Show Notes for Episode 90 (8/2/2021)
090 | Leo New Moon: Crisps on the Couch with Ted Lasso!
April and Jen break down the highlights of this two-week period in a sequential, Virgo-approved manner. In week one, MVP Uranus brings excitement and breathing room to relationships, a healthy disruption of stale routines, and a chance to rethink who we want to be. And the Leo New Moon is the best chance you’ll get all year to set intentions of creativity and joy! Week two finds Mercury entering aforementioned Virgo, a magical Scorpio First Quarter Moon, and Venus sliding into home base in Libra. Plus: cheese puffs, destructive bunnies, and a theme song for Libra!
Podpals: Please note that we are releasing episodes every two weeks for the summer! The next episode will drop on Aug. 16!
But if you find you’re missing us, let us know!
00:30 – April celebrates a milestone birthday, so let’s look at her Solar Return chart! (Head back to for general tips about the annual Solar Return. And, you can buy
01:41 – April is teaching this year! For info on her upcoming Practical Astrology course, sign up for email updates here.
03:11 – This episode brought to you by new imaginary sponsor GE, (and Jupiter, who brings good things to April’s career area)!
04:28 – And welcome imaginary sponsor maker of the official cheese puff of the Big Sky Astrology Podcast!
05:01 – A reminder of our summer schedule, with new episodes every other Monday! If you’d like weekly updates, sign up for April’s fabulous newsletter!
05:16 – Despite popular demand, we will NOT be bringing you our top hits of the 90s! But you can
06:22 – For the week of Aug. 2-8, Uranus is in the spotlight, signaling unexpected developments (though Uranus in Taurus favors potato chips on the couch with ). As Venus trines Uranus (Aug. 2) look for excitement and breathing room in love, and perhaps unexpected income. Mercury (Aug. 3) and the Sun square Uranus (Aug. 6) challenges us to change or else! Disruptions to Mercury’s thought patterns and routines that can be beneficial, and challenges to the Sun give us a chance to change who we are.
12:02 – Last week, the same planets aspected Saturn, which felt constricting. This week, Uranus enforces change to free us from constraints. Cooperate by changing small habits. Perhaps Jen will defect from imaginary sponsor fizzy water to April’s fizzy favorite, ?
13:55 – *MOONWATCH!* The Leo New Moon (NM) on Aug. 8 is the best New Moon of the year for setting creative intentions. It connects with the Saturn/Uranus square, and represents the struggle to get unstuck from situations that don’t encourage joy or creativity. This NM initiates a cycle that unfolds over 2½ years, reaching critical points on May 8, 2022, Feb. 5, 2023, and Nov. 5, 2023.
18:30 – Mars squares the Nodes and provides a kick out of certainty and toward curiosity.
19:34 – Highlights for Aug. 9-15 begin with a Scorpio First Quarter Moon (Aug. 15) on the Sabian symbol, “A bunny metamorphosed into a fairy.” Scorpio is the magician pulling a metaphorical bunny out of a hat to help our Leo NM intentions succeed. Take action, too, on matters conceived around Nov. 14, 2020.
24:04 – For a quick review of all the lunar phases, revisit !
24:28 – For the second week, Mercury and Venus are showing the most activity. Mercury enters Virgo (Aug. 11-29) and Venus enters Libra (Aug. 15 – Sep. 10). Mercury’s sign shows how we can best communicate. While Venus is finishing up in Virgo, it opposes Neptune (Aug. 9) seeking the sweet spot between things of the earth and minimalism, and things of the spirit, lots of color and chaos.
29:07 – Venus trine Pluto (Aug. 11): Take relationships to a new level of intimacy and evaluate whether the things you have are in keeping with who you are. This can be about changing your appearance as well, to make your outsides fit your insides.
30:25 – Venus enters Libra (Aug. 15 – Sept. 10), and Libra gets its own song! Venus shifting from Virgo to Libra indicates shifting from an attitude of service to an attitude of equality, and from an emphasis on what you can touch, to a meeting of the minds.
33:03 – Thanks for listening! Be sure to follow, rate and review, and tell a friend! Big thanks to donors CATHY SULLIVAN-THOMPSON, ELIZABETH ROJAS, and TEINA LICHTWARDT! If you like the show, you can always contribute at (If you donate $5 or more, we’ll send you our recent Cancer Solstice episode!) You can also read show notes and transcripts and leave comments at our site! We’ll see you in two weeks!