The Heart Made Visible
Dates and times are given for U.S. Pacific Time zone.
What interests the mind
IThe Sun symbolizes self-hood and heart, and Mars describes our approach to our work. When they meet in a sextile aspect (April 13, 4:09 pm PDT), we have an opportunity to make our hearts visible through the work that we do. We needn’t confine our efforts to just one course of action, either; Mars in Gemini is actually at its best when we’re multi-tasking. This week, what interests the mind will also engage the heart.

Earthly Delights
Venus, planet of pleasure, enters Taurus and the garden of earthly delights this week (April 14, 2021, 11:22 am PDT). After an exhilarating but exhausting transit through Aries, Venus – and we – can be forgiven for wanting to flop down on the couch with a good book and a snack.
So, rest up – but don’t get too comfortable. Venus’ aspects to Saturn and Uranus in the coming weeks could bring something exciting that’s well worth rolling up your sleeves for.

Tempting opportunities
Even when the schedule is already packed, we’re out of groceries, and we’ve been wearing the same clothes for days because there’s no time to do laundry, it can be surprisingly hard to turn down tempting opportunities to do even more. But the Sun’s sextile to Jupiter (April 15, 9:58 am PDT) is a reminder that we needn’t take every opportunity that comes our way. The Sun is on the Sabian symbol A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold. It’s okay to reach out for something new, but before you can pick it up you may have to set down one or two other things first.

Paths converge
It’s just after sunrise and you’re beginning the day in a moldy-smelling laundromat, waiting for your sheets to dry. Your mind wanders back to a fateful decision, and an opportunity that subsequently slipped through your hands. Passing on an opportunity because the timing isn’t right, or because your plate is too full with things you love, is one thing; but letting self-doubt derail you is something else entirely. The Sun’s square to Pluto (April 16, 6:26 am PDT) gives you an opportunity to face that decision squarely; why did you really say no?
It’s a sobering inner dialogue. But by the end of the day, Mars’ trine to Jupiter (April 16, 10:14 pm PDT) smiles upon you. All the detours you’ve taken along your path, all the different interests and classes and projects that seemed like distractions, have led you all at once to something remarkable. All the paths converge and lead toward a joyful, wide-open future. You’ve passed through the slough of despond; you fall asleep on freshly washed sheets, dreaming of a wild blue yonder.

The End of Aries Season
In a single day (April 17), Mercury retraces the Sun’s journey earlier in the week. Mercury sextiles Jupiter (9 am PDT), sextiles Mars (12:09 pm PDT), and squares Pluto (2:49 pm), gathering the Sun’s creative efforts, sorting and categorizing them, preparing to tell the world about them.
As the Sun joins with Mercury (April 18, 6:49 pm) – the day before they enter Taurus – you will write the story of your Aries season, and all you’ve explored and learned this month. With Venus’ help, you learned to embrace the bold pioneer within you; thanks to Mars, you got twice as much work done; and thanks to Jupiter and Saturn, you caught a glimpse of what the future may hold… as long as you remember just how brave you can be.

Writing and collages © 2021 April Elliott Kent
Jen and I explore all the week’s highlights in our latest podcast episode!
Helpful things…