See the column to the right for today’s Moon sign. This text is for days when the Moon is in Leo.

- Today’s Question: “What makes my heart happy?”
- Today’s Gods: The Sun, symbol of all life-giving creative power. Helios, the Sun god and the god of sight.
- Today’s Guides: Children; performers; roosters; felines; royalty; biochemists; brokers; men in general; people who are in power.
- Celebrity Docents: Madonna, Mick Jagger, Mae West, Tony Bennett, Garrison Keillor, Bill Clinton, Amelia Earhart, Jacqueline Kennedy, Jerry Garcia, Peter O’Toole, Lucille Ball, Coco Chanel, Robert Redford.
- Today’s assignments: Play. Celebrate your individuality. Show off a little.

I’m not sure how I ended up at a Tony Bennett concert. I know I wanted, very much, to be sitting in that auditorium, grooving along with Tony… I just can’t quite remember how I came to want to be there. For the duration of my previous thirty-four years on the planet, Mr. Bennett and I had coexisted in blithe disregard of one another. But there we were, and Tony did not disappoint. Backed by a tight little trio, resplendent in his tux, his silver hair glinting in the spotlight, Tony was The Man. The incandescent smile. The leonine grace. And by God, the man could sing.
But here’s what I remember most about that night, and what has made me proud ever since to be, like Tony, a Leo. At the end of every single song — like a gymnast who has just stuck a dismount — Tony opened his arms, lifted his chin a little, and just beamed. He radiated dignity, poise, and sheer delight in the act of entertaining. There was no façade of cool, no embarrassment, no condescension toward the adoring masses. Tony loved singing in front of people, plain and simple, and people loved hearing him, and no one had to feel embarrassed about it.
So many of us — even Leos! — are embarrassed by our desire to express something about ourselves and to have it embraced and applauded by others. We create, but refuse to share our creations with others for fear of rejection. Or we share our artistry but adopt a desperate pose of cool, pretending it’s beneath us to care how others respond. How often do we simply stand in front of an audience, looking great, doing our best, sharing everything that is in our hearts and trusting our audience to love us back? It takes a lot of guts and conviction to take the stage and offer up a part of one’s soul. Today, while the Moon is in Leo, take your place in the spotlight, and show us what you’ve got. Here’s Tony, showing us how it’s done: