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TRANSCRIPT Ep. 252 | Podathon Day Three: Pluto in Libra, with Kirstin Vasgaard!

TRANSCRIPT Big Sky Astrology Podcast Ep 252 | Podathon Day Three: Pluto in Libra, with Kirstin Vasgaard! (9.4.24)

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Announcer: It’s Podathon Week on the Big Sky Astrology Podcast, and for five big days in a row, we’re bringing you special episodes that put the fun in fundraising. Including the week’s planetary news, a closer look at the Moon, And special Podathon surprises. Plus, your chance to win prizes, people! So many prizes! And now, here’s your host, astrologer and author, April Elliott Kent!

April: Hello Invisible Friend, April here, and the date today is September 4th, 2024. Welcome to Episode 252 of the Big Sky Astrology Podcast. And, Day 3 of our 5th Annual Big Sky Astrology Podathon. What is a Podathon, you might ask? Well, this is the week each year when I bring you 5 daily episodes, complete with the big astrological news of the day.

And, during this year, interviews with fabulous astrologers from different Pluto generations. I really hope you’ll be inspired to tune in each weekday and hear these interviews. They are fascinating.

Of course, this is also the week when I make my appeal for donations to help me cover the costs of producing the podcast. I really do need to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who’s helped the show over the past year, whether by making a donation, leaving a review, or just by tuning in. I am so gratified to know that so many of you are tuning in and finding value in the podcast. I really love bringing it to you each week, but there are costs associated with producing this weekly show. And I would much rather turn to my listeners to help cover those costs than to take on advertising.

I listen to a lot of podcasts. I watch a lot of YouTube and a lot of streaming videos. And I know that I am hearing and seeing way more ads than I have ever since I stopped watching network television. And it really interferes, I think, with the flow of these programs and my enjoyment of them, and I’m going to assume that you might feel the same way. And so, once a year, during Labor Day week, inspired by the Jerry Lewis telethons of my youth, I bring you Podathon. One week of asking for donations so that the rest of the year, we don’t really have to be interrupted by fundraising.

If you feel you’d like to make a donation, you can make a one-time donation in any amount or become a regular monthly contributor, what we call a pod pal. Just go to

And to encourage your contributions, here are this year’s fantastic giveaways. First, everyone who donates 25 or more, as well as our ongoing monthly Podpal contributors, will be entered in a drawing to win one of these prizes.

One grand prize winner will win a 90-minute reading with me, which is a $275 value. Two lucky listeners will win a 60-minute personal astrology reading with me, that’s a $215 value. Three lucky donors will win a copy of my Followed by a Moonshadow Eclipse report. It covers three years of eclipses and it’s a $35 value. This will help you get ready for September and October’s eclipses.

To be entered in the drawing, you just need to make your $25 donation at BigSkyAstropod. com no later than midnight on Monday, September 9th. The drawing will be held on September 10th, and winners will be notified by email.

But April, you ask, what if I can’t contribute that much?

And I’m so glad you asked. I’m also offering donors of only $10 or more a bonus that’s brand new for this year, a series of private YouTube videos, maybe covering New Moons, going in-depth on Big Planetary Transits or giving a quarterly review.

I also want to say that I realize that not everyone is in a position to contribute financially. Here are a few free, easy ways you can show your love and support for the podcast. Please subscribe or follow the show on your app of choice. It’s completely free and this is the very best way you can support the show and help it get seen by other listeners without spending a cent. You could leave a 5-star rating or write a review either on Apple Podcasts or any of the other platforms that allow comments.

These make me feel sensational and they might inspire others to sample the show. Finally, recommend the show to an astrology-loving friend. However you show your appreciation, please know that I’m deeply grateful.

And now for today’s episode.

In this week’s special daily episodes, of course, I’m covering the week’s major astrological news. and sharing an interview with a fellow astrologer, each born in a different Pluto generation. Today, I’ll be speaking with astrologer Kirstin Vasgaard, a representative for the Pluto in Libra generation. But first, let’s take a look at today’s planetary news.

