Episode 265 | Pluto enters Aquarius: Tearing Out Drywall!
This week, a major shift as Pluto leaves Capricorn for the final time and enters Aquarius for 19 years. The Sun enters its hopeful Sagittarius season, and its aspects to Neptune and Pluto highlight harmony, healing, and letting go. Mercury opposes Jupiter, so double-check holiday travel plans. As Venus sextiles Saturn, appreciate your mentors and validate those whom you mentor. The Virgo Last Quarter Moon emphasizes purity of purpose and standing up stormy waves. And a mini-lesson from last year about what Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius might mean for us in the coming decades. Plus: Gnarly commutes, tearing out drywall, and harmony is not Pluto’s job.
Read a full transcript of this episode.
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[1:24] Mercury opposes Jupiter (Nov 18, 12:55 am PST) at 18º47’ Sagittarius-Gemini. The planets are in mutual reception, which could be positive for travel and communication. Be aware that Mercury turns retrograde on Nov. 25; if you’re traveling for the holidays, triple-check your plans and put contingencies in place.
[4:06] The Sun trines Neptune (Nov. 18, 6:08 pm PST) at 27º13’ Scorpio-Pisces. Create beauty and harmony, take some time off work, spend time by the water, reach out to loved ones who have been going through a difficult time. The Sun is on Sabian symbol 28 Scorpio, The king of the fairies approaching his domain, and Neptune is on 28 Pisces, A fertile garden under the Full Moon.
[6:11] Pluto enters Aquarius this week (Nov. 19, 12:40 pm PST, through March 8, 2043). Pluto previously entered Aquarius briefly on March 23, 2023 and Jan. 20, 2024. Anna Hull from Episode 254 was mentioned. Pluto has about a 250-year cycle and the Pluto’s last transit through Aquarius included the American Revolutionary War and the French Revolution.
[9:00] The Sun enters Sagittarius (Nov. 21, 11:56 am PST). Sagittarius is grateful, hopeful, bright, and optimistic. Its season is a time to give thanks. April will offer a donors-only Sagittarius New Moon discussion on Nov. 30, 2024. If you care to join this and future YouTube videos for donors, just donate $10 or more at BigSkyAstropod.com!
[10:44] Sun sextiles Pluto (Nov. 21, 12:49 pm PST) at 00°02’ Sagittarius-Aquarius. This is an opportunity to rid ourselves of what we no longer need.
[12:15] Venus sextiles Saturn (Nov. 22, 3:55 am PST) at 12º44’ Capricorn-Pisces. To the authority figures and mentors out there – show some love to your employees, students, and assistants!
[13:50] Moon Report! The Virgo Last Quarter Moon (Nov. 22, 5:27 pm PST) is at 01º14’ Virgo. The Sabian symbol for the Moon is A large white cross upraised and for the Sun, 2 Sagittarius, The ocean covered with white caps. This combination speaks of purity of purpose, the devotional aspect of Virgo, and of standing up to the waves when they come your way.
[15:37] Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). This is the Last Quarter phase in an LPFC that began with the New Moon on Aug. 27, 2022. The First Quarter phase in the cycle was on May 27, 2023; the Full Moon was on Feb. 24, 2024.
[17:08] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On Nov. 17 (8:08 pm PST), the Moon in Gemini squares Neptune. It’s VOC for 4 hours and 41 minutes before it enters Cancer (Nov. 18, 12:49 am Pacific Time). This VOC Moon highlights the need for clearer, sounder, and kinder communication.
[18:08] On Nov. 20 (3:20 am PST), the Moon in Cancer trines the Sun in Scorpio. It’s VOC for about two and a half hours, then enters Leo (5:51 am PST). Enjoy the gift of restful sleep and perhaps a sweet, dreamy message from someone you love.
[19:10] The Moon in Leo squares Uranus on Nov. 22 (5:15 am PST) and is VOC for 9 hours 45 minutes before entering Virgo (3:00 pm PST). Beware of unstable emotions in the workspace or on the highways.
[20:56] Mini-lesson from Episode 169, on Pluto in Aquarius.
[26:46] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[27:26] Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!
[28:04] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only YouTube videos for the coming year, go to BigSkyAstropod.com and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

Writing and images © 2017-24 by April Elliott Kent
For more on this week’s planetary news, read my column!

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