TRANSCRIPT Ep. 274 (1.20.25)
Sun Meets Pluto: Deep Cleaning!
Hello, invisible friend, April here, and the date today is January 20th, 2025. Welcome to Episode 274 of the Big Sky Astrology Podcast.
This week, the Sun’s conjunction with Pluto is an ideal time to let go and cleanse. The Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio directs us to escape obligations that don’t suit us and help others build new things. Venus and Mars fall into one another’s arms for a sexy embrace, and both aspect Uranus to shake things up a bit. Mercury gathers messages from Mars, Uranus, and Neptune, and I answer a listener question about fitting in actions and intentions related to transits into your daily schedule.
Sun conjunct Pluto (Jan. 21, 2025, 4:29 am PST)
The Sun makes its annual conjunction with Pluto on January 21st at 4:29 am Pacific Time at 1º42’ Aquarius, on the Sabian symbol 2 Aquarius, An unexpected thunderstorm. The Sun with Pluto is a combination that insists that we rid ourselves of falseness or of what we no longer need. This applies to what’s on the inside as well as what’s on the outside.
Externally, it’s a good aspect for decluttering, shredding old documents, making a run to the thrift store to donate things. Internally, this is the right moment for releasing situations, obligations, or habits that are no longer consistent with who you are, or even who you want to be. Doing a good cleaning around this date of whatever is unneeded or inauthentic Is cleansing and empowering.
Around this date, be aware of messages that tell you that you are not important. Take the opportunity to claim the attitude that each of us is vitally important.
This is the day after the U.S. Presidential Inauguration, and this speaks of a new leader taking power. The inauguration always takes place as the Sun is moving into Aquarius, and ideally, this is a sign of equality and fraternity, all of the best qualities that we hope to represent as the United States. But it’s also an unpredictable sign, a rebellious sign, and this Sabian symbol is very tumultuous as well.
Scorpio Last Quarter Moon (Jan. 21, 2025, 12:31 pm PST)
And now for the Moon Report. And we begin with the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio, on January 21st, at 12:31 pm Pacific Time. It’s at 2º03’ minutes Scorpio and Aquarius. This is the quarter that is the last push for the New Moon intentions that were made at the New Moon in Capricorn on December 30th, 2024.
If you want to engage in an energetic and focused way with your ambitions for 2025, here is the lunation that really can get you jump-started. This Last Quarter Moon is square the conjunction of the Sun with Pluto, and it really evokes those L. A. fires for sure, with their destruction and devastation. But it is also a Last Quarter that can help us, on a personal level, overcome blockages and procrastination, and to engage all of our determination to making things happen.
And you don’t have to do all of this alone. The Sabian symbol for the Moon is 3 Scorpio, A house raising. Think of Amish communities that pitch in to build a home or a barn for somebody in the community. You don’t have to necessarily go to that extent, but just asking someone to help you a little bit with some aspect of a particular project is a really good idea.
The Sabian symbol for the Sun is 3 Aquarius, A deserter from the Navy. I was just rewatching an episode of this series, All Creatures Great and Small, in which the main character goes AWOL from the Air Force during World War II, out of concern for his pregnant wife at home, who is just about to give birth.
This Sabian symbol always brings to mind for me the question, how do you choose between important responsibilities? It’s important to fulfill your obligations and your promises, but sometimes you’re equally obligated in two different directions. And it can be really hard to choose which is the one that you let go and which is the one that you pursue.
Lunar Phase Family Cycle
This is the Last Quarter in a lunar phase family cycle that began on October 25th, 2022, at the New Moon solar eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio.
I haven’t mentioned this for a while, but I did want to give a shout-out here to the wonderful book, “Lunar Shadows Three, The Predictive Power of Moon Phases and Eclipses” by astrologer Dietrich Pessin, who really came up with this lunar phase family cycle idea and it’s a wonderful book. That I think you’d find really helpful. We’ll link to it in the episode description.
Any lunar phase family cycle that begins with a solar eclipse is going to bring an especially critical and passionate tone to the entire lunar phase family cycle that spreads out over about a three-year period.
The New Moon at that eclipse might have been a time of upsetting developments or just decisions that were very important that you had to make. And this is especially true if there are planets or points in your chart near 2 degrees Scorpio or the opposite sign Taurus, or the signs that it squares, Leo and Aquarius.
Nine months later, at the First Quarter Moon on July 25th, 2023, at 2º43’ Scorpio, you may have seen some kind of development or action taking place in the area of your chart with these early degrees of Scorpio. The Full Moon in this cycle came on April 23rd, 2024, at 4º17’ Scorpio, that would have been a time when it would have been much more evident.What might be going on in your life that’s connected back again to that solar eclipse in October 2022 and nine months after that?