Today’s Moon Report

It begins with the Moon Report. The Moon is still in Virgo as the day begins. It stubs its toe on a square aspect to Mars at 9 am and this is when the stress that can be created by a Virgo Moon in conflict with Mars in Gemini can reach a boil. The Moon finishes up in Virgo with a trine to Pluto just six minutes later, offering an invitation to contain our tempers and project cool detachment. The Moon is then Void-of-Course for a whopping 5 minutes before it enters Libra at 9:11 am. This is a Void-of-Course Moon that really is about changing the patterns that you have around stress and anger.

Mars enters Cancer (Sep. 4, 2024, 12:46 pm)

But the big news of the day is that Mars enters Cancer at 12:46 pm Pacific Time. It’ll be in this sign through November 3rd. Cancer is, honestly, considered a difficult sign for Mars. Cancer is the sign of its fall, opposite Capricorn, which is Mars’ sign of exaltation, a sign in which it has great strength.

The problem with this combination is that Mars wants to move full speed ahead in the most direct route possible. But Cancer is a sign that prefers a more indirect and defensive style. Mars is also a planet of conflict and battle, and while it’s moving through Cancer, passive aggression can become the mode of attack, with a lot of sneaky, undermining, and subtle emotional warfare.

However, the sign that Mars is transiting in also tells us what we’re willing to fight for. When it’s in Cancer, we will not hesitate to protect our loved ones, our homes, and the food and income sources that sustain us.

Interview: Pluto in Libra with Kirstin Vasgaard

As you know, this week, I’m featuring interviews with astrologers from each of the Pluto generations that are currently practicing – Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. I hope that you’ll listen back to my interview on Monday with Pluto in Leo powerhouse Linea Van Horn and yesterday’s with Pluto in Virgo astrological GP Armand Diaz.

Today’s interview will be of particular interest to you if you were born as part of the Pluto in Libra generation. Between October 4, 1971, and August 27, 1984, Pluto did retrograde back into Virgo, between April 16 and July 30, 1972, and then stuck its toe into the next sign, Scorpio, between November 5, 1983, and May 18th, 1984.

These people correspond roughly to Generation X, born roughly between 1965 and 1980, and the Millennial Generation, born between 1981 and 1996. This is a generation that bridged the analog and digital worlds. The elder Pluto in Libra generation were the last to remember a time without personal computers in every room, without the internet.

The younger Pluto in Libra individuals grew up firmly in the digital age. Gen Xers tend to value work-life balance, and they’re pretty practical, shaped by economic ups and downs they faced growing up. And they’re a generation that’s statistically somewhat less likely to marry than previous generations and have quite a unique perspective on relationships in general, as I discussed today with Pluto in Libra astrologer, Kirstin Vasgaard.

Kirstin’s work focuses on supporting powerful, determined, and creative individuals. On their transformational life journey through a self-healing mindset. Using astrological psychology as a foundation, her co-creative consultation process is supported with wellness tools, magic, and humor.

Serving as a compassionate, unifying center, she helps clients bridge the gap between their innate specialness and the life they wish to live. An astrology student since 2000, she is currently pursuing an APAI diploma in the Huber Method of Astrological Psychology. She’s available for one-to-one astrology coaching packages and group classes for details on all of this. Visit her website,, or on socials @astrologyforselfhealers.

April: Well, we’re talking today to you as a representative of the Pluto in Libra generation, and you’re at the dead end of Libra. Your Pluto’s at 29 degrees Libra. What do you think about that? Do you think it gives…I mean, Pluto’s intense anyway. Do you think it gives that extra level of intensity that we see with the 29th degree?

Kirstin: I do. I feel that the more I learned about it, the more it made sense. And it’s at 29º55’ and it went, it ooched back in. And I love this conversation when you invited me, because me, in this 1984 year, we’re having that right now, so the babies born right now, will be that last ooch for this Pluto cycle.

I do think there is an added urgency to just these couple of months and an added urgency to any 29-degree Plutos out there.

April: Yeah, there are certain Pluto passages that we all go through at roughly the same age, and of course, you’re going through the Pluto square now. And I’ll be talking to another astrologer with Pluto in Leo and her generation is actually moving towards the opposition as wild as that sounds.

So, you’re having the square and how are you seeing that transiting Pluto square playing out in your life and in your business and with your clients and all of that?

