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TRANSCRIPT Ep. 269 | Capricorn Season: Strong Knees and a Thick Skin!

TRANSCRIPT Ep. 269 (12.16.24)
Capricorn Season: Strong Knees and a Thick Skin!

Hello Invisible Friend, April here, and the date today is December 16th, 2024. Welcome to Episode 269 of the Big Sky Astrology Podcast.

This week, the Sun makes a sensitive square to Neptune and enters Capricorn for the solstice. One of the loveliest aspects of the year, Venus trine Jupiter, is on a very sweet and loving Sabian symbol. The Last Quarter Moon in Libra calls for letting go of the past and collaborating on a new future and I answer a listener question about using the Sabian symbols with your birth chart.

Sun square Neptune (Dec. 18, 2024, 6:29 am PST)

The Sun makes a square aspect to Neptune on December 18th at 6:29 am Pacific Time at 27 degrees 9 minutes Sagittarius and Pisces. The Sun and Neptune are both in Jupiter-ruled signs, so they reflect the possibility of good fortune and new adventures. The difference between them, really, is that the Sun in Sagittarius embraces earthbound adventures, climbing a mountain, flying to an exotic locale, while Neptune in Pisces is more ethereal and draws us to explore what’s beyond our senses, what lives in our hearts and spirits.

The Sun is on the Sabian symbol 28 Sagittarius, An old bridge over a beautiful stream and the symbol for Neptune is 28 Pisces, A fertile garden under the Full Moon. We have beauty, flowing energy, and fertility in these symbols. So even though this is an aspect of some conflict, it also reflects the bounty and fortune of Jupiter’s influence.

This aspect, which comes twice each year, prompts a review of whether we’re stretching ourselves enough, transcending our sense of who we are, in order to reach greater spiritual awareness. But if we’re not operating at this level of spiritual enlightenment, then we might just end up with a couple of days of confusion and low energy when the Sun squares Neptune.

That’s one thing that happens on a practical level when the Sun is in aspect to Neptune. We tend to be a little more tired than usual. The Sun is the battery that runs our lives. And Neptune symbolizes a kind of drain on that battery. So when the Sun is square Neptune, it’s worth knowing, coming into about the 17th and 18th, that we might need to take it easy.

If we’re engaging in some holiday celebrations as the Sun is square Neptune, it’s probably best to limit that to kind of more low-key socializing that’s not terribly hectic and loud and stressful. Maybe just relaxing with people we know well. In situations that are comfortable and familiar, say, an evening sitting by the fire together with a glass of wine, or a very easygoing dinner party.

Venus trine Jupiter (Dec. 19, 2024, 6:11 pm PST)

Venus trines Jupiter on December 19th at 6:11 pm Pacific Time at 14 degrees, 37 minutes Aquarius and Gemini. Venus and Jupiter are the planets that are thought to represent the best, most enjoyable, and prosperous good fortune. So when they come together, and especially in this flowing, rewarding trine aspect, their best qualities are amplified, and they make each other even happier, even stronger and better.

Venus Sabian symbol is 15 Aquarius, Two lovebirds sitting on a fence and Jupiter is on 15 Gemini, Two Dutch children talking. Venus in Aquarius and Jupiter in Gemini are both in social air signs, and these symbols reflect a perfect time to catch up with friends, with those precious souls who speak our language and always make us feel loved.

Send out some holiday cards, even though it’s a little late in the season. Even the e-card variety. Just to let your good friends know that you’re thinking about them during this season. It’s not a bad idea to do some last-minute gift shopping, especially for technological treasures ruled by Aquarius and Gemini. You’ll be likely to find exactly the right gifts for the right people. But just bear in mind, Venus and Jupiter both can be just a little bit spendy, so set a limit and don’t overdo it.

Sun enters Capricorn (Dec. 21, 2024, 1:21 am PST)

On December 21st at 1:21 am Pacific Time, the Sun enters Capricorn, marking the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. This is the longest day of the year in the South and the shortest, darkest day in the North, where days get progressively longer until the Cancer Solstice in late June. Energy and spirits can be low during this dark winter season. We light fires and candles and we plug in sparkly lights to remind us that it won’t be this dark forever.

