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Episode 215 | Mars in Capricorn: Refine Your Plan!

Episode 215 | Mars in Capricorn: Refine Your Plan!

This week, a comfortably light and straight ahead start to 2024, as Mercury turns direct on New Year’s Day; Mars enters one of its favorite signs, disciplined, hard-working Capricorn; a Venus-Saturn struggle for resources; the Libra Last Quarter Moon advises us to pause and rest before finishing this lunar cycle; and a listener question about transiting “repeat offenders,” planets that make the same aspect to the birth chart more than once. Plus: A siesta, a graceful dismount, and waaaaayyyy too much Uranus for one household!

Read a full transcript of this episode.

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[1:21] Venus squares Saturn on Jan. 1 (5:26 am PST) at 03º17’, Sagittarius and Pisces. Venus is on Sabian symbol, 4 Sagittarius, a little child learning to walk, and  Saturn is at 4 Pisces, Heavy traffic on a narrow isthmus. Money-wise, it could feel like there is not quite enough for everybody. Frustrations in relationships can arise and the potential for losing individual freedom can be an issue.

[3:21] Mercury stations direct on Jan. 1 (7:07 pm PST) at 22°10’ on the Sabian symbol, 23 Sagittarius, Immigrants entering. It’s been retrograde since Dec. 12, 2023, at 08º29’ Capricorn. Mercury moves back into Capricorn on Jan. 13.

[4:27] Moon Report!  The Libra Last Quarter Moon (Jan. 3, 7:30 pm PST) at 13º14’ Libra is on the Sabian symbol A noon siesta, and the Sun is on 14 Capricorn, An ancient bas relief carved in granite. Pursue your own objectives but make sure to invite others as collaborators or guests.

[6:27] This is the Last Quarter in a Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC) that began on Oct. 6, 2021, at the New Moon in Libra. The First Quarter in this cycle was on July 6, 2022, the Full Moon on April 5, 2023.  We now have nine months left to finish up the final phase of this cycle.

[8:11] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On Jan. 2, the Moon in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn (3:36 p.m. PST). It’s VOC for a little over one hour and then enters Libra (4:47 pm PST). Service and diligence will be noticed and rewarded by those in power or positions of influence.

[9:26] On Jan. 5, the Moon in Libra squares Pluto (3:41 am PST). It’s VOC for just one hour, then enters Scorpio (4:39 am PST). It’s important to collaborate with others but make sure to have a strong sense of what you want as well.

[10:29] On Jan. 7, the Moon in Scorpio sextiles Pluto (12:22 pm PST). It’s VOC for only 45 minutes and then enters Sagittarius (1:08 pm PST). The opportunity here is the ability and willingness to seek and to tell the truth in order to put yourself in a position of greater influence or power.

[11:35] Mars enters its sign of exaltation, Capricorn, on Jan. 4 (6:58 am PST), through Feb. 12, 2024. Consider formulating your strategy for the coming year at this time, especially after Mercury enters Capricorn on Jan. 13.

[13:46] Listener Kelly asks about the effect of transits as they make more than one exact aspect to the birth chart.

[24:19] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.

[24:55] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by donors Sandy Miller and Rachel Fletcher, who has contributed to the podathon every single year!

[26:08] If you’d like to support the show, please go to where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $10 or more to receive access to April’s special equinox and solstice episodes.

Writing and images © 2017-24 by April Elliott Kent

For more on this week’s planetary news, read my weekly column!

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