TRANSCRIPT Ep. 271 (12.30.24)
New Moon in Capricorn: Feeding the Albatross!
Hello Invisible Friend, April here, and the date today is December 30th, 2024. Welcome to Episode 271 of the Big Sky Astrology Podcast.
This week, the calendar year winds down with a Capricorn New Moon and a message of care and kindness. Venus enters Pisces, a sign of unconditional love. Irresistible Mars makes the second of three oppositions to immovable Pluto. The Sun in Capricorn sextiles Saturn, as well as Mars trine the North Node of the Moon, offer a vision of a dream that is within your grasp. And I answer a listener question about combining transits and secondary progressions when you’re looking at your chart.
Capricorn New Moon (Dec. 30, 2024, 2:27 pm PST)
The week begins with the Moon Report and the Capricorn New Moon on December 30th at 2:27 pm Pacific Time. It’s at 9 degrees, 43 minutes Capricorn on the Sabian symbol 10 Capricorn: Albatross feeding from the hand.
This Sabian symbol brings to mind The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, in which an albatross follows a ship that’s setting out to sea, which is considered a sign of good luck. But the mariner in the title shoots the albatross with a crossbow, seemingly cursing the ship, which goes on to encounter terrible misfortunes. Eventually, the ship’s crew tie the bird around the mariner’s neck as a sign of his guilt. He is tortured by guilt and unable even to pray. This is where we got the image of an albatross around the neck as a metaphor for a burden that’s hard to escape, especially a psychological burden. The idea is that if we cause harm instead of helping, we become estranged from our fellow creatures, as well as the God Force.
In this particular Sabian symbol, an albatross is being fed by hand, cared for, the opposite of being shot with a crossbow. And the New Moon sign Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which is currently in Pisces, a sign of empathy and charity. And its sextile to Saturn is its only major aspect in this New Moon chart. That’s exact later in the week, and we’ll look at that a little bit later.
As we begin the new calendar year, so close to this Capricorn Moon, we can take this message to heart. As we draft resolutions for the year ahead, planning our worldly Capricorn resolutions, we do well to bring our hearts along on that journey, as well as our heads and our ambition. How will the seeds we plant at this New Moon grow into food for the soul, as well as the body?
Lunar Phase Family Cycle
This is the New Moon in a Lunar Phase Family Cycle that will unfold over the coming three years to expand the message of this New Moon in Capricorn. The First Quarter in this cycle comes nine months from now, on September 29th, 2025, at 7 degrees 5 minutes Capricorn. And that is the time to take action on what we’re formulating, what we’re thinking about at this New Moon.
The Full Moon in this cycle is on June 29th, 2026, at 8 degrees, 14 minutes Capricorn, and will reveal in no uncertain terms what it is that we’ve truly put into motion at this New Moon. And the Last Quarter in the cycle is on March 29th, 2027, at 9 degrees, 6 minutes Capricorn. That is the last moment for taking action based on what we’ve already experienced during the cycle, to try to bring the message of this New Moon to completion.
Void-of-Course Moon periods
Let’s look at the Void-of-Course Moon periods for this week. On December 31st, the Moon in Capricorn sextiles Neptune at 10:02 pm Pacific Time. It’s Void-of-Course for 4 hours and 48 minutes and enters Aquarius on January 1st at 2:50 am. When the Moon begins its Void-of-Course period on a sextile to another planet, we know there is an opportunity or an invitation inherent in this void period as we ring in the new calendar year.
Let’s think about how we would like to offer all of the best qualities of the Moon in Capricorn pragmatism, resourcefulness, ambition as a foundation for the very best qualities of Neptune kindness, charity, healing, and faith.
On January 2nd, the Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus at 8:13 pm Pacific Time. It’s then Void-of-Course for 11 hours and 8 minutes, a good long Void-of-Course period, and then enters Pisces on January 3rd at 7:21 am.
When the Moon begins its void period on a square to another planet, we know that there is a challenge that we’re trying to overcome. The Moon in Aquarius represents friendship, and also belonging, and just how important both of those things can be for us.
As this Moon squares Uranus, there is a disruption in social connections. This Void-of-Course Moon period examines whether we’re too dependent on fitting in, or too determined not to fit in. The new habit to focus on, to initiate, is to rely on friendships with those who are truly in sync with our values, instead of just being friendly with everybody, for the sense of safety that can come from fitting in.
And on January 5th, the Moon in Pisces makes a conjunction with Neptune at 6:30 am Pacific Time. It’s Void-of-Course for about four and a half hours, and then enters Aries at 11:01 am.
The Moon, beginning its Void-of-Course period on a conjunction with another planet, speaks of assimilation. The Moon is trying to assimilate the messages of that planet. Here, it’s about assimilating the food of kindness, especially after the Capricorn New Moon with its aspect to Saturn in Pisces. Here is the chance to really feel our way into that message, to incorporate it into our daily lives and habits.