Kirstin: As an opportunity. And multi-leveled. So with my business, it was very, very clear. I have a depth of knowledge I have been working with, and I’m very deep into my diploma studies, and a couple months ago, it was almost like an abrupt stop.

I needed to literally take it down, break it. Stop it and rebuild. And even with the Libra archetype, finding that perfect harmony, it was just not in the right area. And I couldn’t quite navigate it. So, I had to put it down. And sometimes we have to do that in life. And I think that’s a really good lesson for anyone else experiencing their Pluto square, to be open to letting go completely or dismantling something completely in favor of building something brand new.

It’s an invitation, but in my personal life, it was very, very obvious through a series of events. That were, I almost want to say, like, long life cycles about death, grief, and transformation. Just very obvious ones.

April: And you have Pluto in the 10th house, we were talking about before. And I wonder if you’re seeing that, are you working with clients much right now, or are you just deeply into your diploma studies and don’t really have enough time?

Kirstin: That’s a great question. Right now, I have a very light client load because I’m also building the airplane as I’m flying it, which I’m sure a lot of people do. And I had to actually stop seeing clients altogether for the most part. Each newsletter I send out is, “Thank you while I’m in renovation phase.” I am accepting clients because the airplane is built enough to where I’m gonna start onboarding in a very serious way in 2025.

But the funny thing is, when you are doing what the universe wants you to do and you’re in that alignment and you are doing the work – because I’m big on Saturn; you’ve got to do the work – sometimes the opportunities come to you whether you’re ready or not. And the type of clientele I’ve been drawing to myself – tenth house themes – are just, they’re it.

Know what? I built it and they’re coming and it’s working and it’s very exciting.

April: It’s interesting during that Pluto square, how differently people experience it. Nobody comes out of it exactly the same as they went into it. I do know that.

Kirstin: That’s a really wonderful way to phrase that.

April: And people who are more at a beginning level here listening to the podcast, we’re talking about the aspect that happens in your late 30s generally between transiting Pluto and your natal Pluto. And in Kirstin’s case, in the case of her generation, of course, Pluto has been at the very end of Capricorn a few different times. It’ll return back there in September through early November. So they are having the square.

And I’m talking to so many people of your generation in my practice this year. Some very adrift, because they do feel the need for some transformational change and it’s a little bit overwhelming and a little bit hard to figure out where to take that. Often people do experience loss or death in their lives, and it’s a scary thing to talk about and it doesn’t always happen either, which is… it’s never where I start talking to a client at the Pluto square.

But it happens! You know, I lost my mother during my Pluto square and this does happen because the whole key, I think, fundamentally, and see if you agree with this, Kirstin, is it’s about number one, realizing that we don’t have all the time in the world. We’re not going to be here forever. And confronting that, confronting the whole point of mortality and what it is that’s important enough to us to want to really make a push in that direction.

Kirstin: Beautiful. I think it’s beautifully said and agreed with the themes of… you certainly have archetypal themes. There will be a death and a regeneration of sorts. And of course, I hear you, you don’t want to open it with really dark, mucky things, but sometimes people do bring dark, mucky things to you and need that kind of clarity and confidence of leaning into these cycles to where it is an opportunity and not an ending.

I experienced loss early on in my life, and so I would say that for me if you fall into that category where you were confronted with those things much earlier, this is a rebirth of me. I feel more me than I ever have in my entire life. During this Pluto square, I am releasing the past in such a very obvious and clear way that I think maybe what happens after this is when I get going.

Like this is it. And, and I think everyone will have that to a certain degree, but I think it is the death of everything up until this moment. And for me, that includes a lot of sadness and challenge. And when that’s wiped away, I feel kind of this openness coming up, tying into my studies, astrological psychology, and what that means in a different kind of lens, how that’s affected my life, how that’s going to affect my client’s life because then I can serve as a unifying center to help guide and help shine light. I think we all as astrologers do that to a certain degree.

April: Mm-hmm. Yeah, and I think with Pluto doing anything really important in the chart, especially if it transits an angle of the chart… I know Pluto transiting the Ascendant can be incredibly powerful.

Kirstin: Oh, so rough! I have two children. My 2012 baby did her Pluto transit as a youth, and that happened to correspond with the divorce of her parents and moving across the country.

