Before I fell victim to this obsession I never quite understood the hubub about podcasts. Frankly, they seemed like a bit of a bother. But since iFell in love with my iPod, I never take a walk, iron a shirt, or perform any other distasteful task without the soothing sounds of Terry Gross, Ira Glass, or Sandra Tsing Loh in my ear.
This forbidden passion – combined with tomorrow’s New Moon in my 9th house, conjunct the North Node and Uranus – has prompted an experiment: I have produced my first podcast, cunningly entitled “This Astrological Life.” My tentative plan is to offer it at each New Moon, but depending on how much I enjoy it I might try to work in the Full Moon as well… and from there? Well, we’ll just have to see.
This episode is entitled Leo New Moon: Many Little Birds
Each of us longs to be recognized as the special and unique creation that we are. We spend our lives seeking work, relationships, and other successes that allow us to express our visions and viewpoints, to share our hearts, to exchange love; and it hurts to feel like just a cog in a wheel, screaming silently into a void…
I have to apologize a bit about the sound quality; I’m working on it, and hopefully it won’t sound so tinny next time.
How to Listen
If you’re baffled by the world of RSS feeds and subscriptions and the like, just go here and download the mp3 player or listen using the imbedded Google Player.
The RSS is here, if you want to subscribe. I use iTunes myself, and the podcast is not yet registered with Apple. For now, if you’re an iTunes user and would like to subscribe that way, here’s what you do:
- Open iTunes
- Under Library, click on Podcasts
- From the Menu at the top of the page, select Advanced > Subscribe to Podcast
- In the URL dialog window that appears, enter: