I woke this morning thinking about how exhausting that lunar eclipse on Saturday was, and about how I’m just beginning to find my balance. And my mind kept returning to this old essay about the impermanence of things – right down to the earth beneath our feet – and about how that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
TectonicsDuring this season of eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn – the signs of security and home, and of the larger world outside it – here is some food for thought: As much as we seek security, our souls know we need movement in order to keep growing. Even the earth – our home – is not a given, not a solid platform we stand upon. Like life, it’s a relatively thin and fragile thing, broken into big pieces that bang together, drift apart, and graze each other in passing – full of movement and change, designed to put us exactly where we need to be and to keep us wondering where, precisely, that is. read the full article here