Absolutely Essential
I’m fascinated by minimalism, a movement that emphasizes living as simply as possible, with only the possessions that you consider essential. I’m not sure I’m made for this lifestyle, but the promise of clean, uncluttered serenity is very appealing.
Venus currently transiting Sagittarius is attuned to this streamlined aesthetic, preferring the beauty of nature and wide-open spaces to possessions (with the exception of books). Traveling light makes exploration and adventure easier – and that includes relationships, also under Venus’s purview, as well.
But when Venus squares Saturn in Pisces this week (Jan. 1, 2024, 5:26 pm PST), messy reality intrudes on this minimalist ideal. The beloved pet who snuck in under the radar makes travel more complicated. The gift of a cherished family heirloom that means so much to you also takes up a lot space in your snug, Thoreau-like home.
Venus square Saturn delineates the boundaries of possessions and social obligations. But like minimalism, it doesn’t say no to them altogether. It simply insists that we confine ourselves to the ones that feel absolutely essential.

Borders Opening
Mercury stations direct as the new year begins (Jan. 1, 2024, 5:26 am PST), at 22º10’ Sagittarius, on the Sabian symbol Immigrants entering. Mercury’s retrograde periods are often characterized by the sense of having been held back from a project, an adventure, or a vacation trip. But now, the borders to a new year are opening up, and as Mercury moves forward from our earthly perspective, so can we.
Mercury returns to Capricorn on Jan. 13, and that marks a more fruitful time for making serious plans for the new year. Until then, enjoy a couple more weeks of Mercury in Sagittarius, as you gather bright and exciting ideas for the future that Capricorn can turn into a reality. And mark your calendar: Mercury will next be retrograde between April 1 and 25, so plan for a more flexible schedule then – especially with a major eclipse and Jupiter’s conjunction with Uranus during that time period.

Stillness and Action
The Libra Last Quarter Moon (January 3, 2024, 7:30 pm PST, 13º14’ Libra) is on Sabian symbol 14 Libra, A noon siesta, with the Sun on 14 Capricorn, An ancient bas relief carved in granite. All of the Sabian symbols at 14º of the cardinal signs have this spirit of stillness: 14 Aries is, A serpent coiling near a man and a woman (it’s still, but getting ready to spring!), and 14 Cancer is, A very old man facing a vast, dark space to the northeast.
The Last Quarter phase is one of the decisive moments in the lunar cycle, when we take final action in the cycle based on past experience. But as these symbols remind us, this phase is most rewarding when we pause for reflection before we act.
Some of the reflection at this particular Last Quarter examines the tension between collaboration, symbolized by Libra, and pursuing our own objectives alone, which is more in line with Capricorn. But in order to complete this lunar cycle to satisfaction, it’s necessary to find a way to honor both – to run your Capricorn enterprise, but in a Libra-like way, making room for collaborative voices.
This is the Last Quarter in a lunar phase family cycle that began on October 6, 2021, at the New Moon in Libra. The Lunar Phase Family cycle is a technique that extends each New Moon cycle across three years, with critical points every 9 months near the New Moon’s point, first at a First Quarter, then a Full Moon, and then a Last Quarter phase. (See Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar Shadows III: The Predictive Power of Moon Phases and Eclipses for more on this fascinating technique.)
Libra New Moons initiate endeavors that, after a Virgo time of quiet attention to our work, open up a cycle of forming social relationships, but also for moving into the give and take of the marketplace. The First Quarter in this Libra Lunar Phase Family Cycle was on July 6th, 2022, when some movement took place toward a collaborative, social, or business goal initiated at the New Moon. The Full Moon on April 5th, 2023 revealed the full nature of the collaboration. Now, at the Last Quarter of the cycle, a final action is needed to make sense of and complete this cycle.
Take a close look at the house of your chart that contains 13º24’ Libra, the beginning point for this cycle. Reflect on what was initiated at that Oct. 2021 New Moon, and what still requires your action to reach fruition.

Mars enters Capricorn this week (Jan. 4, 2024, 6:58 am PST) and will be in this tough, pragmatic sign through Feb. 12. Then, it enters Aquarius and immediately finds itself knee deep in an Aquarius stellium alongside the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto. To prepare for that burst of collective, visionary activity, make careful use of Mars’s time in Capricorn.
Capricorn is considered one of Mars’s strongest signs, because the discipline and strategic gifts of Capricorn temper Mars’s impatience and harness its formidable gifts of energy, determination, and courage. That makes this Mars in Capricorn time very effective for formulating strategies for both the short term and long term and laying the groundwork for success. It’s an especially useful transit for setting out resolutions that are physical in nature, such as getting more exercise, refining your diet, and improving strength and stamina.
Once Mars goes into Aquarius, it will be time to deploy these plans, possibly as part of a team. But for now, enjoy the more solitary style of Mars in Capricorn to define your terms, refine objectives, and gather resources.

Writing and images © 2017-24 by April Elliott Kent
For more on this week’s planetary news, listen to my podcast!