Now, we’re at the Last Quarter phase in this lunar phase family cycle. And this means a time to push, to reconcile, learn from, and finish up the matters not only of the December 30th Capricorn New Moon, of that New Moon eclipse back in October 2022, which was at the same degree Scorpio.
Void-of-Course Moon periods
Let’s look at the Void-of-Course Moon periods for this week. On January 20th, the Moon in Libra squares Mars in Cancer at 8:34 pm Pacific time. It’s Void-of-Course for a pretty long period, 11 hours, 46 minutes, and then enters Scorpio on January 21st at 8:20 am, getting ready for that Last Quarter Moon.
When the Moon squares another planet as it turns Void-of-Course, you can expect some kind of conflict coming your way. And in this particular case, we can have flared tempers because the Moon is square Mars, which is very passionate and can get somewhat angry. You might encounter intolerance around you as well.
Use this Void-of-Course Moon period to practice regulating your emotions. If something or someone sets you off, stop, practice some deep breathing. Try your best not to react with the anger. Better yet, work through your anger by taking some kind of vigorous exercise or activity. Physical activity could help you with getting some restful sleep as well. And this is happening, you know, depending on when you go to bed, some hours before bedtime here on the Pacific coast. Once the raw emotions dissipate, and the adrenaline that sometimes comes from being in a conflict with somebody, you will thank yourself for not escalating things in a negative direction.
On January 23rd, the Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune at 4:03 pm Pacific Time. It’ll be Void-of-Course for 4 hours, 26 minutes, and then enters Sagittarius at 8:29 pm. The Moon trine another planet as it goes Void-of-Course brings to us some kind of gift or reward. Intuition will be very strong during this Void-of-Course Moon period because the Moon in Scorpio is in a very intuitive sign, and trine Neptune, a planet of intuition. So, make sure you put up some appropriate boundaries to distinguish your feelings from the feelings of others.
And this is a really lovely aspect for expressing yourself through art or music. So, if you have been in a habit of not really honoring that side of yourself, this is a good Void-of-Course Moon period for remembering to give yourself over to your intuitive and artistic side.
And on January 26th, the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune at 1:40 am Pacific time. It’s Void-of-Course for four hours and three minutes and enters Capricorn at 5:43 am. Here where I live on the west coast of the United States, this is going to be when most of us are sleeping. Our dreams could be very vivid at this time, and if you find yourself waking up in kind of a panic due to an incredibly vivid dream, which could be the case because this aspect is a square and that tends to wake us up or aggravate us, often, in some way.
But if you do wake up from an unsettling dream, use this time to just make a quick note in your journal about it before it dissolves into the ether and the messages from the dream are forgotten. You know, many people find journaling about their dreams therapeutic, so use this time to get in the habit of documenting those insights from your subconscious, even if you wait until you wake up to do it, try to do it right away.
Mars sextiles Uranus (January 23, 7:08 am PST)
On January 23rd at 7:08 am Pacific Time, Mars sextiles Uranus at 23º16’ Cancer and Taurus. Sextile aspects represent opportunities and this could be an opportunity to activate your impulse towards self-preservation.
You know, Mars is not an evil planet, even though he’s often called a malefic. Steven Forrest recently wrote a terrific piece for his website about Mars. We’ll link to that in this episode description.
Mainly, Mars focuses us on what we need to work for, or fight for, or marshal our forces toward, especially our physical forces. When it aspects Uranus, be alert for new interests in a sport or something you might want to pursue that awakens your spirit of competition. Apply for a job or a promotion on the basis of especially your technical skills. You could find yourself strongly attracted to a new person because that can come with Uranus as well, or with a new level of passion for your partner.
But one piece of warning, Mars and Uranus is a notoriously accident-prone combination. Don’t take unnecessary risks on the road or in sports or play, and don’t move around too quickly because you might not be seeing everything that’s in your path until you find yourself going, as my Taurus mom used to say, “ass over tea kettle.” But overall, this is a transit that I actually like a lot because, especially in our work, which is ruled by Mars, we tend to have more inspiration or more willingness to try new things or look outside the box.
Mercury opposed Mars (Jan. 23, 2025, 12:49 pm PST)
Mercury trine Uranus (Jan. 23, 2025, 2:07 pm PST)
Mercury makes two aspects on January 23rd. An opposition with Mars at 12:49 pm Pacific time and a trine to Uranus at 2:07 pm Pacific time. Mercury’s at 23º11’ Capricorn when it opposes Mars and it is at 23º16’ when it trines Uranus. I think the message of this combination is to be mindful of your words, which are ruled by Mercury because they can be hurtful. That’s the Mars part. Question and learn from your anger. Your mind could really be working overtime with writing projects, studying, or any kind of mental activity. And that’s kind of true throughout the whole week because Mercury is making several aspects.
