Mastery, Value, and Experimentation
Dates and times are given for U.S. Pacific Time zone.
Mastery of the mind
Mercury makes its last of three squares to Pluto this week (Nov. 2, 2021, 2:39 am PDT; the previous two were Sep. 22 and Oct. 1). Over the past five weeks or so, have you worked to improve your focus and follow-through? Have you retained your control when provoked, and fine-tuned your communication to be more honest without being unkind?
It can be satisfying to let loose with Pluto’s sting when we’ve been crossed. But giving others the power to make us lose control is a poor reaction to the Mercury/Pluto challenge. Rather, mastery of the mind, better focus, and powerful command of language have been the lessons of this series of squares. And if we’ve learned those lessons well, we’re in a strong position to make the most of Mercury’s journey through Scorpio, beginning later this week.

Play a little
This week’s Scorpio New Moon (Nov. 4, 2021, 2:15 pm PDT) finds the Sun and Moon in a close conjunction with Mars, and all three opposed Uranus and square Saturn. It’s a powerful New Moon that highlights this year’s most important aspect, the square between Saturn and Uranus.
It’s an important moment to transcend the shadow sides of Scorpio, Taurus, and Aquarius: vindictiveness and nihilism, stubbornness and bigotry, and extreme zealotry. Not all of us will live up to that challenge and realize Scorpio’s soulful strength, Taurus’ stability and security, and the brilliance and vision of Aquarius. So when you see anger, power grabs, and demands for freedom around this New Moon, and throughout this lunar month, refuse to give in to them yourself. Here’s how.
Three of the four fixed signs are involved in this New Moon melee. The fourth, Leo, doesn’t have a dog in the fight. Leo symbolizes the ways we make heart and spirit visible through things we make and do – and that’s the key to transcending the negative potential of this New Moon. So, keep your heart open. Create something that inspires joy. Play a little. Love somebody.

The Sun in Scorpio makes an opposition to Uranus this week (Nov. 4, 2021, 4:58 pm PDT), on the Sabian symbol An inventor experimenting. When the Sun and Uranus meet in any kind of aspect, the world brings us messages about the importance of change and innovation. In particular, we’re urged to look at the ways we get stuck in our own habits and insecurities, and to experiment with new ways of being.
The opposition aspect often plays out in relationships, and we take turns playing out both planets. Stuck in patterns of resentment, jealousy, or possessiveness (the dark side of Scorpio)? Someone might issue a demand for more breathing room (Uranus). Inconstant with your commitments, dropping out of communication while you pursue other projects or relationships (Uranus)? Expect to be called out on it.
This is not a long transit – its strongest influence is probably a day or two either side of the exact aspect. But because it’s prominent in the chart for the Scorpio New Moon the same day, this particular transit carries through the coming lunar month and across the two-and-a-half years of this New Moon’s lunar gestation period. This New Moon initiates a longer process of balancing Scorpio’s intensity with the need for independence and personal space, and to alchemize chaos into creative power.

Venus enters Capricorn this week (Nov. 5, 2021, 3:44 am PDT), and while Venus usually spends only a few weeks moving through a sign, it’s taking its time with Capricorn this time around. Thanks to a retrograde period between Dec. 19, 2021 and Jan. 29, 2022, Venus will be in this sign through March 5, 2022.
I’ll write about that retrograde next month. But whenever Mercury, Venus, or Mars spend an especially long time in any sign, it’s our cue to give those areas of life a thorough airing-out. Since Venus is associated with finances, values, and relationships, and Capricorn is a sign of business, reputation, ambition, hard work, and status, perhaps it comes down to this: Do you feel that you’re sufficiently valued in the world? Does your career reflect your personal values? Are your relationships getting as much of your attention as your ambitions? And do your relationships support or distract you from achieving what’s important to you?
Take those questions away and think about them over the next few months. In particular, consider where you are in your relationships and career compared to the last time Venus spent so much time in Capricorn (Nov. 2013-Mar. 2014). Are you making satisfying contributions to the world now, and do you feel those contributions are valued?

Mercury enters Scorpio this week (Nov. 5, 2021, 3:35 pm PDT, through Nov. 24), and like all transits, this one has the potential to bring problems. Mercury is related to communication, and while it’s in protective Scorpio our tongues can be a bit rough when we’re feeling angry or threatened. Unwelcome secrets might be revealed. Pets (ruled in general by Mercury) might need extra attention.
But this is actually an outstanding transit for all kinds of things, conferring a kind of x-ray vision that comes in mighty handy. Those weird, few, unreconciled transactions in Quickbooks? Time to figure out why they’re hanging out there. Preparing a presentation or report that requires a lot of in-depth research? Now’s the time to tackle that; Scorpio likes rooting around to come up with hidden treasures. Need to address a security issue with your computer? Here’s your moment to get to the bottom of it.
And if you’re overdue for a candid conversation with a loved one about your relationship, you’ll both be well equipped to tackle that now. But remember that words carry power; we cast spells with them, whether we mean to or not. So, use language intentionally while Mercury is in Scorpio, and be conscious of the spell you’re casting.

Writing and images © 2020 by April Elliott Kent
More about this week’s planetary highlights in our latest podcast episode!