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Highlights for March 22-28, 2021: Telepathy


Dates and times are given for U.S. Pacific Time zone.


There are times to be humble, and times to boldly assert ourselves. As Mercury squares Mars (March 23, 2021, 8:26 pm PDT), we face a situation that requires that we stand up for ourselves – as we may or may not have done during the most recent Mercury/Mars squares on Jan. 8 and Feb. 10. This time around, Mercury is in gentle Pisces instead of self-assured Aquarius, as it was then; but Pisces is not always a pushover. Rather, let Mercury in Pisces kindness blunt the sharp verbal tools of Mars in Gemini, encouraging appropriate assertiveness rather than aggression.

Mental adjustment

Are you moving in the right direction? Mindset is everything, and as Mercury squares the Lunar Nodes this week (March 24, 2021, 10:50 pm PDT) it’s time for a mental adjustment. The South Node in Sagittarius stands in certainty; it’s what we know, based on the information that’s available. As the North Node travels through Gemini, it’s important to take in more information, to challenge that certainty and expand our knowledge. Mercury in Pisces is halfway between them, triggering a transition; but it’s moving us in the right direction, toward the North Node (which is also being energized by a conjunction with Mars in Gemini later in the week). So follow your Piscean intuition. It’s moving you toward the right mindset, in the direction of curiosity and learning.

Clearing the air

As Venus makes her superior conjunction to the Sun (March 25, 2021, 11:58 pm PDT), she’s at the moment in her 18-month cycle when she’s “in the underworld.” Since she’s been traveling very closely to the powerfully bright Sun, she’s been invisible from the sky since late February. But now, she’s getting ready to make the transition to evening star. She’ll return soon as a faint presence on the western horizon at dusk, then becomes brighter between May 24-Dec. 31.

Over the course of an 8-year cycle, the points where Venus conjoins the Sun produce a 5-pointed star pattern in the heavens. The five points of the star are called Venus Star Points. The last Venus Star Point, on June 3, 2020, was at 13.35 Gemini during her retrograde period. Interestingly, this week’s Mercury aspects to Mars/North Node occur right around this last Venus Star Point degree. Don’t be surprised if something that was important in June is open for further discussion this week.

Some astrologers say that the Venus Star Point symbolizes how we are our best selves and how we connect with others. The tension between Mercury and Mars this week emphasizes the importance of speaking up and clearing the air, so that we can move forward in our relationships with nothing unspoken – but Mercury in Pisces reminds us to temper this openness with kindness as well.


Mars conjoins the North Node this week (March 26, 8:35 am PDT) at 13.14 Gemini, on the Sabian Symbol, A conversation by telepathy. In late Feb. 2020, Mars passed over the South Node, then in Capricorn; that’s when a pandemic was declared and the world shut down. Now that it conjoins the North Node in Gemini, a sociable sign, there’s a push (Mars) to open things up.

I like the Sabian Symbol for this conjunction, which evokes the “twin” quality of Gemini, the secret, unspoken language we can have with those close to us. But there’s a warning, as Mercury in Pisces squares this point, to avoid assuming we can read others’ minds, however intimate with them we might be. Have explicit, spoken conversations, even if it seems unnecessary; you might find that those closest to you don’t share all of your opinions.

Cycles within cycles

In a week dominated by Venus and Mars, the Libra Full Moon (March 28, 2021, 11:48 am) is one more sign that relationships and communication are under close scrutiny this week. The Full Moon is the revelation point in the lunar cycle, when we see very clearly what was conceived at the previous New Moon (In this case, the March 13 Pisces New Moon). But it’s also a response to the call of the previous New Moon in the same sign – in this case, the Libra New Moon of Oct. 16, 2020. And it’s an important point, too, in a Lunar Phase family – this one is at the same point as a New Moon at 5.20 Libra on Sep. 28, 2019.

Cycles within lunar cycles…. We’re accustomed to setting intentions at each New Moon, but if we think only of what can be accomplished in a 28-day period, our hopes are necessarily limited to small, achievable ones. But truly, that’s not how life works. Making a choice, setting a goal, planting our flag in the soil…these are moments when we set into motion powerful forces that continue to send out concentric circles through the waters of our lives.

What do you want for your relationships with others? How do you want to shift your own perspective and behaviors in order to be more loving and accessible to those you love? With the Full Moon opposed the Sun and Venus, how can you pay closer attention to what they say? The Full Moon is trine Mars and the North Node; how can you motivate yourself and your loved ones in the direction of true growth? And as the Full Moon also trines Saturn, how can you set personal boundaries that are, in the end, most supportive of healthy relationships?

Writing and collages © 2021 April Elliott Kent

Jen and I explore all the week’s highlights in our latest podcast episode!

Helpful things…

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