TRANSCRIPT Ep. 258 (9.30.24)
Libra New Moon/Solar Eclipse: A Decisive Cut!
Hello Invisible Friend, April here, and the date today is September 30th, 2024. Welcome to Episode 258 of the Big Sky Astrology Podcast.
This week, the last Libra New Moon solar eclipse that we’ll have for quite some time. Mercury makes a conjunction with the Sun and then enters a conflict with Mars. Venus trines Saturn. And I answer a listener question about interpreting a transit in your birth chart.
Mercury conjoins the Sun (Sep. 30, 2024, 2:09 pm PDT)
On September 30th at 2:09 pm Pacific Time, Mercury makes an exact conjunction with the Sun in Libra at 8º 11’ Libra. It’s on the Sabian symbol 9 Libra, Three old masters hanging in an art gallery. This aspect, when a planet is in a close conjunction with the Sun, is called cazimi. It’s an Arabic term that means in the heart of the Sun.
And the aspect has to be very precise in order to be cazimi. It has to be within about 17 minutes of arc. On this day, Mercury is actually cazimi, between 5:35 am and 10:47 p. m. Pacific Time. Because the Sun is such a powerful influence, when Mercury is standing that close to the Sun it’s like standing next to a celebrity and getting some of that reflected glory.
Mercury is the planet of communicating and of thought processes generally. When we see it cazimi, together with the Sun, it actually is a lovely symbol of having those kinds of aha moments and bright insights that we often hope for. Mercury is still in the sign of Libra, and that brings grace, diplomacy, tact, and balance. So, this is an aspect that’s very beneficial in anything that requires convincing or persuading someone else to see things our way.
So, this is a noteworthy moment on September 30th, at 2:09 pm Pacific time, where we can have communication breakthroughs, aha moments, and be able to persuade others to see things the way we do.
Libra New Moon/Solar Eclipse (Oct. 2, 2024, 11:49 am PDT)
And now for the Moon Report, and it begins with the Libra New Moon solar eclipse on October 2nd at 11:49 am Pacific Time, at 10º, 3’ Libra, on the Sabian symbol 11 Libra, A professor peering over his glasses. Now, this is the last eclipse that we will have in Libra until 2033, and that one will be a bit different, because at that time, the North Node will be transiting through Libra, whereas for the last 18 months or so, the South Node has been in Libra, and that has flavored the eclipses that we’ve had in that sign as representing the need to let go of some of the negative traits that can sometime be found in the sign of Libra.
Past eclipses that we had at this degree can be very interesting to look back on because things that were happening in your life at that time that were significant, there will likely be some flavor or hint of that this time around as well. Look back to the solar eclipse on October 3rd, 1986 – that was at 10º 16’ Libra, and the solar eclipse on October 3rd, 2005 at 10º18’ Libra, and you might find some correlation between what was important in your life then and what is important now.
Eclipses shake us up, and they shake us up in order to get us to let go of the negative traits of the South Node of the Moon, so that we can move forward towards the North Node.
At this particular New Moon, Mars in Cancer at 15º46’ is square the Sun and Moon at 10º Libra. Mars is a planet that cuts, or separates, and this accentuates the quality of releasing that is necessary at this eclipse, with the eclipse point so close to the south node of the Moon.
Eclipses are already pretty volatile. They act almost like a transit of Uranus, in that they can bring surprising change that isn’t always terribly welcome. But then we bring Mars into the mix, and things can get very heated, very quickly. On the one hand, that’s great if you have been needing to make a decision about something, usually about a relationship, since the eclipse is in Libra, and that it’s been very hard to make the decisive cut with the past or with people in your life that are really not helping you be your best self.
This eclipse, although it can be a little bit contentious… Sometimes, that’s what we need to break with the past and move forward.
Lunar Phase Family Cycle
This is the New Moon in a Lunar Phase Family Cycle that will unfold over the next few years. And because this New Moon is an eclipse, it’s symbolizing an important change in our lives, and that can take a little while to develop. So, we can actually expect this three-year Lunar Phase Family Cycle to be devoted in part to telling this story of change.