I always get excited when I see big planets go over the Ascendant. I don’t know if excitement is the right word. I sometimes say, come back to me in a couple years, it’ll make sense then! You know, what do you tell somebody that’s about to through Saturn or Pluto or one of the more heavy planets going across?

Because it is an ending. It can be good. I’m an optimist.

April: The deal is with anything related to Pluto, I think it tends to strip away what’s no longer viable.

Kirstin: Absolutely. Yes, things do get, you know, we do a reset. Certain parts of life we have to acknowledge are not going to go on the same as they did. But at the same time, moving forward, we’re a lot more in touch, as you’re saying, with who and what we really are.

With the truth. With the truth of our essence, of our being, and, going, circling back to your mention of the, “now we know this limited time of mortality,” it can be very abrupt, like cold water. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, it is intense. It’s important because I feel the changes that we make now are setting the tone.

So I encourage my friends, I encourage my clients, I encourage myself. To look beyond that, if we’re going to use this as an opportunity because we do have this limited time, what a gift.

April: Tell me about the Pluto in Libra generation. What do you think that you are bringing to the field of astrology? What makes you different than a Pluto in Leo or a Pluto in Virgo?

Kirstin: Fabulous. I thought about this and there’s a, there’s a couple of points. Healing generational trauma. Now we’re doing this as a generation with our own personal lives, but I think that kind of is bleeding into healing generational issues with the field of astrology. I feel like it’s a very, very exciting time to be an astrologer.

I feel we’re just now cracking open on some new frontier possibilities, and part of that is with my generation saying what was not really harmonious or in alignment about how we were doing things or how information was being disseminated and how can we make them more equitable.

April: Yes, and I wonder, I mean, I have no statistics to back this up, but I just get this feeling that yours was the first generation where it was very common for your parents to divorce.

Kirstin: Absolutely. In my clientele, a huge focus on relationships and the imbalance thereof. I have so many clients divorcing, but this time we’re doing it different because we came from this generation of very bitter divorces. I myself have been divorced six years ago. It was co-parenting, amicable, we are a team.

This has never been done. We’re on new playing field and I would feel that that’s strongly a Libra Pluto generation concept in addition to the concept of gentle parenting. And that ties in too with the balance of relationships. I don’t know the exact date when that term started being trended around, but I feel like it’s definitely where we’re going. Okay, our parents did this, our parents did that. We’re going to come better into alignment with this. And for the first time, how exciting. Our kids are Pluto in Capricorn kids. But the Pluto in Libra people, we’re the first generation solidly, and I’m just speaking from my worldview, we are gentle parenting, we are telling our kids we love them, that we are proud of them.

Now, above us did… started that, and thank you for that previous generation, our parents, my parents. But the type of justice of all kinds, environmental, social.

April: Yeah, those are my observations of the Pluto in Libra cohort, especially the fairness and the equality and really being vocal about social issues.

And taking that as the norm, and the thing I like about Pluto in Libra, and as you said, previous generations started that move towards a little gentler style of parenting. But Pluto in Libra, and Libra being the sign of exaltation for Saturn, means that there’s still accountability, there are still rules, there are still things that you emphasize as being important. But it’s the style of emphasizing it, I guess.

Kirstin: Absolutely. And one more item on relationships of this generation and even clientele, we’re also one of the first generations that are choosing not to be partnered and not to have kids. Yes. And that’s beautiful too. I think there is room for every kind of energy out there.

It’ll all balance out. And I find that to be unique and exciting in its own right, because as a generation, we’re going, um, I don’t know if that’s going to work. I don’t know if that’s, that’s going to be equitable for everybody.

April: What do you think the Pluto in Libra generation is doing to or for the field of astrology? What do you see as your mission as a generation?

Kirstin: We’re trying to make the professional astrological landscape more equitable, whether that was removing gatekeeping through gender or socioeconomical status. And technology has helped. We’ve leveled the playing field and I feel as a generation of astrologers, we’re really wanting to bring it to the people. We’re wanting to open it up. To everybody. That feels very Libran. And on the flip side, I’m sure there’s a lot of conflicting opinions about this. This is just mine. We’ve almost become guilty of people pleasing the customers too much. We’re a little older than the younger counterparts who are doing it without much experience before that.