I hope my friends in the Southern Hemisphere will forgive my northern orientation, but it’s quite handy to describe the symbolism of Capricorn. This is the Winter Solstice here in the north when the Sun sinks to its lowest position in the midday sky. From here on out, it rises a little bit more each day and Capricorn season is when we explore our own ambition to rise, to adopt a long-term plan and pursue it day by day. Capricorn rules the knees and the skin, and heaven knows we need strong knees to climb and a thick skin to keep going even when things get tough.

At the moment of the Sun’s ingress into Capricorn – and the chart for this ingress will describe the coming three months – the Moon in Virgo opposes Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler, which is in Pisces, and both of them are squared Jupiter. Both Virgo and Saturn are painstaking, methodical, and determined to see projects through and to complete them as well as they possibly can. But Pisces and Jupiter are reminders that we do our best work when we take occasional breaks to relax and to have some new experiences.

Libra Last Quarter Moon (Dec. 22, 2024, 2:18 pm PST)

And now for the Moon Report, and it begins with the Libra Last Quarter Moon on December 22nd at 2:18 pm Pacific Time at 1 degree 34 minutes Libra and Capricorn. This is the Last Quarter Moon in the Sagittarius New Moon cycle that began on November 30th. The Last Quarter phase is the time in that cycle when we evaluate our progress so far in achieving our New Moon goals, making a final adjustment, if necessary, and then making one more big push to achieve our goals. This Last Quarter finds its motivation for that push in the inherent conflict between the ambitious Sun in Capricorn, symbolizing work, career, personal ambition, and the Moon in Libra, which emphasizes collaboration and spending time and focus with the important people in our lives.

Each Last Quarter Moon is focused on taking an action that completes a goal, and Libra prefers to take action in a way that’s polite and collaborative. If you’ve had trouble succeeding up to now, maybe it’s time to get a friend on board to give you good advice and help you out.

So, Venus rules this Last Quarter Moon in sociable Libra, and it’s still separating from that trine with Jupiter in Gemini that we talked about. But with the Sun’s ruler, Saturn, square Jupiter, this Last Quarter Moon might mark a time when you have had quite enough of the holiday parties and festivities, and you need to let your inner Saturn Capricorn self say no to a few invitations. The Sun is square the lunar nodes at the south bending, a point of release when we’re better served by going within. Between this and the Sun square to Neptune this week, it’s a very good idea to let go of the obligation to attend every social engagement that you’re invited to.

Lunar Phase Family Cycle

This is the Last Quarter Moon in the lunar phase family cycle that began with the Libra New Moon on September 25, 2022. The lunar phase family cycle continues the work of each New Moon over a three-year period, with major lunations near the same degree and sign of that New Moon coming every nine months.

We are completing a cycle that’s related to balance and relationship that began back at that 2022 Libra New Moon, which came to its first action point at the First Quarter Moon on June 26, 2023, at 4º29’ Libra, and the illuminating Full Moon phase on March 25th, 2024, at 5º07’ Libra.

It can be interesting, especially if there are points in your birth chart near 2 degrees of Libra, Capricorn, Aries, or Cancer, to look back over this particular cycle, see what changes have come your way, especially related to relationships in general. Also, finance and business, which are associated with Libra. You’re coming into the homestretch with some project or development related to that planet or point in your chart so, give it your all.

Void-of-Course Moon periods

Let’s look at the Void-of-Course Moon periods for this week. On December 17th, the Moon in Cancer trines Neptune at 10:33 am Pacific Time. It’s Void-of-Course for 5 hours and 6 minutes and then enters Leo at 3:39 pm. The Moon making a trine to another planet before it goes Void-of-Course says that during this Void-of-Course Moon period, we have a gift or reward that could be coming our way. And the gift here really is that intuition, and we should listen to our instincts. Listen to your gut, literally, especially when it comes to food because the Moon in Cancer is very sensitive to food. The holiday season is here and comes with all kinds of really indulgent foods, especially sugar. It’s fine to indulge here and there, but it’s not great on your body to binge on rich, sugary treats for days on end. Not a bad idea to use this Void-of-Course period to practice choosing the food that nourishes your body and gives you energy.