The First Quarter in this Lunar Phase Family Cycle comes on July 2nd, 2025, next summer, at 11º 9’ Libra. That is the moment when what was initiated at this New Moon, whether intentionally or not, there is some kind of action that we take or that takes place around us to move these issues of this eclipse and New Moon forward.
Then the Full Moon in this Lunar Phase Family Cycle is on April 1st, 2026 at 12º 21’ Libra. That is when what is put into place now at this New Moon Eclipse is revealed in its entirety, at that Full Moon, to say this is what you began, this is what you have nurtured, and now this is what has grown from that little New Moon seed.
Then finally, the Last Quarter Moon in this cycle is on December 30th, 2026, at 9º 5’ Libra. That is the moment of looking back over the entire cycle, deciding what we did right, what maybe we could change going forward in the future. These will likely be issues about relationships and about how dependent we are on others versus how independent we can be.
Void-of-Course Moon periods
Let’s look at the Void-of-Course Moon periods for this week. On October 1st, the Moon is trine Pluto at 2:38 pm Pacific Time. It’s Void-of-Course for 41 minutes before the Moon in Virgo enters Libra at 3:19 pm The Moon being in Virgo is one of those times each month, about a two-and-a-half day period, where we can get a little stressed, we can get a little bit rattled, our nerves can get the better of us. And always one of my favorite ways of dealing with that kind of feeling of being overwhelmed is to take one small discrete corner of your life and get it in order, whether it’s a cluttered junk drawer or a bunch of things that you cull out of your cabinets and your pantry to donate to some good charity.
This can usually be enough to make us feel in control, and accomplished, and just overall better that we have done something worthwhile.
At this Void-of-Course Moon period, see if you can find a way to put yourself in the vicinity of powerful people. They might tend to notice you and respond well to you.
Then on October 4th, the Moon in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn at 3:40 am Pacific Time. Another pretty short Void-of-Course Moon period, 42 minutes, and then the Moon enters Scorpio at 4:22 am. This is the Moon coming off of that solar eclipse.
A Void-of-Course Moon that begins with the Moon square another planet says that there is some kind of conflict that you’re trying to resolve, and this could be some habitual pattern that you have, in this case, of trying too hard to appease others, to get along – that Moon in Libra quality, versus Pluto in Capricorn, which says, are you going to take power and control when it’s necessary, or are you going to give that power over to others?
Then on October 6th, the Moon in Scorpio makes a sextile aspect to Pluto at 3:52 pm Pacific Time, Void-of-Course again for 42 minutes, and then enters Sagittarius at 4:34 pm
The reason I look at Void-of-Course Moon times every week is because I believe they are powerful windows of opportunity to get out of destructive patterns and move forward towards positive ones. The Moon in Scorpio, in aspect with Pluto, is a really good example of this kind of opportunity. This is a very short Void-of-Course Moon period, but sometimes when you ask people after they have changed an important habit – they’ve stopped drinking, they’ve dropped a lot of weight – and you ask them, What made the difference? Why did you change? And they might say something like, “It just happened in a moment.” This can be that kind of moment because the Moon in Scorpio and the planet Pluto are connected with these unconscious, compulsive habits.
Pay attention during this short period. And see if you can catch yourself repeating an old behavior and see if you can stop yourself in your tracks and pledge to go in a different direction.
Venus trine Saturn (Oct. 4, 2024, 10:04 am PDT)
Venus trines Saturn on October 4th at 10:04 am Pacific Time at 14º7’ Scorpio and Pisces. What a nice aspect for taking a relationship to another level. Venus is the planet of love, of affection, of relating, and Saturn is the planet of longevity. Venus and Saturn together are in a grand trine in water signs with Mars in Cancer.
Venus and Mars are two of the most important relationship planets. We don’t always remember that about Mars. We immediately think of relationship with Venus, but Mars is the unsung hero of relationships. When people are going to get together, Mars is there because he shows the passion, the interest, and the willingness to make the effort to connect with another person. Put those two together with Saturn, and there is the strong suggestion that commitment is possible.
Now, if relationships are not part of the picture for you right now, Venus also represents money and what we value. So, this could be a time when you decide to make a big purchase such as putting in an offer on a house or buying an automobile.
