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Capricorn New Moon: The Leap

butchnsundanceOn a recent morning, I woke up exhausted and filled with dread. Worrying about some new organizational duties, reluctantly assumed, had cost me sleep. Even while I was still burrowed under the blankets, a desk full of work arose before my eyes, more than I could conceivably finish on schedule. Meanwhile, a project that had been hanging over my head for weeks was now leaning, hard, on my conscience. It didn’t feel like the right fit for me, but I was afraid to turn it down for fear of burning bridges to future opportunities.

Wearily, I finished my coffee, wandered into my office, and immediately faced a huge stack of subscriber orders for customized Saturn reports, at least as many as I’d already written over the past couple of weeks.

And just like that, I had an epiphany. The many, many words of advice I’d written about the planet of authority and personal accountability finally penetrated my thick skull. “Saturn will cross my Ascendant in a few weeks,” I thought, “and if I keep living the life that’s offered to me instead of choosing the one I want, I have no one but myself to blame if I’m unhappy.”

I squared my shoulders and fired up my computer. By lunchtime, I’d extracted myself from the Project of Damocles, devised an approach to manage my new organizational responsibilities, and knocked out a report. That afternoon, I even took a nap.

Endings and beginnings are kissing cousins by nature, but at this particular New Moon they’re especially intimate. Saturn is nearing the end of its long, dark sojourn through Scorpio, where it’s traveled since October 2012. As it enters Sagittarius (December 23), there are sure to be new and difficult lessons – but at this point, many of us would prefer just about anything to the challenges we’ve been facing for the past couple of years.  This New Moon, exact within hours after the Winter Solstice and Uranus stationing direct, is in Saturn’s own sign, Capricorn. As one door closes (Saturn at the last degree of Scorpio), another one is opening, symbolized by the New Moon at 0 degrees.

It’s easy to paint Saturn and Capricorn as downers, but that’s not how I feel about them. Remembering that I’m in charge of my own misery or happiness has been incredibly empowering. The prospect of being the author of my own life is more thrilling than any book I have written or could write. The idea that I might build a life that pleases me, instead of trying to please or impress others, feels revolutionary, delicious, liberating.

The past couple of years have been very difficult for a lot of people. I’ve seen friends bankrupted and nearly living on the streets. I’ve seen long-term relationships hit serious stumbling blocks; a few did not survive. I long ago stopped following the news, but enough of the highlights penetrate my cone of silence that I’m aware things have gotten very dark indeed in the big world outside my small one.

It is the end of Saturn in Scorpio for another 29 years, save for a brief retrograde between June 14 and September 17, 2015. And because there is nothing wishy-washy about Scorpio, Saturn is finishing its transit here in characteristically decisive fashion. “No longer this,” we think, even if we’re not sure what will fill the gaps opened by loss.

Like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, escaping certain death by leaping from a high cliff into roaring rapids, we have been prepared by Scorpio for the open-armed embrace of the wild, blue, Sagittarian yonder. We are on the cliff, ready to commit to moving forward—leaping into uncertainty, and burning our bridges behind us if necessary.

To each of you, a peaceful holiday season, and a joyous leap into the wild blue yonder of 2015,

With love,

© 2014 April Elliott Kent

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13 comments to " Capricorn New Moon: The Leap "

  • jenny b

    Thanks April! Well written! I have lately been telling myself how I have reached the edge of the cliff and I’m not jumping, I’m gonna fly. 😉 My Saturn is in Scorpio and it sure has been intense in my lil world and I see it in everyone’s life too. Saturn Return in Scorpio is surely tranformation and oh so deep. Than you Saturn, even though it’s been rough and bumpy on this road I know you only have wonderful gifts to share with me. Happy Winter Solstice and New Moon!

  • Victoria

    Saturn is about to cross my ascendent as well and I feel exactly the same.

    I had to get rid of some roommates that just weren’t working out just this week. Yes, there is loss but loss is a part of moving forward. Whenever you move forward to the new, you have to let go of the old.

    I am also starting to date again.

    I feel life changing like ice cracking under my feet but I like it! It’s sink or swim and I swim like a fish.

    Bring on the change, I’m ready!

  • Steve

    That’s a very empowering statement up there about taking control of your life!

    I actually remember this story about Saturn transiting my Ascendent. A few weeks before, I’d put my ageing car in for a service and, rather than wait or go home, walked to the nearby marina for lunch and to take some photos. These were boom times, new apartments were springing up and looked amazing. I remembered that many years ago I really wanted to live there, a dream I’d let go of long ago. Life wasn’t booming for me. I’d had my business for a couple of years and while I’d tasted some success, it’d just as quickly been snatched away and I hated where I lived. How could I ever have the life that I wanted?