On December 19th, the Moon in Leo trines the Sun at 9:19 pm Pacific Time. It’s Void-of-Course for 2 hours and 18 minutes before entering Virgo at 11:37 pm. This is a Void-of-Course Moon period that brings another gift, as the Moon is trine another planet before it goes void.

The Moon and Sun are in the passionate and fun-loving signs of Leo and Sagittarius. Use this time to initiate a habit of setting time aside to just play. We don’t do that very often as adults. We are very immersed in our work and our responsibilities.

Playing, recreation, has a wide range of mental health benefits. Stress reduction, improving your mood, enhancing creativity, boosting cognitive function. When it comes to our physical health, playing, letting ourselves relax, can increase physical activity, can improve sleep, play, can strengthen relationships, and improve communication.

Overall, play can increase our happiness and reduce the chance of burnout. Play does not have to be elaborate, or time-consuming, or expensive. Taking a walk in nature, playing a board game, or listening to music are all forms of play.

And on December 22nd, the Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune at 5:27 am Pacific Time. It’s Void-of-Course for 5 hours 41 minutes and then enters Libra at 11:08 am. When the Moon opposes another planet as it’s going Void-of-Course, the nature of the habits that we are changing have to do with awareness, of paying special attention to the needs of others, as well as the needs of ourselves.

When the Moon is in Virgo, it’s the time of month to practice the skill of being productive, kind, taking care of everyday business. If you’ve been falling behind in your paperwork, in your filing, in your laundry, if you’ve been wanting to organize your cabinets, now is the time. And you can even get a little bit lost in it with the Moon in that aspect to Neptune.

Because it’s an opposition, take some time, look at some magazines you find inspiring or YouTube videos to get an idea for some of the changes that you might make to make your life and your home a little more organized and running a little more smoothly.

Listener Question: Sabian symbols in your birth chart

In this week’s listener question, listener Elizabeth asks, via Speakpipe, “Hi April! Elizabeth here, long-time listener and first-time SpeakPipe user. I love listening to you talk about the Sabian symbols. So my question is, can I use the Sabian symbol associated with the degree I was born on to gain insights into potential themes and patterns in my life? And if so, what’s the best source to help interpret my birth Sabian symbol? Thanks so much for all you do.”

Thank you for that question, Elizabeth, and I always welcome the opportunity to talk about the Sabian Symbols. But first, just a quick explanation of the Sabian Symbols for anyone who might be new to them or might wonder with each podcast, why is she talking about these Sabian Symbols and what are they?

The Sabian Symbols are word pictures. They were channeled by a psychic named Elsie Wheeler, dictated to astrologer Marc Edmund Jones, here in my own San Diego in 1925. There is one of these symbols for each degree of the zodiac, so 360 of them. It’s said that the messages were channeled from a brother of the Sabian alchemists, astrologers who lived in Mesopotamia in the first millennium, hence their name.

In my experience, these symbols are most effectively used, not literally, but as a kind of poetic expression of that degree. And Elizabeth, you can absolutely use the Sabian symbols for each of your natal planets, as well as the Ascendant, Midheaven, IC, Descendant, and Lunar nodes, and really any points that you work with, in order to gain more insight from them.

One important point. If you have a planet that is at, say, 25 degrees, 17 minutes, Pisces, you would read this symbol for the next full degree, 26 Pisces and this is because each zodiac sign begins with zero, but the symbols begin with one. The exception is that if a planet were at exactly, say, 25 degrees and 0 minutes, Pisces, you would read the symbol for the 25th degree.

