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The roar of the crowd

There’s an interesting article in Salon today (you will probably have to watch an ad in order to read the full article) that seems to speak to the upcoming Aquarius/Leo Full Moon theme of artist vs. audience: how best to balance the “Leo” need for creative self-expression with the feedback and acceptance/rejection by an “Aquarian” audience:

The Internet has turned what was once primarily a one-way communication into a dialogue — or maybe a melee. From a cultural perspective, the new democracy of voices online is a wonderful thing. But writers have an odd and ambiguous relationship with their readers, and the reader revolution is having massive consequences we can’t even foresee. Writers are being pulled, or lured, down from their solitary perches and into the madding throng. This has opened useful debate and made writers accountable. But it has also thrown open the gate to creeps, narcissists and wannabe Byrons who threaten to damage the fragile, half-permeable membrane writers use to keep the world from being too much with them.

applauseI’ve certainly had my share of difficult interactions with readers in the nearly eight years since I started my website, though the overwhelming number of emails I receive about my writing are warm, friendly, and supportive. Still, even a couple of nastygrams – I can count about five over the years that have just about made me pack up shop – can throw a writer for a loop.

I’ll freely admit to being thin-skinned – Moon in the 7th house, square Pluto, anyone? – and I haven’t always handled criticism well. Then again, the negative responses I’ve received over the years have been less intellectually “critical” than ad hominem attacks – which I suppose my rather personal writing style invites. In fact, when I started this blog a couple of years ago I initially didn’t activate the “comments” feature; I wanted to just write, to feel my way without having to defend myself against criticism, or to let even positive feedback influence what I wrote about. These days, I welcome the feedback and conversation of my blog comments, and find many of them inspire subsequent blog entries and articles; but I still moderate them, and won’t hesitate to delete any that are flat-out nasty. Hey, it’s a blog, not a democracy.

In any event, it’s been an education watching some of my fellow online writers, especially what we used to call “online diarists“, deal with criticism over the years. It’s a relief to see that most of them are just as touchy as I am! But others handle negative feedback beautifully. Michele‘s been exploring some negative reader feedback over on her blog in a very thoughtful way, and I’ve observed her handling of negative comments to past posts; she is always so humble, compassionate, and respectful to those who disagree with her approach to writing or astrology. Lynn manages to handle the occasional negative comments on her blog with a graceful blend of firmness and good humor. And not coincidentally, these are women who are extremely prolific. They don’t appear to let negative feedback from the collective, Aquarian, Internet “audience” censor their Leo creative voices.

Jeff has an interesting take on this Leo/Aquarius polarity:

It can be easy to have your pride wounded this Full Moon, because face it … you’re not the be all and end all. Mars, Uranus and the Sun are telling you that there’s a whole world out there that does not cater to your wishes. And they’re doing it in a way that can come as a shock. A little brusque. A bit cold.

Certainly, “Aquarius” perspective is a positive check against the potential myopia of “Leo”. A writer sits alone in a room, or at a table in a cafe, and dumps the contents of his or her mind, heart, and psyche onto a printed or virtual page. It’s an intimate process that, at best, reflects one’s own Leo process rather than catering to public approval. That’s why it’s a bit of a bracing shock to a writer to receive hate mail or negative comments on a blog; such feedback often suggests that we should be other than who we are, or implies that we think we’re better, smarter, or more interesting than other people. But we can only be what we are; and the fact that we write about ourselves, or from our own perspectives (what other perspective would we write from?), doesn’t mean we think we’re more important than anyone else.

But yes, at this Full Moon we’re reminded that there is a whole world out there, a world that can be cold and brusque and indifferent. And if we’re consistently writing in a way that fails to capture the public’s imagination, it’s healthy to know that; it tells us that we’re off course, that our perspective has become too narrow, and encourages us to open up our minds and hearts to other points of view. At its best, writing is not just a way to express what we are, but also a method of inquiry that asks, “What else might I become?”

I hope some of you will leave some thoughts in comments… does feedback in email, comments, and the like affect how and what you write?

