The Sun entered clever Gemini this morning at 3:12 am PDT, but I don’t feel any smarter yet. How about you?
The last couple of weeks have been all about fixing things around here. When the transiting Sun squared Saturn (May 9), my back went out – as per usual for me under Sun/Saturn squares. And before you “Secret” people try telling me I’m manifesting this, I just have to say that I’m almost never on top of current aspects enough to be setting myself up with negative thinking. Most of my astrology work at the moment is electional, which means I can run down the major transits for 2008 off the top of my head but don’t have clue one about what’s happening this week. Anyway, it took a tedious three or four days of yoga and soft chairs before I could spend much time at the computer. Stupid back.
This wouldn’t have been so bad – I could have worked from the sofa – except, of course, my laptop recently met with catastrophic misadventure. HP finally sent a special box and shipping label last week and I packed up my smouldering laptop and sent it off for repair. I was shocked and thrilled when it returned within just a few days, fully functional – though of course they replaced the hard drive and I lost everything on it; no biggie, all my data was backed up. Kind of a hassle restoring all the applications, though. Still, I’m reasonably satisfied with how the whole situation was ultimately resolved, though I still think I had to jump through a few more hoops than was strictly necessary to get HP to step up and fix the problem. A two-year-old computer should not smoke, right? It’s bad for its health.
In other repair news, Jonny finally finished off the floor of the garage, filling the gaping hole that was left after last year’s repair of the listing wall. Soon we can move everything back into the garage, which means we’ll no longer have a patio, driveway, and backyard that are overflowing with garage flotsam. It will mean relinquishing the coveted title of Trashiest Neighbors on the Block, but so be it.
Now our car is with our mechanic, enjoying a few rejuvenating spa days before we take off for a mini-vacation to San Francisco. The purpose of our visit (other than the fact that SF is my husband’s favorite city in the world) is to celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary – a half a Saturn cycle! – with our good friend (best man at our wedding) and his partner. Fourteen years sounds like a semi-impressive amount of time, but truthfully, it’s hard to remember a time when we weren’t married.
And I mean that in a good way.