But, sometimes the trend to make the sales, it’s not great. And I encourage us as Libra Pluto astrologers to hold our ground. And to continue to lean into ethical practices deepening our studies, educate the public in a loving and a harmonious way, keyword here, collaboration.

April: That is something I absolutely note about your generation, how collaborative you are. And also, to hit on the marketing part, in the Pluto in Leo and the Pluto in Virgo generations, a real reticence and reluctance to have anything to do with marketing whatsoever. As a result, we have a lot of astrologers of those generations who are aging poor. And I really have admired the Pluto in Libra’s generation. Libra I see as the sign of the marketplace.

Of going out and meeting people where they are and exchanging goods and services.

Kirstin: I love it!

April: When my progressed sun went into Libra, I was much more open to that. And thought, well, yeah, it’s just a question of getting what you have to the people that will really benefit from it. And if we take it to that level, there’s nothing dirty about marketing, but it can, of course, be done in a very gross way.

Kirstin: Absolutely.

April:I think, as you say always, it’s the way you do it, it is acknowledging the ethical considerations. And we see that as your group of astrologers is starting to move into positions of leadership or participation with the astrology organizations and you’re seeing much more of an emphasis on what are our ethics and training astrologers in that.

Well, Kirstin, thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me about the Pluto in Libra generation. I really enjoyed hearing your perspectives. Tell us where people can find you on social media, your website, and anything that you have coming up.

Kirstin: Absolutely. I’m available for one-on-one astrology coaching packages and group classes on my website and you can find me on socials @astrologyforselfhealers. I’m on Instagram, Threads, and Facebook. Coming up, I’m hoping to have a webinar through a self-healing astrological psychology lens celebrating 2025. So that’s in the works. And then in 2025, I think I’m going to start taking the reins of teaching some of the Huber method.

I wanted to leave with the question of admiration and Pluto generations because what I’m really excited about, and I had mentioned earlier, was what is happening now and next. A lot of the Libra Pluto people, we have a lot of Pluto in Capricorn babies. I think that that generation, as a benefit from the Libra, it’s going to be really exciting because the Pluto in Capricorn generation, the solid foundation is not working and they are thinking….If it’s not solved and fixed, these kids cannot envision a place where this isn’t real: housing inequity, reproductive rights, environmental justice, racial equity. These kids are thinking this is standard, that it’s fair.

April: Yes, Pluto goes through a sign and it raises big questions. And we often don’t see the answers until Pluto gets to the sign that squares it.

And as you say, there’s the assumption that, well, this is how it’s always been and this is how it will always be. So. Yeah. Very interesting.

Kirstin: And they’re going to fix it.

April: Yeah. We’re going to fix it. Well, thank you so much, Kirstin. And thank you for your time.

Kirstin: Oh, this has been fantastic. Thank you.

April: I hope you enjoyed this interview as much as I did. I found Kirstin to be such a bright, positive spirit, and it was my great pleasure to get to know her a little bit better.


Well, that is everything on my show sheet, so I’m going to wrap this one up. Thanks for listening to the Big Sky Astrology Podcast, and for joining me for the third episode of this fifth annual Podathon.

This weekly podcast is audience-funded, and your generous donations help me keep the podcast coming to you, ad-free. To make your donation, please go to Anyone who donates $10 or more will receive access to a series of private YouTube videos throughout the year. And, if you donate $25 or more, you’ll automatically be entered in my raffle for a chance to win a 90-minute reading, a 60-minute reading, or a copy of my personalized “Followed by a Moonshadow” eclipse report just in time for this fall’s eclipses.

As long-time listeners know, I love to thank all of my financial donors on the air. If you don’t want me to mention your name, email me, April (at) BigSkyAstrology (dot) com.

Thanks very much for joining me on this 5th Annual Podathon journey. Join me again bright and early tomorrow morning for another episode, including my interview with Pluto in Scorpio astrologer, Gwen Yi. And until then, keep your feet on the ground and your eyes on the stars!

Announcer: That’s it for today. Don’t forget to make your donation at, and join us each Labor Day weekday for another very special episode of the Big Sky Astrology Podcast.

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