This week: A busy Aries Last Quarter Moon finds us leaping from our hammocks and scratching for resources; Mars enters Virgo, whose high standards make for excellent work and a touch of crankiness; Mercury opposes suspicious Pluto, then enters expressive Leo; a bright sextile between the Sun and Uranus offers reinvention. And April answers a couple of listener questions about what it means when the sign on a house cusp seems to contradict the meaning of the house itself. Plus: Bowling, odd bedfellows, and knotty problems!
Read a full transcript of this episode.
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[1:17] Moon Report! The Aries Last Quarter Moon (July 9, 6:47 PM PDT) is at 17º35’ Aries and Cancer, on the Sabian symbols 18 Aries, An empty hammock and 18 Cancer, A hen scratching for her chicks.
[1:46] This is the Last Quarter Moon in the Gemini New Moon cycle that began June 17, 2023, with the Sun and Moon square Neptune and a certain amount of friction between clear and practical thinking versus what our intuition says is true.
[3:15] It’s also the Last Quarter in a Lunar Phase Family Cycle that began on the April 11th, 2021 Aries New Moon. We have seen results and can take final action on something that we conceived then.
[4:44] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On July 10 (4:11 PM PDT) the Moon in Aries squares Mercury in Cancer. It’s VOC for 44 minutes before it enters Taurus (4:55 PM PDT). More conflict between the mind and the gut.
[6:41] On July 12th (11:11 PM PDT), the Moon in Taurus trines Pluto. It’s VOC for about 1 ¼ hours before it enters Gemini on July 13 (12:26 AM PDT). This is a wonderful aspect and a really effective VOC Moon period for manifesting something in your life!
[8:33] On July 15 (5:35 AM PDT) the Moon in Gemini squares Neptune. It’s VOC for about 4 ½ hours before it enters Cancer (10:13 AM PDT). Contemplate what it is to verbalize versus experience our feelings.
[10:50] Mars enters Virgo on July 10 (4:40 AM PDT). The Red Planet will be in Virgo until Aug. 27. Mars in Virgo says that we’ll rely on our skills and our wit for survival.
[11:52] Mars is a planet of work, and while it’s in Virgo, pay great attention to detail. Precision is valued in our work, and it’s a great time to acquire a new skill. But don’t let the small stuff get to ya!
[13:35] Mercury opposes Pluto at 29º23’ Cancer-Capricorn on July 10 (1:48 PM PDT). Suspicions are high but should dissipate when Mercury enters Leo. Try not to say anything that you’ll later regret.
[15:32] Mercury enters Pizzazz Master Leeeeeooooo on July 10 (9:11 PM PDT) and will remain until it enters one of its domiciles, Virgo, on July 28th. Mark your calendars now: Mercury’s next retrograde period is Aug. 23-Sep. 15!
[18:05] The Sun sextiles Uranus at 22º15’ Cancer and Taurus on July 14 (4:02 PM PDT). The Sun’s Sabian symbol is 23 Cancer, A meeting of a literary society, and Uranus is on 23 Taurus, A jewelry shop. If we’re willing to share our thoughts in an honest way, but equally willing to listen to the feedback from others, then we stand to gain something valuable.
[20:44] Listeners Scout and Teresa ask about how to interpret contradictory house and sign combinations.
[27:38] If you have a question you’d like April to answer on a future episode, please leave a message of one minute or less at or email april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.
[28:13] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share! This episode is brought to you by donors Jacinta Armstrong and Marina Vasilic!
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