Astrology Q & A: Building an astrology practice in a new city
I’m in a new town and I want to offer my classes to the public, eventually developing a way of offering my classes to corporations. Do you have any marketing ideas that can get me in contact with the right audience?
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UAC 2012 (Part Two): The Conference
I went to a few sessions, but not as many as I have at past conferences. I find I don’t have a lot of patience anymore for sitting still and listening to much of anything for an hour and ten minutes; or perhaps it was all those transiting planets in Gemini. In any event, here were a few of the sessions I sat in on, along with some of my fairly shallow notes, tweets, and observations.
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UAC 2012 (Part One): Hola From Nola
Once we mastered a few simple survival tips (move slow; hug the shade; stay indoors between noon and 8 pm; drink lots), New Orleans got under our skin pretty quickly.
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In 1992 I went to my first UAC conference. For the uninitiated, the United Astrological Congress is sponored by three of the biggest astrological organizations, NCGR, ISAR, and AFAN, and is usually held every three years or so. It’s like Woodstock or the Academy Awards for astrologers, with an international …
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How to Write an Astrology Book in 11 Weeks
I just finished writing a 400-page astrology book in eleven weeks. I did it without collaborators or ghost writers, and while I managed to recycle a limited amount of material from my archives, it didn’t amount to much. Still, I met my terrifyingly tight deadline on time, sanity more or less intact. Here’s how to replicate my feat.
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Remember that marriage survey?
A couple of years ago, many of you were kind enough to participate in my survey about marriage. The results of the project can be found in my article “When Will I Get Married?”, which appears in the Aug/Sep 2010 issue of The Mountain Astrologer magazine. I share the top …
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A decade of Big Sky Astrology
Today I’m celebrating the 10th anniversary of – which was actually yesterday, but I remembered too late in the evening to write a post or, for that matter, have a piece of birthday cake. In the early summer of 2000 the site had already existed for a year, but …
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The Astrological “I” Redux: Anecdotal Overdose?
Back in 2005 I wrote an article called The Astrological ‘I’: Putting the Self Back in Astrology, which argued for the use of personal stories in astrology. What a difference five years make! These days, astrology blogs (not to mention Facebook accounts) abound that offer seemingly endless insights into the …
Read MoreNew Moon in my 8th house: Other people’s projects
This may seem ironic in view of my last post… but here are a few things my colleagues are up to that I thought you might find interesting. The witty, urbane, and whimsically Canadian Matthew Currie has published the first in a series of small yet delectable e-books. This one …
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Only in it for the money
Most professional astrologers have run across people who are not just skeptical of astrology, but who have a real axe to grind against astrologers. Apparently, we are money-hungry grifters who amass huge piles of dough from the gullible saps who seek our useless guidance. Yep, they’re on to us – …
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