But our old car is still in the shop two weeks after we took it in. The process of moving one – just one! – of our utilities into my spouse’s name (so he can prove his city residency when he, say, hauls a truckload of stuff to the local landfill) took a full week and resulted in the temporary interruption of our cable TV (a blessing?) and internet (GASP!) and the loss of huge chunks of email from our cable company’s server. Husband and I keep losing keys, books, parking passes, bills, tools, our minds.
We’re on the cusp of the Last Quarter Moon in Mercury-ruled Gemini (tomorrow evening at 7:16 pm PDT) and today, in particular, has felt like a struggle. Dana Gerhardt says of this phase, “No matter how it looks, your frustrations now result more from inner conditions than outer.” Oh, I suppose so; and yet I can’t help thinking my inner conditions would be a lot more mellow if these outer frustrations would move along and pester someone else!
On the other hand, there have been some isolated bright spots. A long-lost book, finally located. The return of several clients for followup readings. Untangling a particularly vexing, long-standing problem for a web client. The grumbling trip to a second grocery store after the first was missing necessary ingredients, and noticing something there that I needed for my recipe and had forgotten to put on the list.
These are small victories, yes – but then, I guess the frustrations have been kind of small too. Why is it so much more seductive to focus on what’s gone wrong, than it is to contemplate what’s gone well?