I’ll start!
1. I hate it when someone jaywalks into traffic without looking and proceeds to move along at a glacial tempo while cars screech to a halt and slam into each other to avoid hitting the witless pedestrian. It strikes me as the slightest bit passive aggressive.
2. I hate it when people leave their dogs outside all day in a tiny space with nothing to do so that they bark endlessly out of sheer boredom and frustration – especially said dog owners who, when I complain about the barking, accuse me of being a dog hater. Yeah, buddy – I’m the one mistreating your dog, all right.
3. I hate it when people drive around in those throbbing cars with the bass cranked up so loudly that the resulting seismic intensity moves the furniture around in my living room and threatens to dislodge my dental work.
4. I hate it when people can’t be bothered to figure out the difference between their (the possessive plural, meaning: that which belongs to them), there (a place that is not here), and they’re (a contraction of “they are”). It’s not nuclear physics, people, it’s third grade grammar.
5. I hate it with the heat of a thousand suns, when people crack their chewing gum.
Comments are open, folks. Have at it!