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I hate it when people…

cranky!To celebrate my upcoming transiting Mars opposition, I invite you to join me in a mean-spirited, spleen-venting bitchfest about about the things people do that make us cranky.

I’ll start!

1. I hate it when someone jaywalks into traffic without looking and proceeds to move along at a glacial tempo while cars screech to a halt and slam into each other to avoid hitting the witless pedestrian. It strikes me as the slightest bit passive aggressive.

2. I hate it when people leave their dogs outside all day in a tiny space with nothing to do so that they bark endlessly out of sheer boredom and frustration – especially said dog owners who, when I complain about the barking, accuse me of being a dog hater. Yeah, buddy – I’m the one mistreating your dog, all right.

3. I hate it when people drive around in those throbbing cars with the bass cranked up so loudly that the resulting seismic intensity moves the furniture around in my living room and threatens to dislodge my dental work.

4. I hate it when people can’t be bothered to figure out the difference between their (the possessive plural, meaning: that which belongs to them), there (a place that is not here), and they’re (a contraction of “they are”). It’s not nuclear physics, people, it’s third grade grammar.

5. I hate it with the heat of a thousand suns, when people crack their chewing gum.

Comments are open, folks. Have at it!

14 comments to " I hate it when people… "

  • Daydreamer

    I hate it when people say nuke-you-ler instead of nuclear.

    I hate it when there are two lanes going the same direction on a road and two cars ride side by side at the same slow speed so no one can get past them.

  • What is Mars opposing for you?

    I’ve been visiting a friend in Paris this week (I know, you can hate me if you want) with transiting Mars and Uranus both opposing my Sun (and squaring my Saturn). So… I hate the way the French smoke and let their cigs blow all over you. I hate the *attitude* they give you in the stores. I hate the closedness – traveling in Mexico the last couple of years people smile readily, very warm. The French rarely smile. The men are beautiful here, however (Mars stirs up other energy, non?).

  • I hate it when people bring their dogs into the store. Even though there is a sign that says “NO DOGS ALLOWED”! And they say,”Don’t pet the dog he might bite.” WTF?!?! Get out!

    Actually, most of the customers, this week, have had a bug up their butt.

    Did I use the correct forms of “there”? LOL! Crackin’ my gum here.

  • Ditto #3! I deal with it by fantasizing that an amazing machine will be invented that, when pointed toward the offender, will either render the CD or tape inoperable or change the radio station to classical or, even more embarassing, polka.

    I hate our nation’s overemphasis on celebrity “musicians”. If folks were more with it, I would be the celebrity! And if you’re going to bit- I mean complain about nasty lyrics, why not support MY music instead? Yeah, I know why.

    I hate it when folks misuse the apostrophe. It’s and its are two different words and they mean different things. There was a sign on a hardware store: “Key’s made”. OK, the key has made, just what exactly? Or the key is made? So, what does it want, a medal?

    I hate that in the 21st century some morons still toss garbage out of their cars while driving. It would be interesting if they woke up one morning and found all the garbage they’d thrown out of their cars in bed with them.

    I LOVE it when I have a fairly anonymous opportunity to complain. It’s like saying “Come and get me!” and then disappearing into fat air.

  • Leslee, I live in France, and all I’ve gotta say is that you’re having culture shock — the Uranus transit will do it! French culture is simply very different from the U.S. There’s a lot to love, if you have an open mind and the time to learn. For one thing, the French aren’t as open to strangers. If you’re from California like me, it’ll definitely feel weird. But I’ve been visiting my partner’s family and getting to know people here since last September. Once you get past those initial cultural barriers, they’re much warmer, friendlier and more generous than most people I know back home!

    So, I’m going to say I hate cultural misunderstandings.

    I hate that more people don’t have the chance that I’ve had to befriend people here in France.

    I hate that we don’t have as good health care in the U.S. as they do in France.

    I hate being sick.

    I hate that I have to come back next month to ugly, smog-ridden Los Angeles.

    Oh…and I hate gum chewing. (And thankfully the French aren’t big on that!)

    And there you have it!

  • Oh, how I love you all! ::group hug::

    Daydreamer: Re: nukular – Especially people who attended Yale and should know better, right? 😉

    leslee: That would be transiting Mars opposing my natal Mars. And for what it’s worth (and I knew Maria, the correspondent from our French bureau, would have some commentary on your experiences in Paris!), I have to admit I’ve never had a desire to visit France because (1) I rely so much on language that I’d be incredibly intimidated by going someplace where I couldn’t rely on that crutch; and (2) I assumed folks would be nasty to me. Of course, I assumed that about New York too – and when I visited there alone (scary!) twenty years ago, people simply could not have been nicer! I really must get out more.

