Episode 259 | Sun trine Jupiter: A Genie Granting Wishes!
This week: The Capricorn First Quarter Moon is one of the best all year for taking action on a plan. The cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars, meet in a steamy trine. Mercury connects with Jupiter and Pluto before entering Scorpio, the sign of the private detective. Jupiter and Pluto change direction. The Sun’s trine to Jupiter brings optimism and, possibly, a bit of luck. And a listener question about cazimi planets. Plus: Parrots and priests, quilting, and foot-in-mouth disease!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
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[1:33] Venus trines Mars on Oct. 8 (3:22 am PDT) at 18º38’ Scorpio and Cancer. Venus is on the Sabian symbol 19 Scorpio, A parrot listening and then talking, and Mars on 19 Cancer, A priest performing a marriage ceremony. Are those wedding bells sounding in the distance?
[3:14] Mercury trines Jupiter on Oct. 8 (5:23 am PDT) at 21°20’ Libra and Gemini. Mercury is on the Sabian symbol, 22 Libra, A child giving birds a drink in a fountain. Start your day by paying an act of kindness.
[5:26] Jupiter turns retrograde on Oct. 9 (12:05 am PDT). It’s at 21º20’ Gemini, on the Sabian symbol, 22 Gemini, A barn dance. Jupiter will turn direct again on Feb. 4, 2025. Look within to find sources of hope and optimism.
[6:59] Moon Report! The Capricorn First Quarter Moon (Oct. 10, 11:55 am PDT) is at 17º57’ Capricorn and features a stressful T-square configuration with Mars in Cancer. Work out in order to work off some of the stress that is built up in a configuration like this.
[8:31] The New Moon that initiated this lunation cycle was a Solar Eclipse on Oct. 2, 2024. Now is the time to take some action toward recovering from the eclipse season or maybe reconciling with someone close to you.
[9:29] This is the First Quarter in a Lunar Phase Family cycle (LPFC) that began at the New Moon on Jan. 11, 2024, at 20º44’ Capricorn. The Full Moon in this LPFC in on July 10, 2025. The Last Quarter Moon in this LPFC is on April 9, 2026.
[10:40] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. On Oct. 8 (10:54 pm PDT), the Moon squares Neptune. It’s VOC for 3 hours and 44 minutes, and then enters Capricorn (Oct. 9, 2:38 am PDT). Try to think a little bit more before you speak, or just make it a habit to only say things that are kind.
[12:16] The Moon conjoins Pluto on Oct. 11 (8:53 am PDT) at 29°38’ Capricorn. It’s VOC for 38 minutes, then enters Aquarius (9:31 am). Avoid negative self-talk and conflict with those in authority. Lay low. Difficulties will pass soon enough.
[13:27] On Oct. 13 (7:11 am PDT), the Moon squares Uranus. It’s VOC for 5 hours and 44 minutes before it enters Pisces (12:55 pm PDT). From When Harry Met Sally; “Harry, you need to learn that you don’t have to express every thought that you have, every minute that you have it.”
[14:59] On Oct. 11 (5:32 pm PDT), Pluto stations direct at 29º38’ Capricorn, on the Sabian symbol, 30 Capricorn, A secret business conference. Pluto has been retrograde since May 2, 2024. Issues about wealth, wealth inequality, banking, about the stock market even, could be pronounced around the time of this Pluto station.
[16:48] Mercury squares Pluto (Oct. 13, 7:03 am PDT) at 29º38’ Libra-Capricorn. Words are powerful, names and labels are powerful, and knowledge is powerful. How can you use what you know for the betterment of all? How do you think about yourself?
[18:19] Mercury enters the sign of the sleuth, Scorpio (Oct. 13, 12:23 pm PDT), through Nov. 2, 2024. Mercury in Scorpio gives laser focus and x-ray vision that can help us see what’s really going on. This is an excellent time for research, psychological breakthroughs, and getting to the heart of a matter.
[20:10] The Sun trines Jupiter on Oct. 13 (8:52 pm PDT) at 21º17’ of Libra and Gemini. The Sun is on 22 Libra, A child giving birds a drink at a fountain and Jupiter is on 22 Gemini, A barn dance. This can be a time when it’s much easier than usual to get the notice that we wish for, to get the genie to grant our wishes.
[21:09] Listener Elliott asks about cazimi planets.
[26:46] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[27:18] Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!
[28:06] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special YouTube videos for donors only that will be coming out over the course of the next 12 months, please go to BigSkyAstropod.com, contribute $10 or more to get access to those videos as they come out. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

Writing and images © 2017-24 by April Elliott Kent
For more on this week’s planetary news, read my column!