Venus enters Pisces (Jan. 2, 2025, 7:24 pm PST)
Venus enters Pisces on January 2nd, 2025 at 7:24 pm Pacific Time. It’ll be in this sign through February 3rd.
Venus means many things in astrology, but broadly speaking, we tend to associate it with pleasure, and specifically, the kinds of pleasure symbolized by the two signs that Venus rules. Taurus signifies the pleasures of the physical world – food, money, sexual pleasure, possessions that we enjoy, and a sense of security. And Libra is the symbol of social connection and what we might loosely refer to as love.
But only slightly below these Venus-ruled signs, in the hierarchy of its strength, is the sign of Pisces. Venus, in this sign, is considered by astrologers to be exalted, meaning very strong, and more significantly, “lifted up,” capable of its noblest expression.
Unlike physical pleasures and many relationships, this face of Venus is closest to agape, the highest form of love, charitable and unconditional. It symbolizes the way we give our love without expecting anything in return. While Venus is in Pisces, seek to offer this kind of love.
During the Capricorn season, we have a tendency to think about what we want to accomplish in a material sense in the year ahead. We want this or that job, or a certain return on our investments; to buy a house maybe, or a car. But Venus in Pisces whispers a similar message to that kindly New Moon. The most important goals are about caring for others.
Mars opposed Pluto (Jan. 2, 2025, 11:22 pm PST)
Also on January 2nd, at 11:22 pm Pacific Time, Mars opposes Pluto at 1º08’ Leo and Aquarius. This is the second of three oppositions between Mars and Pluto. The first was on November 3rd, 2024, the next will be on April 26th, 2025. Mars, as it has been retrograde since December 6th, has been building up tension and frustration that can make us vulnerable when it opposes Pluto. The vulnerability is to implosion and self-harm, emotionally speaking.
This is a violent combination of planets. Mars represents the personal will and determination to fight for what we want. Pluto symbolizes the collective will – and by association, individual helplessness, we might say. The opposition aspect, in particular, can put us in a position where we might feel like one planet or the other, the frustrated warrior, or one who is part of a collective that is immune to the needs of the individual.
Mars is retrograde in Leo, and the best solution to this intractable influence might simply be to retreat into your lair or your studio to create art, to indulge in your most passionate hobbies.
Sun sextile Saturn (Jan. 4, 2025, 2:36 pm PST)
The Sun makes a sextile aspect to Saturn on January 4th at 2:36 pm Pacific Time at 14 degrees 49 minutes Capricorn and Pisces. This is a constructive aspect in a cycle that began at the Sun’s conjunction to Saturn in Pisces back on February 28, 2024. It seems something important to you that you’ve been trying to develop for a while, something that started out feeling like an impossible dream but that is a real reflection of your unique self and creative spirit, is now within your grasp. But you might be coming out of a time when your energy is a little bit low. Maybe you’re even actually recovering from an illness.
But the Sun’s Sabian symbol, 15 Capricorn, Many toys in a children’s ward, paints a picture of play and fun, even in the midst of recovery from hardship.
Saturn’s symbol is 15 Pisces, An officer preparing to drill his men. And that might mean that as much as we have to offer now, we will have to work hard and show great discipline to get our reward.
Mars trine the North Node (Jan. 4, 2025, 10:20 pm PST)
Later on January 4th, at 10:20 pm Pacific Time, Mars trines the North Node of the Moon at 0 degrees, 26 minutes Leo and Aries. When Mars, the planet of action, connects with the North Node of self-discovery, we know the conditions are right to pursue something that’s very important to us. The nature of the aspect between them describes how easily that will go and the trine aspect is the easiest of all. It may not guarantee success in reaching a cherished goal, but there’s nothing to stand in the way of going after it.
The North Node has been in Aries since July 2023, and for many of us, the emphasis has been less on achieving some particular thing, but rather achieving in a particular way, our own way.
I’ve always imagined that Aries cares less about being the best at something, but it cares about doing it first! So coming in first in a race, being the first among your colleagues to win a particular reward, or achieve a particular milestone in your career. Aries doesn’t like doing the same sort of thing again and again in order to achieve mastery. It wants to keep doing new things, facing new challenges.
As Mars makes this trine, the North Node is only one week away from leaving Aries for the sign of Pisces. Where Mars is concerned, the usual advice would be to leave nothing in reserve, to put the pedal to the metal and run for the finish line.
But Mars is retrograde just now, and it might be that the important part of this moment is to review our North Node in Aries journey and to give ourselves an appropriate reward for how we have challenged ourselves along the way.
Listener Question: Transits with Progressed Planets
In this week’s listener question, listener Paula writes, “I enjoy listening to your weekly podcasts. My question is, how much do the transiting planets affect our progressed planets? I’m a zero-degree Gemini Sun and was looking forward to Pluto entering Aquarius and trining my natal Sun. Then I realized it would be opposing my progressed Sun at one degree Leo.
