I don’t know what happened in 2009; I pretty much ran out of blogging steam. For one thing I started writing full-blown essays at both the New and Full Moons – and then decided it would be a good idea to offer them as podcasts. I also developed a Facebook addiction and started a Big Sky Astrology page over there. My tendencies toward weighty philosophical pondering and stream-of-consciousness smartassedness thus fulfilled, the Astroblog lost some of its dewy luster. It seems I can come up with 1000 words on a topic or about 100, but the middle-ish length blog post – not as formal as an essay, but a little more demanding than a Facebook status update – is something that seems both daunting and not worth the bother most days.
And my 2009 archives bear this out… only 24 posts that are *not* just blurbs for my New of Full Moon essays! Yikes. Still, there were a few moments I didn’t mind revisiting. For one thing, at the beginning of the year I resisted the urge to lose my mind with schoolgirl ravings upon the inauguration of our new president. This restraint has held me in good stead in recent months when my disappointment in this administration has been running high. I got Lost. I gleaned new insights about the uneasy relationship between Pisces and Virgo. I got good and mad (more than once, but they didn’t all get documented. More restraint!) I was startled and dismayed to note my burgeoning resemblance to James Gandolfini. I fell in love all over again with a musical idol from my youth. I dreamed of hitting the open road in a Cancerian Airstream shell. My fridge broke down and I went to a funeral. And I bid a not-so-fond farewell to Saturn in Virgo by remembering an even harsher boss I once had.
In 2010 I’ll be launching into my project about women and Mars, and I’m not sure how much blogging I’ll do. For the forseeable future, though, you can count on seeing me toiling away at the New and Full Moons, and maybe we can catch up with each other on Facebook.
Love ya. Mean it.
What were the highlights of your 2009?