On October 5, Saturn enters Scorpio, where it will remain through September 2015 (with some time off for good behavior while it peeks into Sagittarius between Dec. 2014 and June 2015). The good news is that Saturn in Scorpio encourages us to form intimate, sharing, and supportive relationships; to trust our own judgment; and to learn to let others give to us. The bad news is, Saturn’s particular form of “encouragement” tends to be a little rough. “Just how badly do you want to form intimate, sharing, and supportive relationships?,” he asks. “Let’s throw every possible impediment in your path and see if you still want them.” Or the ever popular, “How’s about you make a real whopper of a bad decision – trust somebody you really shouldn’t – and see if you’re still able to trust your own judgment?”
To use a peculiarly Scorpionic phrase: When outer planets transit Scorpio, shit gets real. There’s no use sugar-coating it. But each sign has its blessings as well as its curse, and Scorpio blesses us with the kind of strength that comes from knowing the truth – about ourselves, about others, and about the way the world works. From there, we’ll eventually move forward into Saturn in Sagittarius and construct a belief system that helps put it all in a larger perspective.
The Saturn in Scorpio road will typically be bumpiest – or should I say, “the opportunities for personal growth will be most abundant” (yeah, that sounds better) for those with lots of planets in fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Bonus points if one of those planets is the Sun, Moon, or Saturn. When the ride gets especially bumpy, take the advice of a recent client with tough Saturn aspects in her birth chart, who said, “When things have gotten so hard that I don’t think I can take another step, I just keep walking. Eventually I get through to the other side, and then I have a story to tell.”
If you’re old enough to remember Saturn’s last journey through Scorpio (November 1982 through November 1985), you’ll have some idea of the particular character of this transit for you, of some of the challenges and issues you’re likely to face. (Let’s take a moment now to think about those years – a quiet moment, away from the curious eyes of the youngsters, lest we frighten the bejeebers out of them.) Since November 13’s Solar Eclipse marks the first in a two-year cycle of eclipses in Scorpio and Taurus, there will be a particular emphasis on confronting recurring emotional patterns related to intimacy and security.
I suspect I’ll have more to say on this topic down the road (though it means prying open the time capsule of my 12th house and revisiting one of the more unfortunate eras of my own life, so I’m in no particular hurry). In the meantime, for insights about this epic transit and how it pertains to your particular chart:
- Consider participating in astrologer Kelly Surtees’ Skype lecture on Saturn in Scorpio on October 5/6, or pre-order her e-book on the topic. Kelly’s done a lot of research on Saturn in Scorpio, and she’s one smart cookie. She’s also an essentially cheerful and upbeat soul and will probably have a more positive spin on this transit than I’ve given you here!
- I also recently downloaded and got an awful lot from John Marchesella’s UAC lecture on transiting Saturn through the houses, “The Survivor’s Guide to Saturn’s Journey Through Your Horoscope .” I literally gasped as I listened to it, following along with a list of the years Saturn moved into the various houses of my chart.
One thing that Saturn’s passage through Scorpio throws into bold relief is the value of having supportive friends and loved ones, and of learning to accept their support with grace and humility when it’s needed. Saturn in Libra showed you who your friends are, and gave you a good look at your enemies as well. Now it’s time to trust those friends – and to heed the little voice inside who tells you to flee when you see Godzilla stomping toward your heart.