Tests, Fallout, and a Bold Future
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An unhealthy preoccupation
As the world grinds to a halt, we find ourselves in one of those moments when what I do for a living seems irrelevant. Cynics and skeptics, of course, would claim that it is always irrelevant; but I know that isn’t true. The feedback I receive from readers that the weekly column and New/Full Moon essays are helpful, that the sessions we do together are illuminating, that the podcast is enjoyable, all tell me there is an important place in the world for thoughtful, reflective, and entertaining work that helps you better understand yourself and your world.
That said, it’s very hard to for me settle down and focus right now. I imagine many of you feel likewise. The world is gripped by fear, uncertainty, and an unhealthy preoccupation with toilet paper.
Welcome to the ever-evolving manifestation of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction! As Mars begins his March across Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn like Sherman headed for the sea, the fuse lit back in January at the conjunction (about the time this virus first appeared in China) is catching fire.
Over the past few days, my inbox has filled with a steady stream of messages about cancelled events, closures of public spaces, and reminders that everyone I’ve ever done business with in my life – from our car dealership to a hotel we stayed at in the U.K. seven years ago – is working day and night to protect me from the unlikely event of getting sick on their watch.
There are plenty of noteworthy astrological events this week. At a different moment, I’d examine each of them in some lingering detail. Mercury reentering Pisces (March 16, 00:42 am PDT), on the home stretch of a Pisces/retrograde journey that began back on February 3; Mars conjoining Jupiter in a heroic conjunction at the same degree as the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January (March 20, 4:34 am PDT); Mars joining Pluto in the dark beginning of a new cycle (March 22, 8:08 pm PDT); a Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius (March 16, 2:34 am PDT). Jen and I actually cover these in some detail in the latest episode of the Big Sky Astrology podcast, and you can listen here or read the transcript.
Here, I’ll give what energy and focus I have on two rather major bits of astrological news: the Aries Equinox and Saturn entering Aquarius.
Valor and obstacles
The Vernal Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere; Autumnal Equinox for our Southern Hemisphere friends), when the Sun enters Aries (March 19, 8:49 pm PDT), marks the beginning of spring and should, by rights, sound a starting bell for an energetic new year. Aries likes nothing more than to try something new and hit the ground running. Instead, it appears the groundhog was wrong and we’ll be burrowed deep in our homes for six more weeks of winter.
Mundane astrologers, who study world events, use the chart for the Aries ingress (the moment the Sun enters Aries) to predict global developments for the year ahead. By casting the chart for a nation’s capital city, they look for clues to how a particular country will be affected. This isn’t my field of expertise; however, it’s not surprising under the circumstances to see the Sun in the sheltering 4th house of the ingress chart and a stellium of heavy, pessimistic Capricorn planets straddling the houses of finance and communication.But my astrology is focused on individuals; so what about you? The Sun’s degree at the Aries ingress is always at 0.00 Aries and always in the same area of your chart; the house that it falls in shows where you always tend to exhibit pioneering, indomitable qualities and strong initiative. Perhaps you’ve recently undertaken a fresh project in that area of your life. But that big clump of Capricorn messaging also falls in a house or two of your chart, and that’s where your fledgling efforts are about to face some obstacles.
The financial fallout from this virus will affect all of us in the U.S. (and in fact the world); that’s where the country feels the Capricorn menace in this ingress, in the second house (financial security). But where and how will you be specifically impacted? Do you have natal planets between 22 and 29 of cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)? – those will add another layer of understanding about how your character will be tested.
Saturn enters Aquarius
I can’t help but hope that the situation will begin to look a little less grim as Saturn enters Aquarius on March 21 (8:58 pm PDT). Aquarius is a sign of revolution and progress, sociability and social conscience, and that’s hard to square with visions of grim-faced shoppers leaving supermarkets with their carts full of toilet paper.
And harder still to square it with the idea of social distancing. Yes, Aquarius is one of the most sociable of signs, and yes, Saturn can speak of boundaries and distance. But if you know anyone who was born with Saturn in Aquarius (dates below), you know that a hallmark of these age groups in general is a spirit of collectivism and social consciousness. I’ve been lucky enough to know many of them quite well, and every one has been a helper and a fighter on behalf of the less fortunate. Even if physical distance must be kept for the moment, friendships can become stronger than ever.
Saturn moves pretty slowly, and it last visited this sign in 1991-1993. After three very rough years of Saturn in Capricorn (and we’re not entirely done with it yet, because Saturn will turn retrograde and make its swan song there between July 1 and Dec. 16 of this year), it heartens me to think that we’re moving into a mini “age of Aquarius” for the coming few years. (Saturn will leave Aquarius for good on March 7, 2023.)
Whenever Saturn changes signs, it’s a signal that the container of your life, the structure, the framework, has been outgrown and its boundaries need to be redrawn. In Aquarius, resetting these boundaries comes with some upheaval and rebellion (look to the Aquarius house of your chart to find out where you’ll be restructuring); but in the end, it also offers hope of moving together toward a bolder, more equitable future.
Be well, take good care, and know that my very best wishes are with each of you!
Saturn was most recently in Aquarius during the following time periods: Feb. 23, 1932-Aug. 13, 1932 and Nov. 19, 1932-Feb. 14, 1935; Jan. 1962-March 23, 1964 and Sep. 16, 1964-Dec. 16, 1964; Feb. 6, 1991-May 21, 1993 and June 30 1993-Jan. 28, 1994. If you were born with Saturn in Aquarius, you’ll be having a Saturn return in the next few years! Revisit this blog post for more thoughts about that.
© 2020 April Elliott Kent
Jen and I explore all the week’s highlights on this week’s episode, 017 | Saturn in Aquarius: All in This Together
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