I was wondering how much this will affect me and, in your professional opinion, how much weight you give to our progress chart?”
Well, Paula, thank you for that question. I do love the secondary progressions. I think they’re incredibly important. And I would probably never do a reading without them.
When I was studying with my teacher some 35 years ago, she was actually not a fan of comparing transits to secondary progressions. Her views might have changed later on, but I just remember at that time, we didn’t really combine them. And for many years, I just didn’t pay too much attention to that interaction. But along the way, it’s become very clear to me that transits which represent the forces of the outside world, have a very direct and strong relationship to secondary progressions, which symbolize our inner growth and development.
Let’s take your example. A transit of Pluto to the natal Sun is significant, and it almost doesn’t even matter what kind of aspect it is. I mean, something like a conjunction or a square might be especially feisty, but it’s not as though the trine or the sextile are smooth sailing, because the Sun and Pluto are not exactly the best of friends.
The Sun is the symbol of the unique self that we’re becoming and the irrepeatable contribution that we’re trying to make to the world. But Pluto’s work and perspective are very different. It tears down in order to make things stronger and yes, one of its keywords is transformation. And when it connects with the Sun, we might imagine that we will emerge from our chrysalis fully formed, a stronger version of ourselves in greater integrity. And sometimes we do.
But even the trine aspect of Pluto to the Sun initiates this process and it’s not usually an easy one. I would say the trine symbolizes that nothing is getting in the way of this process. It might mean that one is more willing to surrender to the process of change, to get out of our own way and when we don’t struggle, maybe this process is less painful. The fact that transiting Pluto is bringing this experience to the Sun in your chart means that you can look to conditions going on outside and around you that will be bringing forth this transformative process.
With secondary progressions, the process really is happening within. The Sun, when it progressed into Leo, has progressed into its very strongest sign. You are stepping into your strength and leadership and probably a significant creative period of your life and this will only grow stronger over the 30 years that the progressed Sun is in this sign.
But the transit of Pluto in Aquarius presents external influences that will tend to challenge this new sense of self. It brings a message, always, Pluto, that the individual is not that important. What’s important is the collective. This message might come from those close to you, or societal factors that give less importance to an individual. But whatever it is, it will present a challenge to that nascent Leo strength.
Looking at your chart, Paula, I see that the two will move in opposition with each other for nearly three years. So, they will have this dance, the Progressed Sun and Transiting Pluto. Given that the Progressed Sun is so newly in Leo, it might be an influence that’s still a little bit malleable. I think in the first year or two after the Progressed Sun moves into a new sign, we’re kind of learning how to “do” that sign, and having transiting Pluto leaning in during this time as well will tend to influence how that progressed Sun in Leo develops moving forward.
It’s a little bit like planting a new tree in an area with really strong winds. Before it’s fully formed, it can tend to bend along with those winds, and it retains that shape pretty much forever. And that could mean having to maybe work a little harder to hold your ground, and that whenever Pluto says “you’re not that special, you can’t do that”, you have to push back forcefully and roar.
So, yes, I think we can gain quite a lot of insight from watching transits in combination with secondary progressions. One cycle that’s fascinating, and I might talk about it on a future podcast, is the cycle of the progressed Moon with transiting Saturn. It’s really something to watch.
Anyway, Paula, I hope that that was helpful. I appreciate your question, and I wish you all the best in the coming few years as you roar at Pluto!
If you have a burning question you’d like me to answer on the show, please leave a voicemail of one minute or less at /bigskyastrologypodcast. Or email me at april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com and put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
Donor Thanks
Well, that is everything on my show sheet, so I’m going to wrap this one up. Thank you for listening to the Big Sky Astrology Podcast. If you like what you’re hearing, be sure to subscribe or follow the show in your app of choice, leave a rating or a review, and I hope that you’ll help spread the word by telling an astrology-loving friend about the podcast. You can read show notes and full transcripts and leave your comments about each episode at
Thanks very much to those who continue to show support for the podcast, and especially during my September Podathon. On each episode, I’m thanking some of my financial donors by name. This week, let’s give a Big Sky Astrology Podcast shout-out to Emme Lopez and our Pluto in Libra friend, Kirstin Vasgaard!
Kirstin and Emme, thank you so much for listening to the podcast and for supporting the show with your donations. And if you missed my interview with Kirstin during the Podathon, you can go back to Episode 252 for our very rich discussion about Pluto in Libra.
If you’d like to support the show and receive access to my private videos for donors only, please go to and make a contribution of $10 or more, or become a monthly contributor.
That’s it for this episode. Join me again bright and early next Monday. And until then, keep your feet on the ground and your eyes on the stars!

Writing and images © 2017-24 by April Elliott Kent
For more on this week’s planetary news, read my column!