Mercury square Mars (Oct. 5, 2024, 11:37 pm PDT)
And on October 5th at 11:37 pm Pacific Time, Mercury squares Mars at 17º 33’ Libra and Cancer. Anytime we bring Mercury, the planet of communication, together with Mars, the planet of war and battle, we have to step pretty carefully. Mercury is on the Sabian symbol 18 Libra, Two men placed under arrest, and Mars is on the symbol 18 Cancer, A hen scratching for her chicks.
We have in both of these symbols the concept of taking responsibility. Two men have to face the consequences of their action in being arrested. A hen is taking care of her little chicks. So, we might find ourselves this week in the position of coming face to face with the consequences of things that we have put into motion.
Mercury in Libra, as it is here, is generally very civilized, very tactful, but is not always very attuned to the emotional consequences of what it says, because Libra’s an air sign, and it’s really connected with the mind, the intellect. But at this aspect, we need to be aware that our words do have the ability to be very hurtful to people. People will be very sensitive on this date to what is said and how it’s said. So, speak carefully. And if you find yourself hurt by another’s words, walk away, and give those feelings a chance to settle.
Podcast Question: Interpreting a Transit to Your Birthchart
In this week’s listener question, listener Emily asked via SpeakPipe, “Hello, April, big fan of your podcast. My name is Emily, and I have a question regarding Pluto opposite Jupiter. So, I have Jupiter at 0º Leo at the bottom of my chart, very near my IC. And I’ve been noticing and watching Pluto very intently as it’s been right around my MC the last few years and I’ve had quite a bit of change in the career area in the last few years.
Now, my question is, about mid-November, bad old Pluto is going to be right at 0º opposite my zero-degree Jupiter. Should I be terrifiiiied?™ In other words, that seems like a pretty big marker to have transiting zero degree Pluto opposite my zero degree Jupiter. So any advice for me?”
Emily, thank you for that question! I will answer your specific question, but in order to make this helpful to the greatest number of people, what I’m going to do is use this as an opportunity to talk generally about how to interpret a transit. In particular, how to interpret a transit of one of those outer, slow-moving planets, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and to some extent, Saturn.
First, of course, consider the nature of the transiting planet itself. What are its lessons and themes? Saturn is about the way we organize and handle our lives and responsibilities, set boundaries, and make our lives more meaningful. Uranus teaches us how to cope when things don’t go according to plan.
Neptune symbolizes disappointment, loss, grieving, disillusionment, as well as health issues. And Pluto is the mighty teacher who reminds us that we won’t live forever and we need to focus on what’s essential.
It’s a bold statement, but I am going to say that during the most profound changes of your life, we will see at least one of these planets, and usually more strongly impacting your birth chart. If we look at life as a series of challenges to help us grow, it’s pretty evident that that growth is dependent on how we handle major life transitions – the births, deaths, marriages, career changes, and relocations that punctuate the timeline of our lives, marking before-and-after transitions. This is particularly true when one of these slow-moving planets collides with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars in a birth chart or the angles of the chart.
As I mentioned before, we first understand the potential of a transit by considering the nature of the transiting planet. In Emily’s case, Pluto. Pluto has a number of general meanings, including how we work with issues like power and control. But the position of Pluto in Emily’s personal birth chart would be important too, because it describes her personal relationship with Pluto, the areas of her life where she tends to learn its lessons. If Pluto were in the second house, that might be about money. In the sixth house, maybe about health and the workplace, and so on. Her experience of Pluto, as it travels through the birth chart by transit, will always go back to its position in her birth chart.
Then consider the planet that’s being aspected. In this case, Jupiter. My feeling is that a transiting planet puts us in touch with its meaning, but also the meaning of the planet being aspected.
What about something like Jupiter? We tend to imagine Jupiter through Pluto as being somewhat impersonal planets, of describing a whole cohort of people born around the same time that you were. But when you put any planet into a birth chart, it becomes personal to you.
Jupiter is the symbol of great optimism, joy. A philosophy of life, a guiding religion or creed, the desire for more. Pluto, by transit, might bring a darker experience to Jupiter that forces us to adjust our belief system about the meaning of life and death. But what it also does is make us experience Jupiter in a heightened way.
