Episode 236 | Jupiter and Pluto: A Mellow Moment in their Long Cycle!
This week, Mercury in Taurus makes aspects to serious Saturn, unpredictable Uranus, and idealistic Neptune. The Pisces Last Quarter Moon on two airplane-related Sabian symbols encourages a leap into the air for a bird’s eye view of our circumstances. Jupiter reaches a mellow interlude in its long cycle with Pluto. And April answers a listener question about secondary progressions. Plus: A nosedive, plutocrats, and a peacock on parade!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
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[1:09] Mercury sextiles Saturn on May 27 (8:22 pm PDT) at 18º33’ Taurus-Pisces. Time to sit down and write that novel!
[2:27] Moon Report! The Pisces Last Quarter Moon is on May 30 (10:13 am PDT) at 09º46’ Pisces-Gemini. The Moon’s Sabian symbol is 10 Pisces, An aviator in the clouds and the Sun is on the symbol 10 Gemini, An airplane performing a nosedive. Time to pry your white knuckles away from the wheel of security.
[5:06] This is the Last Quarter phase in a lunar phase family cycle (LPFC) that began on March 2, 2022 (New Moon 12º06’ Pisces). The First Quarter Moon in this LPFC was on Nov. 30, 2022, the Full Moon on Aug. 30, 2023. If you have your foundation in place, you can really take flight.
[7:14] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On May 27 (1:02 pm PDT), the Moon in Capricorn sextiles Neptune. It’s VOC for 43 minutes, and then enters Aquarius (1:45 pm PDT). Consider how to be a better mentor to those who need love and support.
[8:22] On May 29 (7:20 am PDT), the Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus. It’s VOC for 10 ¼ hours before entering Pisces (5:33 pm PDT). Don’t prioritize getting along at the expense of your true self.
[9:53] On May 31 (7:55 pm PDT), the Moon in Pisces conjoins Neptune, is VOC for a little over a half an hour, then enters Aries (8:28 pm PDT). Managing emotions, both your own and those you take on from others, might be helped by tackling a small, practical task.
[11:28] On June 2 (3:03 pm PDT), the Moon in Aries conjoins Mars. It’s VOC for almost eight hours and then enters Taurus (10:55 pm PDT). Keep impulsiveness in check.
[12:39] On May 30 (10:54 pm PDT), Mercury conjoins Uranus at 24°07’ Taurus. Plans can change. Be on the lookout for sudden inspiration and breakthroughs.
[14:09] On June 2 (5:12 pm PDT), Jupiter trines Pluto at 01º53’ Gemini-Aquarius. The current 13-year cycle of Jupiter with Pluto began in April 2020. This cycle seems to coincide with COVID news. Jupiter is an amplifier, and Pluto can represent serious or even deadly circumstances such as disease. Financially, this combo can represent monetary gains.
[17:32] Mercury sextiles Neptune (June 2, 8:57 pm PDT) at 29º42’ Taurus-Pisces. Mercury is on the Sabian symbol 30 Taurus, A peacock parading on an ancient lawn. Neptune is on symbol 30 Pisces, The great stone face. Are we living up to our ideals of greatness?
[19:19] Listener Adrienne in Colorado asks about secondary progressions. April builds on a mini-lesson on the topic back in Episode 122. Order Steven Forrest’s Sky Bundle to see how secondary progressions are currently playing out in your chart.
[27:28] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[28:01] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share!
[28:18] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you’d like to support the show, please go to bigskyastropod.com where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $5 or more to receive access to April’s Aries equinox and Cancer solstice episodes.

Writing and images © 2017-24 by April Elliott Kent
For more on this week’s planetary news, read my weekly column!