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Episode 166 | New Moon in Pisces…Squirrel!

Episode 166 | Pisces New Moon….Squirrel!

A Pisces New Moon asks: where have you been hiding out, and how can you find the courage to come out into the open? Mercury’s aspect to Uranus makes waves with innovative and radical ideas, but when Mercury trines Mars the next day, stand by them and make them a reality! And April offers the first of a three-part mini-lesson on the upcoming transit of Saturn in Pisces. Plus: Bearish bodyguards, “as I wrote in my book,” and two of the most spectacular donor names ever!

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[1:05]  Moon Report! The New Moon in Pisces will occur on February 19, 2023 (11:06 PM PST).  New Moons in Pisces begin a 28-day cycle of new spiritual growth. This also begins a Lunar Gestation cycle that will unfold over the next 27 months.

[1:57] The Lunar Gestation cycle was introduced by astrologer Dietrich Pessin – see this article from The Mountain Astrologer.  Also, much gratitude to Celeste Brooks of Astrology by Celeste for introducing the concept to April and Jen!  Check out April’s interview with Celeste on Episode 141 for a recap.

[2:34] The Sabian symbol for this New Moon degree, 1°22’ Pisces, is 2 Pisces, A squirrel hiding from hunters. Since this New Moon is just past a conjunction from Saturn, this lunation could be a story about hiding out from squirrely situations.

[3:42] The First Quarter Moon of this Lunar Gestation cycle will be on November 20, 2023.  The Full Moon will be on August 19, 2024 and the Last Quarter Moon on May 20, 2025.  Note that these lunation degrees in the gestation cycle actually come at the end of freedom-loving Aquarius and are therefore close enough to this 1°22’ Pisces New Moon to be considered within this family.

[5:20] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods.  On February 21, the Moon in Pisces sextiles Pluto (8:05 pm PST). It’s VOC for about one and one quarter hours before it enters Aries (9:14 PM). Sometimes your best squirrel strength comes from uniting with the big, bad bear of the forest.

[6:13] The Moon in Aries squares Pluto on February 23rd at (11:22 PM PST) and is VOC for just a little over one hour. It then enters Taurus on February 24th (12:29 AM PST). Has your inner squirrel succeeded in cultivating strength or is it still relying on that bear for protection?

[7:19] And finally, on February 26th, the Moon in Taurus trines Pluto (6:42 AM PST) and is VOC for just about one hour before entering Gemini (7:47 AM PST).  Our little squirrel friend is thankful for its powerful alliances but realizes that it can handle situations on their own!

[9:31] Mercury squares Uranus on February 21st (2:22 PM PST) at 15°19’ of Aquarius and Taurus. Will your innovative ideas be rejected as a bit too radical?

[10:55] On February 22nd (12:14 PM PST), Mercury trines Mars at 16°45’ of Aquarius and Gemini. The Sabian symbol for Mercury is 17 Aquarius, A watchdog standing guard. And the Sabian symbol for Mars at 17 Gemini is A head of a robust youth changes into that of a mature thinker.  Defend those radical ideas and get to work on making those thoughts a reality.

[12:15] Mini-lesson:  Saturn in Pisces.  Saturn will enter Pisces on March 7, 2023.   That big, bad bear of a planet, Pluto, will be dipping into Aquarius in March as well.

[13:02] Stay-tuned for mini-lessons on these two major transitions. Episode 167 will cover Saturn in Pisces moving through the houses of the horoscope. Episode 168 will take a quick look at Saturn in aspect to the other planets in a birth chart.

[13:36] Important notes about Saturn: (1) It takes about 29 years to make a complete circuit around the zodiac. (2) Saturn changes signs about every two and a half years. (3) It has been domiciled in Aquarius from March 21, 2020 to March 7, 2023 (4) Saturn is going to be in Pisces through May 24th, 2025, spend a few months in Aries, and then retrograde back into Pisces one more time before leaving for good on February 13th, 2026.

[14:18] Saturn transits are typically times of maturity, wisdom, discipline and boundaries.  Suggested reading: April’s book Astrological Transits.

[17:30] A Saturn in Aquarius recap.

[18:59] Saturn in Pisces themes, previous dates and Saturn returns.

[23:06] Listener questions will resume in the month of April. If you have a question you’d like April to answer on a future episode, please leave a message of one minute or less at or email her at April(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com and be sure to put “Podcast Question” in the subject line.

[23:45] If you like what you’re hearing, please subscribe, follow, like and share!  This episode is brought to you by donors Cyprus Hippolyte and Martina Papinchak!

[24:51] If you missed the Podathon and would like to support the show, please go here!  A donation of $7 or more will get you access to the Capricorn Solstice bonus episode and the upcoming Aries Equinox and Cancer Solstice bonus episodes.

1 comment to " Episode 166 | New Moon in Pisces…Squirrel! "

  • Anna

    Loved your suggestion of striving to be kinder as Saturn heads into Pisces. I wonder about Saturn in Pisces a lot, since that’s my natal placement. But I think this is the first I’ve seen a suggestion to be kinder and it really seems to fit.

    As I was walking along a snow covered sidewalk in Minnesota this morning, my foot hit an icy patch and down I tumbled. I was ok, but what lifted my heart was when a black SUV slowed down. I saw the driver peering at me to see if I was ok. I gave her a thumbs up and she nodded and gave me a friendly smile. Even though I didn’t need physical assistance at that moment, it brought a sweetness to the day.

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