8 comments to " The roar of the crowd "

  • Hi April,

    Taurus rising here…with Virgo Moon square Uranus. Result: invariably appears calm, but insides are way too sensitive. I so appreciate your honesty in writing about this subject. I love the astrology blogging community because it IS so wonderfully supportive. But every once in a while, a reader will react negatively. Although it seldom happens, I have never been prepared for it, and it always rattles me. I’ve been thinking, too, that in many ways our whole world is—sadly—becoming less and less tolerant of others’ personal views and opinions. Keep up the great writing in your blog—it is always a pleasure to read!


  • I tell everyone who doesn’t like what I say or write to fark off. Seriously. On my Amazon profile, I’ve been harrassed by anonymous posters over a couple of posts and in turn I made sure the perpetrator of said anonymous crap ate the grass under my heels. Then again, I’ve got Mars in Scorp rising and an Aries Moon. Hey, I might get bruised, but I bruise back.

    Also, I wouldn’t say the membrane is threatened. It’s damn been ruptured by the Net long ago. Every farking yahoo thinks they can write and now — oh bless the Internet — they can all post their crap for the world to see. And, while they’re at it, they often steal my lawfully published stories and poetry by copying and pasting my work into their blogs because they somehow don’t realize that posting to the Web is publishing. They’ve got these crank-head ideas about “fair use” and don’t realize they are stealing money out of my pocket.

    Most of the Aquarians I’ve known over the years are assholes, anyway. 😉 Let ’em squawk. I’m going back in my lion’s cave to write another novel.

  • Heh… let ‘er rip, Maria! Dammit, why didn’t I get an Aries Moon? Mars in the 10th house just doesn’t get it done.

    Just to clarify for one and all (because I know Maria gets this, but my emails over the years suggest that not everyone does) – I wasn’t actually making any point about Aquarian people with any of this. Rather, it’s the Aquarian archetype of groups and media, and its polarity with the Leo archetype of personal creativity, that I was talking about. Just so we’re all clear. Aquarians, put down your weapons! 🙂

    Thanks, Phil, for giving me an amen there. And I agree that astrobloggers are incredibly generous and positive with each other; it’s a nice little online community. Speaking of lending support, I’ve got to get a copy of your book, which everyone is raving about!

  • crazy moon

    Dear People. I am very happy to see I am not the only one. I am very sensitive person whit a thin skin too, although nor proffesional astrologuer. My moon is in 7 house, double T squared with Pluto, Uranus Chiron and Saturn (that sixties opposition). April, I have mars in 10 house too (again) and I feel very identified with you and your words. Surprisingly I am a cat people, with a couple of magic little cats. Although lately , may be a pluto transit ? I was engaged in a nasty argumentation in a forum with an unevolutionated escorpionic persona. I think however that he finished scalded. (a geminnii moon is not a defenseless moon)
    It is very encouraging to read words like yours, Too see that is a generalized situattion. Please keep writing, all your astrological blogs are wonderful! (Astrofuture, aquarious papers, Elsa, Big Sky, Musings, Collaborating,…astrotabletalk and a lot more)

  • I am super sensitive. I don’t invite a lot of controversy on my blog. And, I don’t go around gettin all nasty w. people. I like an honest exchange of ideas. Not end of the world debates because I don’t like your opionion.

    My need to be perfect, lack of self confindence and what people would think ( and they might say nasty mean things and not like me) are the big things that prevent me from writing. I talk a little bit about this on my post today. I started a blog to give me self confidence. That I could write something coherant. If I spent more time editing I could do a much better job. I must remember King’s mantra: it’s gonna suck!

    How does one control Mercury and not be controlled by him????? Virgo Sun, Gemini Rising here. Time to edit are you crazy. You would have to *gasp* read or write the same thing TWICE! or OMG! three times! LOL!

  • I can be thin-skinned, but I’ve learned to ignore the negative comments if they seem to be trying to make a point. The commenters who are just being mean and indulging in personal attacks? I ban them. I used to feel bad about it, but I’ve come to terms with it – you don’t come into my cyber living room and start insulting the hostess.

  • Lynn

    Hi April – I just saw this post and is it just a coincidence that the code I had to enter to post a comment was “NICE”?

    Anyway, I’m commenting not just because of the nice things you said about me (one of the least kind comments on my site, by the way, was from my sister) but also because of the Leo/Aquarius connection. Aquarius is on my MC and also my North Node, all being transited right now by Saturn and in a few years by Neptune. So this is a big lifetime issue for me as well.

    rock on sistah…

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