Show Notes for Episode 80 (5/3/2021)
080 | Mercury and Venus Enter Gemini: They’re Pie-adjacent!
Forgetting for a minute that this is an astrology podcast, April and Jen kick off their series of 80s episodes with their favorite songs from 1980! Hum along to your favorite 80s tunes as we chat about Mercury and Venus entering the communicative sign of Gemini, and a motivational Last Quarter Moon in the forward-thinking sign of Aquarius! Also: Mercury and Venus finish their Taurus vacation with some motivation from Jupiter, Saturn demands that we buckle down and work harder on our creative projects, and Venus cleans house and lightens our load with a little help from Pluto. Plus: cobbler, pie’s single-crust cousin; peacock feathers; and reminiscing about MTV!
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00:30 – Are we excited to kick off the first of the next ten episodes featuring our favorite songs from 1980?! Is the sky blue? Do dogs bark? Is the mullet business in the front and a party in the back? Why, yes! Yes indeed! Jen favors I’m Coming Out by Diana Ross and Take the Long Way Home by Supertramp. April votes for Is She Really Going Out with Him by Joe Jackson and Whip It by Devo. These and other favorites from 1980 on our (imaginary sponsor) YouTube playlist! And if you’d like to tell us about your own favorite tunes from 1980, leave a comment below!
07:43 – Mercury, at 28.41 Taurus, squares Jupiter in Aquarius (May 3). Mercury is on the Sabian symbol “Two cobblers working at a table,” and Jupiter is on “A butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.” This speaks to working together with someone on something that’s about to reveal its finished form. And blueberry cobbler, natch!
11:58 – The Sun, at 13.11 Taurus, squares Saturn in Aquarius (May 3). The cosmic taskmaster is on, “A train entering a tunnel.” Focus, friends. Focus. (To hear more about this aspect, listen to Episode 79, Scorpio Full Moon: Bust Out Your Cape!)
15:22 – Eclipse season is arriving soon! Sign up for April’s free eclipse webinar!
16:43 – **MOONWATCH ** This week brings a Last Quarter Moon (LQM) at 13.35 Aquarius (May 3) on the Sabian symbol “A train entering a tunnel.” The Sun sits on “Shellfish groping and children playing.” This is a great LQM for getting motivated, focused, and disciplined! And if you’ve been feeling the celestial friction over the past weeks, check out Pema Chödrön’s book When Things Fall Apart.
20:48 – Eclipses often signal a change that you didn’t see coming. Want to learn about how the eclipses impact your personal birth chart? You can find April’s exclusive Followed by a Moonshadow Eclipse report! It’s a goodie!
21:56 – Mercury enters Gemini (May 3 – July 11). The planet of communication is in its rulership, and very strong here. Mercury will be in Gemini an extra-long time due to its upcoming retrograde period (May 29 – June 22). (Get yourself prepared by listening to Episode 12, Mercury Retrograde: Where Are My Pants?)
25:14 – Mercury will be out of bounds from May 7-30, which means it exceeds 23°26’ by declination. Communication may become more unpredictable, and we might see more scandals in news headlines – people in hot water related to things they have said.
27:13 – Venus, at 26.47 Taurus, trines Pluto in Cap (May 6). Venus is cleaning house, preparing to move into a new sign. This is a great time to let go of possessions that have outlived their usefulness. Lighten your load for the journey ahead!
30:09 – How luxurious: Venus, now at 29.21 Taurus, squares Jupiter in Aquarius (May 8) on the symbol “A peacock parading on an ancient lawn.” Jupiter is on “The field of Ardath in bloom.” Try to find where you are blessed by bounty, friends.
32:17 – Let your people know you care! Venus enters Gemini (May 8 – June 2), and is under rulership of an out-of-bounds Mercury. Perhaps unusual relationships will form, or come to an end; this leans in the direction of feeling the freedom to do what you want to do. In the sign of the twins, Venus enjoys spending time with siblings and neighbors and is inspired to trade words of love. Woot!
35:44 – Do you love the BSA podcast? Please support the show (it’s free!) by giving us lots of stars, subscribing or following, and/or leaving a happy review – here’s how! This episode is made possible by donors MARIJA SRETENOVIC, IZABELLA PEREGRINO, and LIGA SIRONA! Thank you Marija, Izabella, and Liga, for contributing to our Podathon! And if any other dear listeners haven’t had the chance to donate, please toss $5 or more our way and we’ll send you an invitation to our upcoming special solstice/equinox episodes – plus, you’ll receive our super cute bingo card! Rock on!