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Libran Traffic Jam

wedding astrology

Have you looked at the chart for Sunday’s New Moon? I have, all year long. With the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars all clustered together in Libra and in good aspect to everything else in the chart, this is a pretty good-lookin’ chart – which is why I’ve recommended this weekend to any number of prospective brides looking for an advantageous wedding date. So yeah, if you’ve been standing around with your car keys in your hand, waiting for the right moment to jump in the car to zoom off to Vegas and get hitched, here it is.

Libra New Moon

Traditionalists argue that Venus and Mars are in via combusta – too damn close to the Sun, and in a very dicey zodiacal neighborhood – which will burn their energies to a crisp, astrologically speaking. I don’t know if I buy that, but it’s true that there are no planets in earth signs and precious few in water. Mercury and Jupiter are square Saturn (though in a chart with so many nice aspects, it’s sort of a relief to see some squares to give it a little bite). Hey, nothing’s perfect. But I must say that if ever a chart stood up and hollered “marriage!” to me, it’s this one. (Actually, I’ve been recommending charts earlier in the day to capitalize on the Moon’s approaching conjunction with Venus, although it means using the Moon in her balsamic phase and I practically NEVER do that. I really like to have an approaching Moon/Venus/Sun connection in a wedding chart, though.)

It’s not just a good weekend for getting married, either. It’s positive for anything you’d like to accomplish that involves winning friends and influencing people, diplomacy and salesmanship (Libra) blended with authority and professionalism (Saturn), compassionate insight (Neptune), and raw animal magnetism (Pluto). Where is the Libra house in your chart? Are you beginning to see some kind of breakthrough in that part of your life? Look for tangible results by next month’s planetary traffic jam in Scorpio, which will have the added heft of Jupiter behind it.

8 comments to " Libran Traffic Jam "

  • Jeffrey Kishner

    Well, there is an out-of-sign square of all these Libra planets to Chiron in Aquarius. But I agree, I don’t really buy medieval Lilly-type astrology, either. There is such a great divide between traditional and modern astrology … maybe I just don’t like all the rules 🙂

    By the way, I enjoyed your New Moonarticle. Having three planets in my 7th house, I am all-too-aware of my attempts to understand others’ experiences.

  • Thanks, Jeffrey. And yeah, I’m with you on the traditional vs. modern divide. The medieval/traditional stuff just doesn’t resonate for me; it often comes across as an astrological form of fundamentalism. I just don’t think life boils down to such absolutes – or at least, I don’t believe that it has to!

  • theresa

    yeah your right it is what it is.. powerfully crisp and beautiful if you look beneath the surface of yourself. First find your libra qualities and ask for power to manifest them in the best way. I have my sun in the 7th all by its self.. what does that mean.. i get all caught up in relationships.?. i over analyse thinking i did it when i didnt do it.. its interesting..! thank you for your site, I like that you let people communicate here, we need more astrologist more accesable. Thanks you and be well!

  • Hi theresa. I got a kick out of your description of the Sun in the 7th – “did I get all caught up in relationships, or didn’t I?” Hee! I think of the 7th house planets as working sort of like a fun-house mirror, where you see reflections within reflections. With the Moon there, I often don’t know how I feel until I interact with other people! Maybe people with the Sun in the 7th find it easier to figure out who they are by interacting with other people. Obviously we all learn a lot about ourselves through relating to others, but a person with the Sun in a sign where it is traditionally exalted or in rulership (Aries, Leo), for instance, generally brings a pretty well-defined ego to the bargaining table right from the start. For the Sun in the 7th house, I should think the relating process has a stronger hand in helping to define the ego in the first place!

  • Sylvia

    This is lovely! I have Libra in the 11th AND 12th houses and I’m hoping this means that I’ll really start to meet the people I’m supposed to meet (it’s started already) and that I’ll be getting through some of this darkness and really living what I know to be true on a more philosophical/spiritual level. If that makes sense!

  • Polina


    Is there a time like that anytime next year thats good for marriage?
    I would greatly apprecaite any quidance!

    Many thanks:-)

  • Hi Polina! The process of choosing a wedding date with astrology is great fun, but pretty complicated. If you’re pretty adept at the basics, you might enjoy reading my free online tutorial about choosing your wedding date with astrology here. If that’s all a bit beyond you, you might consider ordering a customized wedding electional report. Details can be found here. Good luck, and warm wishes!

  • Eva

    Thks for educating and entertaining us.

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