Remembering When
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Remember when
Mars is the planet of action, and while in Aries it favors clean, direct, uncomplicated action. This week it connects with Mercury, planet of the mind, ruler of the ways we conceive and defend our actions… and that’s where things become complicated. Mercury retrograde in Cancer since June 18 has clouded the rational mind with gut instinct and emotion; and as it makes a square to Mars (July 8, 3:41 am PDT), seemingly no action seems untouched by fear, anger, or nostalgia.
The Sabian symbol for Mercury’s degree is sentimental and evocative of childhood summer evenings: Two fairies on a moonlit night. But Mars in Aries has no time for sentimentality; he’s looking for some fireworks to set off. Mercury squares Mars on the symbol A man successfully expressing himself in two realms at once. The key to that success may lie in inhabiting both the sentimental and the physical. “Remember how we used to set off firecrackers each night, all summer long?” this Mars says, in a bid to the nostalgic. It’s a way of moving through fear and back on a forward path. But cautious Mercury will need to keep an eye on Mars so his fireworks don’t terrify our pets and trigger brush fires.

Feathering the nest
For me, Mercury’s latest retrograde period, which ends this week (July 12, 1:26 am PDT), has been less disruptive than usual. Then again, it’s been in Cancer, one of the more inward-facing signs…and introspection, in combination with the less frenetic pace of the pandemic age, has suited retrograde Mercury in Cancer pretty well.
Mercury turns direct on the Sabian symbol degree Game birds feathering their nests. Interestingly, the symbol where Mercury turned retrograde had to do with A group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it. And now, after having gobbled everything up – and having ignored the outside world quite a bit since Mercury turned retrograde (June 18) – it’s probably time to go out and gather supplies, bringing them back to the safety of the nest we’ve built.

Dream a new you
The Sun in Cancer makes one of two annual trine aspects to Neptune this week (July 12, 11:43 am PDT). It’s a generally favorable aspect that lends itself to a few pleasant days (one before and one after the exact aspect) of spiritual rejuvenation. Since the Sun represents the ways we create, re-creation – time to simply be and to play – is vital to keeping our creative energy vibrant and healthy.
So find a minute or two for recreation this week. Relax near the water, enjoy music, catch up on sleep, and engage in spiritual practices. This weekend is an excellent one for a spiritual retreat. It needn’t be anything formal, fancy, or expensive; just a bit of time set aside for meditation, relaxed pleasure, and re-creation. Time to dream a new you.

Garden of desire
Aries has an often-overlooked romantic side, and this Aries Last Quarter Moon (July 12, 2020, 4:29 pm PDT) occurs at two very romantic Sabian symbols. The Moon is on The gate to the garden of desire, and the Sun is on 22 Cancer, A woman awaiting a sailboat.
This is a tough Last Quarter Moon chart, however, so any romance will be hard-won. The Sun is opposed Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn, and they all square the Moon in Aries. It’s been a very challenging year so far, and we’re not yet out of the woods. The gate to the garden of desire may well be locked for awhile longer. And that woman may be waiting quite awhile for that sailboat to arrive, either to take her away or perhaps to bring her beloved to her.
All this Cancer/Capricorn restraint, as well as the reflective nature of the Last Quarter Moon itself, does suit Aries terribly well. Patience is called for, and that’s one of Aries’ least favorite words. But across the wheel is Aries’ opposite sign, Libra, the only one of the cardinal signs not implicated in this challenging scenario. Its qualities of balance and careful judgement are just what we need this week – as well as partners and good friends who are not afraid to tell us that we’re being impulsive, or getting ahead of ourselves.

Writing and collages © 2020 April Elliott Kent
Jen and I dig deep into all the week’s highlights
in our latest podcast episode,
33 | Kittens and Composite Charts