It can take a little bit of time and practice to get used to interpreting the symbols, but sometimes they’re a little more explicit than others. I know a woman whose Midheaven degree, and the Midheaven is the point of career, as well as how you are perceived by people who haven’t actually met you. Her Midheaven is on 23 Libra, A Chanticleer’s voice heralds sunrise, and interestingly, her career is as a singer with a distinctively strong and arresting voice.

But the symbols sometimes show up in more subtle ways. My Sun is on the symbol 14 Leo, Human soul awaiting opportunity for expression. Coincidentally, my very favorite film, from long before I knew about the symbols, is Wings of Desire. The theme of this movie is about angels who bear witness to the thoughts, suffering, and joy of everyday people, sending thoughts of encouragement to them – and one of the angels who longs to become human, a “soul awaiting the opportunity for expression.”

Australian astrologer, Lynda Hill, is an expert in the Sabian symbols, and she also emphasizes the importance of the Sabian symbol before and after the one for each planet. She calls the preceding symbol the Karmic Degree and the following one the Quest Degree.

She says the karmic degree shows something that you’re good at, a habit or a talent, maybe something that is brought forth from another life. The Quest Degree would be something we need to grow toward and integrate. These degrees work a little bit like our understanding of the nodes of the Moon. We’ll leave a link in the show notes to a page on Lynda’s website that describes this Karmic and Quest degree idea a little bit more.

I definitely find the symbols fascinating as a mirror into planets and points in your birth chart. But don’t stop there! The Sabian symbols for your progressed planets and points can also be revealing and fascinating. For example, on the day I met my future husband, my progressed Moon was on 19 Cancer, A priest performing a marriage ceremony.

Your progressed Moon changes symbol every month. Your progressed Sun changes symbol every year. So it’s really worth looking at those. When your progressed Moon enters a new progressed phase, a New Moon when it conjoins the progressed Sun every twenty-eight and a half years, a Quarter Moon when it squares the progressed Sun, a Full Moon when it opposes the progressed Sun. Take note of the Moon’s degree and Sabian symbol at the beginning of that progressed lunation and it will give you, often, a very evocative picture of the major theme of the following four years of that progressed lunar phase.

You asked for a good source for interpreting your symbols. I really love Lynda Hill’s book, 360 Degrees of Wisdom. It goes in and out of print, but it currently appears to be available in print and e-book versions through Lynda’s website, Just click through to the store.

There’s also Dane Rudhyar’s book, An Astrological Mandala, The Cycle of Transformations, and its 360 Symbolic Phases. I’ve enjoyed working with Blain Bovee using the symbols. His book is called The Sabian Symbols Brought to Life. And for online resources, I adore James Burgess, whose in-depth videos and philosophical posts always make me see something new in each symbol. You can find him at James Burgess with two S’s.

Elizabeth, I hope that helps, and I’m happy you’re excited and inspired by these symbols, as am I.

If you have a question you would like me to answer on a future episode of the podcast, please leave a voicemail of one minute or less at bigskyastrologypodcast. Or, send me an email at april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com and put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.

Donor Thanks

Well, that is everything I have on my show sheet, so I’m going to wrap this one up. Thank you for listening to the Big Sky Astrology Podcast. If you like what you’re hearing, please be sure to subscribe or follow the show in your app of choice. Leave a rating or review, and I hope you’ll help spread the word by telling an astrology-loving friend about the podcast. You can read show notes and full transcripts and leave your comments about each episode at

Thank you so much to everyone who continues to show support for the podcast, especially during my September Podathon. On each episode, I’m thanking some of my financial donors by name. This week, let’s give a Big Sky Astrology Podcast shout-out to Mimi T. and to Tracy Mills, who’s been a monthly contributor ever since our first Podathon in 2020!

Tracy and Mimi, thank you so much for listening to the podcast, and for supporting the show with your donations.

If you’d like to support the show and receive access to my bonus video episodes this year, please go to and make a contribution of $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount, or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

That’s it for this episode. Join me again bright and early next Monday, and until then, keep your feet on the ground and your eyes on the stars.

Writing and images © 2017-24 by April Elliott Kent

For more on this week’s planetary news, read my column!

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