When in doubt, be kind
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Sharks and Jets
This Full Moon brings the second eclipse of the season, a Lunar Eclipse at 24.04 Capricorn (July 16, 2:38 pm PDT). The July 2 Solar Eclipse got our attention, but the chart for this eclipse is ferocious, with the Sun, Venus, and the North Node opposed the Moon, Saturn, and Pluto, divvying up the sky like a sort of interplanetary Sharks and Jets.
Lunar Eclipses are always pivotal for relationships anyway, and this one is particularly fraught. When in doubt, be kind. But there may be some important connections in your life that are as wobbly as an old coffee table with loose screws. How do you know when it’s time to sever ties? Enter Venus, who is this week’s planetary MVP…

Venus Descending
Before we married, my husband and I shared a messy, scattershot approach to finances. He had at least managed to build up some assets; I brought little more than a guitar and considerable credit card debt to the marriage. But together, through some dazzling alchemy, we became frugal. And as much as we’d like to drive a newer car and cook in a spiffy, updated kitchen, there’s something kind of beautiful about living within your means.
Whether it’s in love or money, Venus opposing Saturn (July 16, 10:34 pm PDT) brings home the point that you can’t afford to keep giving more than you’re getting in return. If you hit a financial or romantic wall this week, consider that it may well be the universe’s way of saying, “Honey, that’s not for you.”
Happily, although it may not seem like it, you are – right now – in the vicinity of something that is right for you. Venus makes a conjunction with the Moon’s North Node on July 17 (5:45 pm PDT), and that means that the path to pleasure, plenty, and self-regard is nearby and clearly marked. And if a relationship, a friendship, a job, or anything else doesn’t fit that description, it’s on its way out.
Venus also opposes Pluto this week (July 21, 1:32 am PDT), of course; these days, no planet gets to face just Saturn or Pluto but must contend with both in rapid succession. If Saturn leaves you with any doubt about what is right for you, Pluto will erase any such doubt. If Pluto deems something to be non-essential to the further development of your authentic nature, he’ll get rid of it for you.

The First Pair of Arms
Venus trine Neptune (July 18, 11:02 am PDT) is one of my favorite aspects; it evokes an atmosphere of music, poetry, imagination, and unconditional love. Just one caveat: After Venus’ tough oppositions to Saturn and Pluto earlier in the week, Venus may fall unconsciously into the first pair of available arms – and tell herself they are the right ones. They may or may not be, but that will be clearer within a few days. Better to hold off on large purchases and big relationship decisions until the weekend.

Well, Mercury in Leo was fun while it lasted – this week, retrograde Mercury backs into Cancer (July 19, 00:06 am PDT). The party will resume after Mercury turns direct (Aug. 2) and returns to Leo (Aug. 12). Until then, Mercury retraces the steps he journeyed between June 20-27; look back through your phone log and correspondence during that period to see if something needs to be completed or simply revisited.

When Mercury makes its inferior conjunction with the Sun (July 21, 5:34 am), he’s like a college kid who’s come home for the summer. He’s back with new perspectives and insights; he probably looks at his parents a little differently. He catches up with friends to hear what they’ve been up to; he sets aside some create comforts to take back to school with him a month from now.
Everything is safe and familiar; nothing has changed – and yet, it all seems completely different.

©2019 April Elliott Kent

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