Commitment, gratitude, and the flow
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Collaboration and commitment
Venus, goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure, appears to us in many forms. Because humans are social creatures, we often begin to know her through our relationships. Venus entering the serious, ambitious, businesslike, traditional sign of Capricorn (Nov. 25, 4:28 pm PST, through Dec. 20) favors relationships that further business objectives or carry with them a spirit of commitment, obligation, or tradition.
In one example of Venus in Capricorn, I’ve invited my uber-Venusian friend, Jen Braun, and her many planets in Libra to join my business (Capricorn) as my podcasting co-host and producer. (Preview our podcast here!) In another, very different expression, a friend mentioned that she’ll be looking in on another friend’s 101-year-old mother (elders are ruled by Capricorn) while he’s away on a trip. The mother is in a long-term care facility and will be well looked after, but I found it heartwarming and Venus-charming that my friend would volunteer to spend some time with a woman whom she doesn’t know all that well and who can, by all accounts, be a little difficult, just to ease another friend’s mind.
Taking on the burdens of others. Showing love for the elderly. Inviting a collaborative voice into your business. Just a few ways Venus in Capricorn is showing up in my world. Where are you seeing it in yours?

An old owl
VWhat a beautiful *Sabian Symbol for this New Moon in wise Sagittarius (Nov. 26, 7:05 am PST): An old owl up in a tree. It’s especially instructive in this last week before Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, moves into Capricorn.
Owls are isolated, territorial, and extremely adaptable. They do often nest in trees, but never build their own nests; resourceful, they use nests left behind by other birds, or in tree trunks, or on the tops of barns or even shrubs.
An old owl knows where the best food sources are, and the most protected habitats. Like this isolated owl, the Sun and Moon at this New Moon are on their own in early Sagittarius, making only uneasy, quincunx aspects to Uranus and the Moon’s North Node. Up in our tree like an independent, freedom-loving old owl, we may feel immune from tribal drama (North Node in Cancer) and safe and protected from the fierce winds of change (Uranus in Taurus); but safety can be isolating, too. The trick at this New Moon is knowing when to push ourselves from our safe, unchallenged nests and deal with things that make us uncomfortable.

Inspiration flows
Retrograde since June 21, Neptune stations direct (Nov. 27, 4:32 am PST) on 16 Pisces and the Sabian Symbol, The flow of inspiration. If you’ve had projects in the queue that have been waiting until the muse decides to sit with you, consider this Neptune’s green light to move ahead with it.
A couple of weeks ago, we retreated to our favorite little town on California’s breathtaking Central Coast, near where William Randolph Heart built his magnificent castle. The appeal of this town is that we can stay affordably (in the off-season) at a little motel directly across the street from the ocean. Regardless of the temperature, our window is open day and night, the better to hear the sound of the surf. It’s hypnotic.
That’s Neptune’s territory. When Neptune is changing directions to move retrograde or direct, we hear its roar, like the waves at high tide, breaking on the rocks.
At this direct station of Neptune, inspiration flows – but it flows passionately, loudly, insistently. Coming the day before we celebrate Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S, Neptune’s indifference to schedules and timetables could mean travel is subject to detours and unforeseen delays. With Neptune’s love of the intuitive, free-form approach, the cook might veer away from time-tested recipes and dinner will probably be a little late. And Neptune’s inspiration and compassion, and the Sagittarius New Moon’s generosity, might just rule the day of gratitude… as, indeed, they should.

Speaking of Thanksgiving Day … it’s smooth sailing, astrologically. The Moon in tradition-loving Capricorn makes flowing aspects. With Mercury trine Neptune (Nov. 28, 1:51 am PST), old business will tend to get swept under the rug in favor of family harmony. But with Venus trine Uranus (Nov. 28, 10:27 am PST), there’s a wild card in the deck. Some new friend at the dinner table, maybe, or a new ingredient in the stuffing; perhaps after dinner, instead of dragging out the Scrabble board, someone suggests poker – and a whole new tradition is born.
The Thanksgiving Day Sun is on the Sabian Symbol, Cupid knocking at the door of a human heart. Whether we gather with family or friends, or celebrate on our own, love is knocking. So however you celebrate, let it in. And if you’re not in the United States, join us in your hearts on November 28, won’t you, and add your gratitude to our own.

© 2019 by April Elliott Kent