    Maria’s comment has bolstered me a bit, to believe that maybe if I went and had the opportunity to stay awhile and immerse myself in the culture, perhaps it wouldn’t be quite so unnerving. Nevertheless, I think I’ll start with Italy! 🙂

    Damn, Nancy, ditto the dogs in stores thing – and here in San Diego, people are bringing their dogs into restaurants! Mind you, they avail themselves and Fido of the outdoor seating. But quite apart from the other issues (I’m a little afraid of unfamiliar dogs, too), doesn’t that seem a tad… unsanitary? (And mind that gum, missy! 😉 Honestly… please tell me… what is the gum cracking thing about, do you know? Is it just an unconscious habit, or are people trying to drive me insane?!)

    cimbalok, marry me. I don’t care if we’re both women and I’m a heterosexual and already married and the government would refuse to sanction our love anyway – you are fabulous!

    Maria, speaking on behalf of the entire Southern California region, we’ll be happy to have you back – even if you won’t be so thrilled to return to our hazy, hectic coast!

  • I hate it when people talk endlessly about their new baby’s activities, rolling over turning their head etc.I am done with the baby years!

    I hate it when people chew on ice!!!!

    I hate it when peole use the word “control” as if it’s a swear word. Whats’ the difference between CONTROl and responsibility, as in EXPECTING EMPLOYEES TO DO THEIR JOB THE RIGHT WAY?? Or, isn’t a little SELF CONTROL a GOOD THING as in Brittny and Paris should learn some??

    I hate it when people complain about “HOW BUSY AND BIG THE VALLEY HAS BECOME.” Duh, we are a growing city, this was all sheep farms and agriculture BEFORE WE ALL MOVED HERE and changed it. personally,I love having a starbucks and a new library close by. The mountains,boulders, and old Arizona ghost towns are just an hour drive away,folks..

  • Sing out, Maddie! I’m shuddering just thinking about people chewing on ice. And I think babies are cool and all, but (perhaps because I haven’t any children) I admit I find them less than compelling as a subject of prolonged conversation. Of course, I’m sure non-cat people are insanely bored when I start prattling on about my felines!

    I think people respond negatively to the word “control” precisely because they think of it only as something foisted upon them by “The Man,” and not as something that all adults are expected to impose upon themselves.

    I’m not a fan of Starbucks, but my only real objection to the new store they’re putting in three blocks from my house is that it’s taking the place of a very convenient little neighborhood grocery store that had great, cheap produce. I mean, we already had two Starbucks within, literally, a half a mile, plus three independent coffee houses! The last thing this neighborhood needed was another damn coffee house. Sigh.

    A library, though… we’ve got one of those a half mile away, and I still would totally have another one right at the end of my street!

  • Michelle

    I have wanted to bitch about this for some time so thanks for giving us a place to go….

    I hate it when someone proceeds to trim their nails with a nail clipper in a public place (bus/train) — not just one nail, mind you — but all of them!

    I cannot think of a more disgusting and nauseating display – that click, click, click, and vision of little bits of nail flying around.

    What is their problem?!! Is there not such a thing as personal and private hygiene?

    Wow – feel much better now!
    (I’m Virgo Rising by the way…)

  • I hate it when I’m misunderstood! Especially when it’s my own fault for being glib. I do understand the cultural difference. BTW, people think we New Englanders are unfriendly too. 🙂 Anyway, Uranus and Mars ganging up on one’s sensitive points is a recipe for crankiness looking for the closest target. (Had to apologize to the friend I stayed with in Paris for a couple of bursts of snappishness that escaped the internal censors. And Saturn’s still sitting on my Moon, for chrissakes!)

  • Michelle, may I just say – ewwww. And I hope it’s just fingernails!

    leslee, those are two craptastic transits you’ve got goin’ on there, for sure. I’m confident resilient Paris will survive your snark (and hopeful your Paris friendship will!), and I love and embrace your glib Buddha crankiness! And boy, you’re not kidding about New England. A few of the nastiest interactions I’ve ever had with strangers in my life took place on my first trip to Boston. My second trip there was wonderful, though, so I have to suspect one or the other experience was a fluke. Guess I’ll have to return for a tie-breaking third visit!

    Far-flung friends who visit us in Southern California often think the locals are the friendliest, most laid-back people around. Little do they know it’s usually a complete faÒ«ade! We don’t make friends any faster than people in other places, we just tend to act friendlier. Because really, it’s pretty pleasant here and it would be unseemly to complain about anything too much. Except here, where I can kvetch among friends. 🙂

  • Saturn on the Moon? Urrrrgh.

    April, you ought to visit Provence if the “big city” feel of Paris might turn you off. It’s gorgeous here! But it’s worth learning about the cultural differences in advance to visit Paris comfortably. Once you learn a couple of things, it won’t be any different in difficulty to visit France than Italy — where in fact they have much higher crime. I’d be happy to tutor you! 😀

  • I felt very safe wandering in Paris alone (obviously it depends where you are). My friend has been to Rome and she says she’d never stay there alone, but has stayed in Paris many times and always felt safe. My French is rudimentary (I always had to think out what I wanted to say before I interacted with anyone), but most people can and will speak English pretty readily. Nobody was nasty! And it really is a beautiful city. Maybe the most beautiful city.

  • Ari

    I bet I hate it more than you do when people crack their gum.
    If not, I feel VERY sorry for you. Disgusting repulsive habit that causes me nothing short of mental ANGUISH.

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