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Episode 235 | Gemini Season: Hit the Road (but Carry a Spare)!

This week, the Sun and Venus enter lighthearted Gemini, but things get a little serious when they aspect Pluto. Venus swoons into a conjunction with Jupiter, which enters Gemini for a one-year stay. The Full Moon in Sagittarius encourages the use of strategy to gain power, and a nearly 31-hour void-of-course Moon period offers a chance to break the people-pleasing habit! And April answers a listener question about starting up an astrology group where you live. Plus: Station wagons, pollination, and making sure everyone knows where the restroom is!


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[1:20] The Sun enters Gemini on May 20 (5:59 am PDT). It’ll be in this sign through June 20, 2024. An excellent time for short-distance travel and socializing.

[2:33] On May 22 (8:14 am PDT), the Sun trines Pluto at 02°00’ Gemini and Aquarius.Think about how to pull together your contacts to form something lasting.

[4:16] Venus conjuncts Jupiter on May 23 (1:29 am PDT), and both sextile Neptune (Venus at 3:50 am PDT, Jupiter at 2:44 pm PDT). Celebrate the positive things that have happened for the year that Jupiter has been in Taurus. Appreciate the tangible and non-tangible blessings in your life.

[5:47] Venus enters Gemini on May 23 (1:30 pm PDT) and will be in this sign until June 16, 2024. Pollinate your local businesses and watch them grow, but be careful of overspending. Date, but hold off on getting serious.

[7:01] Moon Report! The Sagittarius Full Moon occurs on May 23 (6:53 am PDT) at 02°55’ Sagittarius and Gemini. In the chart for the Full Moon, Venus and Jupiter are still in their conjunction. The Sun in the Full Moon chart is on the Sabian symbol 3 Gemini, the Garden of the Tuileries and the Moon is on 3 Sagittarius, Two men playing chess. The Moon’s sextile and the Sun’s trine to Pluto offer insight into wealth and privilege.

[8:41] This is the Full Moon in a Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC) that began with the New Moon on Nov. 23, 2022, at 01°37’ Sagittarius. The First Quarter in this LPFC occurred on August 24, 2023. On Feb. 20, 2025, the Last Quarter Moon of this LPFC at 02°19’ Sagittarius.

[10:14] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. On May 19 (8:48 am PDT), the Moon in Libra opposes Mars in Aries. It is VOC for 30 hours and 46 minutes (!!!) and enters Scorpio on May 20 (3:34 pm PDT). Contemplate and create new habits that strike a balance between getting along with others and going after what we want.

[11:20] The Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune on May 23 (12:28 am PDT). It’s VOC for almost an hour and then enters Sagittarius (1:24 am PDT). Being true to your convictions and loyal to those who have earned it, will be rewarded with affection and appreciation.

[12:27] On May 25, the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune (7:47 am PDT). It’s VOC for 49 minutes, then enters Capricorn (8:36 am PDT). Resolve conflict around brash enthusiasm vs. faith that things will work out as they should.

[13:56] Venus trines Pluto at 01°59’ Gemini-Aquarius on May 25 (4:16 am PDT). This could be a powerful time to consider the intellectual side of dealing with money. Entertain the idea of becoming part of a group that shares your interests.

[16:26] Jupiter enters Gemini (May 25, 4:15 pm PDT, through June 9, 2025). Jupiter was last in Gemini between June 11, 2012-June 25, 2013. In Gemini, it craves more variety, more socializing, more conversation, and more networking. Use Jupiter in Gemini to learn a new language and/or travel to new places that are within a car or train’s reach.

[18:38] Listener Stephanie asks for tips on starting an astrology group. Check out the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR). can be a great resource for groups.

[24:12] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.

[24:45] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share!

[25:20] A tribute to this week’s donors! If you’d like to support the show, please go to where you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor! Donate $5 or more to receive access to April’s special equinox and solstice episodes.

Writing and images © 2017-24 by April Elliott Kent

For more on this week’s planetary news, read my weekly column!

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