It means so much to me. I love your podcast and it was a pleasure to contribute. Happy Taurus Season!

    • April

      Thanks so much for that, Celeste, and for the gift of the lunar phase families! You were the first to tell us about them, and they’re so helpful. xoxo April

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