Pluto is a planet of great intensity. And, you can interpret it as being like an exclamation mark after the planet or point that it’s aspecting. And a heightened experience of Jupiter brings a strong desire for something new, a new adventure.
And, very importantly, we have to consider the relationship in your birth chart between Jupiter and Pluto. If they are in aspect to each other, then they are engaged in a meaningful dialogue. They would have unfinished business. In my experience, if the two are in aspect to each other in the birth chart, then their transiting aspects to each other are especially important because they’re furthering and clarifying that dialogue. For example, every 12 years or so, Jupiter will make a conjunction to Pluto, and that would be a very meaningful transit.
So in terms of evaluating a transit, this is what we have so far: Consider the symbolism of the transiting planet. Consider the symbolism of the planet that is receiving the transit. And consider whether they’re in aspect with each other in the birth chart.
The next part is to consider the house that is being transited, and the house that is receiving the transit. And yes, with Pluto crossing the midheaven of the birth chart, as it has been for Emily, we can expect several years of big changes that affect the course of one’s life, not just your career, but certainly that as well. Your sense of where you’re going in life. There can also be something connected to parents, perhaps they need more help, or they’re retiring or moving to a new place.
The fourth house, in this case the house that is receiving the transit, is also about family, and it’s home-oriented. Having Jupiter there in the birth chart tends to land you in a good place in terms of where you live, but with Jupiter there’s always this sense of wanting more as well.
So the big action with this transit is connected to the axis of the 4th and 10th houses, personal life versus public life.
The next thing to consider would be whether this aspect or something very similar to it has happened in the past. And since Pluto has already made two exact oppositions to Emily’s natal Jupiter in early February this year and on August 10th, And I’m going by her exact position of Jupiter, which is a few minutes of arc into 0º of the sign. So, since Pluto has already made those two oppositions, we can have a pretty good idea of the point that it has been trying to make.
And that point will be emphasized one final time near the final exact opposition, on December 9, 2024. Yes, these outer planets have quite an orb of influence, so she may be riding the coattails of this transit for another few months after that final, exact aspect.
So, in summary, Emily’s natal Jupiter in Leo in the fourth house, suggests many things – the desire to have a home she can feel proud of, the belief that there’s always a chance for things to get better, the need to feel appreciated and paid attention to in her home and in her family. It’s a strong planet in that it’s within just a fewº of the IC. And as Pluto opposes that Jupiter by transit and shakes that midheaven for the last time, there would be some experience, no doubt, of powerlessness through her career or involving a parent, maybe, maybe both. She mentions having had a lot of changes in this area.
The first pass, the first exact aspect of a transit is often the hardest, because it represents things that seem to come out of nowhere. At the second exact aspect, we tend to be a little more aware, and we can consciously try to hang on and adjust to the changing conditions. And by the time the third exact aspect comes along, you’re a lot clearer about what’s at stake.
Perhaps career changes are shaking Emily’s sense of optimism and stability, even to the point of making it possible she might have to move house. If I were speaking with Emily, I would ask her about February and early August to talk about what was happening at those times that was important and affecting her career and affecting her home life, because those are things that might finally begin to get resolved during that last exact aspect of this transit in December.
Emily, I hope that helps you, and I hope that taking a look at this approach to analyzing a transit might be helpful as well to our other invisible friends!
If you have a burning astrological question that you would like to have answered on a future episode of the podcast, leave a voicemail of one minute or less at Or, email me at april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com and put “podcast question” in the subject line.
Donor Thanks
Well, that is everything on my show sheet, so I’m going to wrap this one up. Thank you for listening to the Big Sky Astrology Podcast. If you like what you’re hearing, be sure to subscribe or follow in your app of choice. Leave a rating or review, and I hope that you’ll help spread the word by telling an astrology loving friend about the podcast. You can read show notes and full transcripts and leave your comments about each episode at
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This week, let’s give a Big Sky Astrology podcast shout out to contributors Wendy Weiss and Annette Eikerenkoetter!
Annette and Wendy, thank you so much for listening to the podcast and for supporting the show with your donations!
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That is it for this episode. Join me again bright and early next Monday, and until then, keep your feet on the ground and your eyes on the stars!
Writing and images © 2017-24 by April Elliott Kent
For more on this week’s planetary news, read my column!