    Well, two and a half years later I was choosing the furniture for my apartment. I’d got focused, and worked really hard to build a secure future for myself. Saturn was going through my 2nd by then, but rather than experience poverty, dumper trucks were depositing cash into my bank account. Somewhere down the line I remembered that photography session, and sure enough I’d taken a shot of my freshly-built future home. I’m still in that place, and while the good times didn’t last forever, nothing has ever got so bad as to take me back to where I was before.

  • mand

    During the last several months I have lived with a strong sense that something is about to end, something important in a decisive way, opening a huge door. I want to leap and not be pushed! Really hoping it will not be a severe health crisis or bereavement, house burning down or anything like that… these sound extreme but I’ve experienced the first two of those a few times so far and so they are plausible in my mind.

    I keep the image of the Tarot Fool in my mind, striding happily off his cliff. I can do that, I’ve learnt how, and I am strong enough now (wasn’t earlier this year, but am again now) to do so. I’m just reluctant to if it isn’t going to lead, finally this time, to somewhere I will stay. Life has been a series of shipwrecks and I want to start building now … Besides, I’ll be able to hang out more on my favourite blogs like this one, once life stops shoving me around. 😉

    My Saturn is in Aries, 5 degrees past the IC, and I have Mars at 5 degrees Scorpio (11th house). Saturn, I think, would explain how finding the “explosive”/”shock” force in myself was a hard, slow lesson that didn’t even begin until my thirties. At least, with my small astrological understanding that makes sense!
    *as opposed to the endurance kind of strength

    But I can’t make any sense of the rest. My tenth house is empty, maybe that’s why.

  • Steve

    Meant to add that I also find myself at the “No longer this” point, although still waiting for that cliff, and to let you know I will be stealing “Project of Damocles” for my own personal use. Seasonal greetings to you and Mr April!

  • Paula

    I always learn so much from you, and I have to admit – although I watch the planets through ephemeris and Solarfire, I totally missed Uranus going stationary before Christmas. I’ve been so busy with major changes at work (temporarily have two bosses, one that I have had since Saturn went into Scorpio in Oct of 2012) and she leaves my life for the most part soon when she takes on a new challenge/promotion in another state. The new boss is a treasure, but currently the load with two bosses has been very Uranus/pluto in my life. I haven’t been able to sleep much for the last week over crazy things going on and this stationary Uranus is part of an explanation I was looking for recently and couldn’t find. Normally I plot out the stations of all the planets for the year and somehow this one slipped by me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your hard work and deep insights. You always deepen my understanding of what is going on and I enjoy your take, your view, your way with words. Good luck with the new book. I wonder if you could share a short excerpt from the book before publishing release date….? Take care, have a great holiday and thanks again.

  • I love that you’re so candid and open about your own fear and weakness. No wonder so many people want you to read for them!

  • Paula

    OH. Forgot to say: Saturn just transited my MC at 23 Scorpio not so long ago… what you are experiencing and writing about rings a bell for me related to work/profession.

  • Ashley Jasmine

    Hi,blessings to everyone,
    I had a song, Be grateful for your struggles, by Walla,I believe that’ s the group,it’s 4 Native American women,it is a very beautiful/inspiring song foe me,and I think back on it often especially in times of struggles. Now when I am in the middle of a crisis it’s hard to be grateful for the crisis,it’s,of course,only after,that I see how strong I really was at the time. But this song helps me to remember that life is a series of tests and life isn’t against me. My Saturn is in Capricorn and I have Sco/rising with Aqu/Sun. So I am always dying to live & living to die. I feel that my lesson for life is to forgive, to forgive others and to forgive myself. And to really learn to forgive, I have to really feel the pain of which leads to forgiveness.
    I am gratefull for my struggles,just not so much at the time I am struggling.
    I treat Saturn as a friend who really only has my best intrest at heart. Also if one doesn’t make the changes necessary ,one may be forced to have someone else make the changes for them. I’ve finally got this, I,take the steering,no one else drives my car,anymore.
    Love and Blessings

  • Julie Shear

    Great commentary April! Thank You and Happy Holidays!!! Plus the cliff pictured & described is from my all time favorite movie–I don’t do too many movies any more but back in my teen years I was enthralled by “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” & wanted to be Ali McGraw! :)) I haven’t seen that scene in years! Hugs & Appreciation for YOU, Julie

  • Today we delivered a young mustang to his adopter, his first home away from mom. His name…. the Sundance Kid. I was surprised to see him mentioned in your new moon blog.

  • Clairessense

    I love how you are so real and write from your truth. You inspire and I respect that. Thank you for sharing April. Peace, love & laughter to you and yours this holiday season.

  • Seriously, I can’t wait. It’s been in my 5th house, a spot that hurts because I’m in my 40s and have been wanting to settle down for years.

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