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This Friggin’ Book.

ponderingsml.pnLately I am reminded of a curious bit of truth initially gleaned in my reckless youth. I learned it first in the context of dating, but I find it applies to just about any situation, and it is this: You are never more desirable than when you are unavailable.

Along with the usual astrology stuff, my website design business grew suddenly, freakishly busy at the beginning of the year. Meanwhile, I pitched a proposal to a publisher (say that three times fast) a couple of months ago and they gave it thumbs up (“it’s the feel-good proposal of the year!”), and now I’m supposed to submit a manuscript in August. So my goal was to finish up all my outstanding projects in February and turn my attention this month to what I have come to refer to as This Friggin’ Book.

Hahahahahaha! And ha! Because as we know,it is almost exactly halfway through March, and yet it’s only this week that I’ve managed to extract myself – surgically, in some cases – from the desperate clients who needed Just One More Thing Done on their websites before we said our goodbyes, meanwhile stemming the tide of further requests for this and that from here and there.

I suppose it’s my own fault; last week’s New Moon in Pisces fell in my fourth house – “the house of endings” – so I should’ve known all along that this would be the finish-up month. Looking at it from an astrological perspective then, I’m actually ahead of schedule! And the Aries New Moon falls in my fifth house; doesn’t that sound good for writing? I mean, other than the eclipses and everything? One friggin’ well hopes so.