Mercury and Uranus says that there could be breakthroughs in some kind of project. And especially something that you’re building or repairing, because Mercury and Uranus are both in Earth signs, so they tend to be very much connected to things we do with our hands and troubleshooting on that physical, tangible level.
You might come to some realizations about what needs to change in your life in order for you to feel free and independent.
Venus trine Mars (Jan. 25, 2025, 3:54 pm PST)
Venus trines Mars on January 25th at 3:54 pm Pacific Time, at 22º 25’ Pisces and Cancer. This is a very romantic combination, and we often see at a time like this, something or someone either excites you romantically or sexually or awakens your competitive urges. It could be you’re very attracted to someone, but you know that somebody else is very attracted to them as well, and it becomes a bit of a competition.
Venus has to do with romantic relationships, specifically. It’s also connected with money, and this is an aspect that can really motivate you to work hard to pursue the things that you want, the things that you enjoy, and the objects of your affection, and that by working very hard you can tend to get the reward of the Venus object or person. So the trine between Venus and Mars says it’s easier than usual for us to get what we want but we have to really make sure that it’s something that’s going to make us happy. We don’t always know until we get it. But it’s worth stopping and reviewing in our minds to really think about if I got this thing, if I got this relationship, what would my life look like as a result of getting that? And is it something that’s truly going to satisfy everything that I need in my life, not just that one attractive goal?
Mercury sextile Neptune (Jan. 26, 2025, 10:33 am PST)
Mercury sextiles Neptune on January 26th at 10:33 am Pacific time at 27º 49’ Capricorn and Pisces. What a beautiful aspect for putting your dreams, your intuitions, your inspirations into a form that others can appreciate. Mercury is so often about the way we use words, the way we communicate in an explicitly verbal way, but there are some things that are really hard to put into words. So, we can express ourselves during an aspect like this through using music, photography, painting, dance. Even just sharing with someone you care about, one of your favorite movies, or one of your beloved albums. Neptune is a little bit like a sponge, too and when it’s an aspect with Neptune, it’s especially important to be careful what you mentally consume. Avoid doom scrolling, try to get off your phone for a good portion of this day.
Mercury can present signs and omens, especially when it’s connecting with Neptune. So be on the lookout, have your eyes open. “What if?” is a perfectly reasonable question while Mercury and Neptune are in dialogue with each other
Venus sextile Uranus (Jan. 26, 2025, 3:11 pm PST)
And later on January 26th, at 3:11 pm Pacific Time, Venus in Pisces sextiles Uranus at 23º 16’ Pisces and Taurus. Venus is on the Sabian symbol 24 Pisces, An inhabited island. Even if you are in the habit of spending quite a lot of time on your own, relationships may take a surprising turn at this aspect or be disrupted, hopefully in a refreshing and positive way.
Uranus is an exciting influence. So, while these planets are connecting, you may find yourself attracted to someone or something new, someone who has a unique personal style or artistic talents and this isn’t necessarily someone you’re romantically attracted to at all. It could be somebody you’re enjoying watching on YouTube or a podcast that you enjoy. During a connection between Venus and Uranus, sometimes people just show up in the world for us and kind of wake us up and make things seem more possible and exciting.
Venus also rules money, and my usual advice is that when it makes aspects to Uranus, we can get these sudden financial windfalls or expenditures that come in.
But it’s even more likely, so keep your eyes and ears open, that you might run across some information, an idea, or an example that motivates you to seek more financial freedom, because Uranus is always interested in being more free. In fact, search for the term “financial freedom” on Google, in your podcast player, or even on YouTube sometime on this day, maybe the day before the day after, and it could be the beginning of an exciting journey for you.
Listener Question: Making Time to Acknowledge Transits
In this week’s listener question, Listener Julie asks via speak pipe:
Hi, April, Julie here with a question about some of my frustrations when we come up on a really positive transit. In May of 2024, for example, if memory serves me right, there were some great transits or aspects with Jupiter that we were encouraged to take advantage of, but it just always seems like when there’s this really positive transit, where I should maybe do an action or intention, it always seems to fall on a day that like I’m at work all day or I just can’t really feel like I can take advantage of it. It just always seems to land wrong in my calendar. Sometimes I try to do a small thing, but it just seems like I’m missing out. I think it’s funny, my questions to you are kind of doom and gloom, and I’m sorry for that, but I know you’re always good for a pep talk.
