The electric buzz you feel in the air today might be the Sun/Uranus square, exact later this afternoon… or it could be the jangled nerves of dozens of excited brides, obeying the recommendations of their astrologer to choose today for their wedding:

Is it perfect? Oh HELL no. As mentioned, Sun square Uranus (though by 5:15 the aspect is past). Saturn opposed Neptune. Moon in Aries, never a first choice for a wedding chart. Nothing in earth signs.
And yet… look at how nicely it all hangs together. Moon sextile Sun. Venus trine Mars. Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars in good aspect to Jupiter. And at 5:15 pm (here in SD) you get fixed signs on the 1st and 7th house cusps, Venus in a fixed sign, the Sun and Moon in succeedent houses, all lending some grounding and stability to a chart that threatens to fly right off the page.
IMO, this is as good as it gets for weddings this summer. Soon, Mercury will turn retrograde, which is not a total deal breaker in my book but leaves you open to a lifetime of annoyance, and who needs it? And then Venus turns retrograde at the end of July and all bets are off until early September. You can sneak one past the goalie during that short window between Mercury turning direct and Venus turning retrograde, but there’s nothing quite this nice during that period between July 9 and 24.
Obviously this is a date that’s going to work best for stalwart couples with strong Uranus signatures in their birth charts, and with enough earth or fixed signs to compensate for the lack of earth in this chart. But for independent, feisty couples who play by their own rules, this is a great date to tie the proverbial knot.
Mazal tov!