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CategoryProfessional Astrology


The Astrological “I”

by April Elliott Kent This article originally appeared in The Mountain Astrologer magazine, April 2005. I walk into my local metaphysical bookstore. A string of bells tied to the door tinkles, and I’m hit by a cloud of patchouli. Making my way past the incense burners, small cedar boxes, Tarot …

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Prediction: When the Future is Beside the Point

Even if we could use astrology to predict exactly what’s going to happen next, I’m not sure our predictions would be helpful to our clients, who have usually decided exactly what they’re going to do well before they come to see us. Yet as astrologers, we have a powerful incentive to predict because when it works, we fulfill society’s expectations and both we and astrology look good.

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How I Learned Astrology

Everyone follows his or her particular path to astrological enlightenment, but I suspect all these routes share a few common landmarks: first wading in shyly, then stalking and mastering various techniques, proceeding to the preliminary stage of inflicting ghastly readings on unsuspecting clients, and eventually learning from experience and from great people you respect.

But only recently has the astrological culture hinted at a final initiation rite, that of finding one’s own astrological voice and making the leap from technician to artist. It’s a difficult leap to make, because artistry is by its very nature personal, and so no one else can tell you exactly how to get there.

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