Thank you for that question, Julie. It gives me an opportunity to address this idea of how to work with transits in a creative and proactive way.
Most of the transits that I mention on the podcast are not that time-sensitive. Let’s take aspects from one of the faster moving planets, which are the Sun through Mars, to another planet.
Let’s consider that aspect in effect for as many days as it takes the faster moving planet to move one degree. So, the Sun, Mercury, and Venus move roughly one degree a day, Mercury about half a day, Venus a little less than a day. By far the fastest moving of the planets is the Moon, which takes about two hours to move one degree. That would be one that’s a little more time-sensitive for planning any kind of ritual or intention for something like the Moon making a square to Uranus or whatever. But those are really fast transits and we are rarely taking time to acknowledge them on that kind of level other than say, maybe the Void-of-Course Moon. But if the New Moon is exact in the middle of the workday, for example, it’s perfectly okay to just do a little something before you leave for work, or when you get home, or the night before. Personally, I would take advantage of the entire two-and-a-half-day period that the Moon is in the New Moon sign. Take all of that time to acknowledge the New Moon.
Now in the case of something like, let’s say, this week’s conjunction between the Sun and Pluto. It’s exact on January 21st at 4:28 am Pacific Time, but the Sun is within one degree of that conjunction beginning on January 20th through January 22nd in the morning. That’s a pretty broad amount of time that we have in which to capitalize on this powerful aspect and to think about our own relationship with power and with powerful people in our lives and to think how we can empower ourselves more.
Mars moves about a degree every 2 days. So, if it’s applying to or moving toward an aspect to another planet, give it two days of influence before and after the exact aspect. Jupiter moves a degree roughly every week and a half. So, in the case of say, the recent Jupiter square to Saturn, we could expand that out to up in a week and a half before and after the exact aspect.
Saturn takes a couple of weeks to cover one degree. So if Saturn were in aspect to Neptune, for example, you would give it a couple of weeks at least either side of the exact aspect. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto might cover a degree in a month. But they’re retrograde almost half the year, so it varies as to how long it will take them to cover one degree. But an aspect from Uranus to Pluto would be in effect for two or three months. It’s a lot more rare than an aspect from, say, Venus to Pluto or the Sun to Mars. I would say at least a month either side of those big, exact aspects are probably going to be pretty influential.
Now, all of that having been said, I have always been pretty casual about following the transits myself and doing any kind of specific action or intention about them. I am a lazy ritualist, and that is partly why: life is busy and full. You can’t always pause several times a day to acknowledge some kind of random Mercury aspect. My idea with offering these different aspects in the podcast is to attune your mind so that you’re looking out for expressions of that aspect and where that might be helpful for you.
You’re doing well, I think, in a month to focus on the Moon’s major lunations, the New, Full, and Quarter Moons. And I really try to limit the aspects I include in this podcast to the ones that I think are worth acknowledging in some way. But rarely do I think that there’s much to be gained by stopping in your tracks and taking a particular action as the clock’s hands strike exactly on the aspect.
Julie, I really hope that helps. Obviously, I think it’s helpful to use the planets to help locate the rhythm and tone of our days, especially in the areas of life that are very important to you at a given time. If you’re going through a challenging time financially, when you’re listening to the podcast, pay close attention to what Venus is doing in that week, for example. But I would hate to think that following these planetary rhythms is causing you more stress than help.
If you have a question, you would like me to answer on a future episode of the podcast. Leave a question at / bigskyastrologypodcast, just as Julie did. Or you can send an email with your question to April (at) BigSkyAstrology (dot) com and be sure to put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
Donor Thanks
Well, that is everything on my show sheet, so I’m going to wrap this one up. Thank you for listening to the Big Sky Astrology Podcast. If you like what you’re hearing, be sure to subscribe or follow in your app of choice. Leave a rating or a review, and I hope that you’ll help spread the word by telling an astrology-loving friend about the podcast. You can read show notes and full transcripts and leave your comments about each episode at
If you’d like to support the show and receive access to my bonus video episodes, and I have another one coming up for the Aquarius New Moon, please go to and make a contribution of $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount, or become an ongoing monthly contributor.
On each episode, I’m thanking some of my financial donors by name. This week, let’s give a Big Sky Astrology podcast shout-out to Catherine Boyer and Kristin Nilsen!
Kristin and Catherine, thank you so much for listening to the podcast and for supporting the show with your donations.
That’s it for this episode. Join me again bright and early next Monday, and until then, keep your feet on the ground and your eyes on the stars!

Writing and images © 2017-24 by April Elliott Kent
For more on this week’s planetary news, read my column!