Episode 273 | Cancer Full Moon: Worldly Ambition, Human Connection!
This week: A somewhat cranky Cancer Full Moon, flavored by contentious Mars and Pluto; the Sun finishes up its journey through Capricorn with connections to Mars, Uranus, and Neptune, then enters future-facing Aquarius. Venus squares off with Jupiter, then comes together with Saturn to stabilize. Opportunities arise when Mercury connects with Venus and Saturn. And a listener question about Pluto transiting the 7th house and its impact on potential relationships. Plus: Lashing out, spiritual etiquette, and what’s squirming under the surface!
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[1:26] The Sun trines Uranus at 23°23’ Capricorn-Taurus (Jan. 13, 12:13 am PST). The Sun is the symbol of a strong and healthy ego and Uranus transits usually demand that we reinvent ourselves to some degree. The Sun’s Sabian symbol is 24 Capricorn, A woman entering a convent, and it speaks of entering a contemplative space to pursue an important spiritual goal.
[3:12] Moon Report! The Cancer Full Moon is on Jan. 13 (2:27 pm PST, at 23°59’ Cancer-Capricorn. The Sabian symbol for the Moon is 24 Cancer, A woman and two men are on a bit of sunlit land facing south. The Sun is on 24 Capricorn, A woman entering a convent. The Full Moon chart is volatile and emotionally driven. Check how you’re balancing emotional connections with career goals.
[5:26] This is the Full Moon in the Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC) that began with the July 17, 2023 New Moon at 24°56’ Cancer. The First Quarter in this LPFC came on April 15, 2024; the Last Quarter is on Oct. 13, 2025.
[7:09] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On Jan. 13 (8:45 pm PST), the Moon trines Neptune. It’s VOC for 4 hours 27 minutes and then enters Leeeeeooooo on Jan. 14 (1:12 am PST). Cultivate the habit of kindness.
[8:20] On Jan. 15 (8:10 pm PST), the Moon in Leo squares Uranus. It’s VOC for 12 hours 36 minutes (!!!) then enters Virgo on Jan. 16 (8:46 am PST). Form the habit of doing something unexpected every once in a while.
[9:37] On Jan. 18 (6:01 pm PST) the Moon in Virgo trines the Sun in Capricorn, then is VOC for 1 hour 31 minutes before entering Libra (7:33 pm PST). Enjoy doing the practical things you enjoy, whether or not they look like fun to others.
[11:08] Venus squares Jupiter at 11°59’ Pisces-Gemini (Jan. 14, 11:48 AM PST). Learn to appreciate what makes you feel good and happy without sacrificing too much money, space, or peace of mind in the process.
[13:17] The Sun opposes Mars at 26°12’ Capricorn-Cancer (Jan. 15, 6:39 pm PST). The Sun’s Sabian symbol is 27 Capricorn, A mountain pilgrimage. Mars is on 27 Cancer, A storm in a canyon. You can be determined and motivated without becoming brittle and reacting angrily to obstacles. Practice being nonreactive.
[15:30] The Sun sextiles Neptune at 27°35’ Capricorn-Pisces (Jan. 17, 3:20 am PST). Take imaginative Neptunian dreams and make them tangible. Spiritual breakthroughs are possible, and pay attention to little things that are trying to tell you something.
[17:03] Venus conjuncts Saturn (Jan. 18, 5:26 pm PST) at 16°05’ Pisces. This aspect supports long-term commitments and responsibilities. Focus on wise management of your resources, putting your money to work for you through investments. Caroline Casey said, “The universe wants to help, but spiritual etiquette requires that we ask.” Ritual is a way of focusing intention and politely asking the universe for aid.
[19:18] Mercury sextiles Saturn (Jan. 18, 11:38 pm PST) at 16°06’ Capricorn-Pisces. Time for a reality check! Gain a renewed perspective on stories about yourself.
[19:56] Mercury sextiles Venus (Jan. 19, 8:32 am PST) at 16°41’ Capricorn-Pisces. This is an opportunity to figure out what it is we want and to keep our eyes open for clarification.
[20:31] On Jan. 19 (12:00 pm PST), the Sun enters Aquarius. It’ll be in this sign until Feb. 18, 2025. Aquarius is a fixed air sign and its motto is “I know.” The traditional ruler of Aquarius is Saturn and in modern times, it is associated with Uranus as well. During Aquarius season, we decide which Capricornian New Year intentions we’re going to run with throughout the year and further out into the future. It’s the season in which we take the opportunity to pursue what’s important to us instead of following society’s dictates.
[22:58] Listener Candace asks about Pluto transiting the 7th House and its impact on relationships.
[26:54] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!
[27:24] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos for the coming year, go to BigSkyAstropod.com and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

Writing and images © 2017-24 by April Elliott Kent
For more on this week’s planetary news, read my column!